Chapter 34 – Dreamscape, Eye of the Great Way

Christopher Tong and the other disciples stood rigidly, not daring to make a sound.

Although they didn’t know what had happened, they could tell.

The Sect Master had clearly been reprimanded.

“Let’s go,” Megan Shen exhaled and said.

“Yes,” Mark Gu sighed in relief at her words, then turned to Christopher and barked, “Spirit Boat!”

“Oh, right,” Christopher stammered, tossing the miniature boat in his hand.

As the tiny boat was thrown, it grew larger and larger, soon transforming into the Spirit Boat that had appeared earlier.

Megan Shen and the second elder leaped aboard.

Mark Gu glanced at the puzzled disciples and said, “No need for questions, everyone get on the Spirit Boat.”

Moments later, the Spirit Boat ascended into the sky, turning into a streak of light and shooting towards the horizon.

Not long after the Spirit Boat disappeared,

The night sky over Moyu Town suddenly grew even darker…

At the same time,

At the rear of the Spirit Boat,

Megan Shen and Mark Gu squinted at the demonic aura spreading in the direction of Moyu Town.

“It really was a diversion,” the second elder sighed, shaking his head.

Mark Gu chuckled, “Sect Master, Second Elder, don’t worry. With the senior there, there’s no safer place than Moyu Town.”

The second elder nodded in agreement, though he remained silent.

Megan Shen thought of the domineering yet ethereal young man, sighed softly, and said,

“Indeed, with a Divine Transformation True Lord like him, there’s no safer place than Moyu Town.”

Di-Divine Transformation True Lord?!

Mark Gu and the second elder’s pupils contracted sharply!

Even though Mark Gu had vaguely suspected that Ambrose Lu was a Divine Transformation True Lord, hearing it confirmed by the Sect Master, who was at the late stage of Elemental Infant, shook him to his core.

Megan Shen turned around, looking at the two shocked men, her lips parting slightly,

“The ability to teleport is something only those at the Divine Transformation stage can possess. And the vast pressure the senior released towards our sect… I’m certain.”

Moyu Town.

Night had fallen, and the sound of snoring filled the air.

The town guards and soldiers patrolling inside and outside the town suddenly felt the weather turn much colder.

“This damn weather, it gets cold just like that. Let’s finish this shift and get back to the tent to sleep.”

“Hey, don’t you think this sudden chill is a bit weird? Do you think it could be demons again…”

“Are you crazy? There are Immortals in the town. What demon would dare come here and cause trouble?”

“Hehe, just kidding… How about a kiss?”

“Cut it out, we’re still on duty. Let’s wait until we’re back in the tent…”

“Hehe, alright.”

As they spoke, the two burly soldiers glanced at the group of soldiers walking ahead, exchanging mischievous glances and quietly teasing each other.


A light breeze stirred, causing dozens of flags on the town walls to flutter.

Waves of black mist slowly drifted from the distant forest, gradually enveloping the camp. Many tendrils of black mist silently slipped into the tents…

In the backyard of the Town Master’s Mansion,

Ambrose Lu sighed softly, “Small demons are just small demons, always sneaking around at night.”

He recalled the demons in the Four Directions Immortal Realm, each one lawless and brazen, nothing like these sneaky creatures.

Ambrose Lu glanced at the Abyss Demon Spear and said inexplicably, “These small demons should be able to sense your demonic aura, right?”

Seeing the cyan-clad man’s gaze suddenly fall on it, the Abyss Demon Spear trembled, then shook its body, indicating that Ambrose was right.

Ambrose Lu chuckled, “Then release more demonic aura and lure their leader over.”

The Abyss Demon Spear looked at the cyan-clad man’s kind smile, feeling inexplicably creeped out…

Outside Moyu Town, in some of the tents, the sleeping townsfolk’s faces contorted, their limbs twitching, as if trying to wake up but unable to open their eyes.

In their dreams,

It seemed they were by an endless river, the color of the water indistinguishable, the entire world unusually blurry and deathly silent.

Only the continuous sound of flowing water echoed in their ears…

Splash, splash…

Their hearts grew anxious, wanting to run, to keep running.

But no matter how they ran, they couldn’t escape. The river remained the same, the world still deathly silent, with no scenery visible except the river. The sound of flowing water in their ears grew louder and louder!

They finally despaired, a great fear arising… an extreme oppression…

“Let me out!!” In their dreams, the people clutched their heads, kneeling in despair, roaring like frantic beasts on the brink of collapse.


A sinister black shadow appeared before them, laughing with eerie satisfaction.

“G-Ghost!” Their minds went numb, infinite fear enveloping them.

“Hehe, ghost? Oh no, no, we are the Nightmare Demons…” the shadow sneered.

“Nightmare Demons… What are those…” Their heads throbbed with pain, clutching their heads and crying out in agony.

“We invade your dreams, make you fearful, then devour your terror-filled dreams… Ah, just thinking about it makes my mouth water…”

The shadow clutched its head, laughing maniacally, twitching as if in the throes of addiction.

“Devils, you’re devils!”

“Hehehe, yes, that’s right. The more you fear, the more delicious this dream becomes. Come on, keep going…”


In the dreams of many other sleeping townsfolk, however, the situation was different…

When the Nightmare Demons entered the dreams, they were stunned.

A transparent barrier stood before them, blocking their way.

They could only watch helplessly as the townsfolk enjoyed their sweet dreams.

They couldn’t stand it; they wanted to see fear! Human fear!!

They raged outside the barrier, clawing and gnashing, trying to break through, but no matter what they did, the barrier didn’t even ripple…

“What is this barrier? Is there a cultivator meddling?”

Many Nightmare Demons quickly calmed down, preparing to leave the dream and report to the Clan Leader!

Then… they were horrified to discover that they couldn’t interfere with the dream, nor could they leave it!

It was as if they were trapped in a small cage!

At that moment!

In all the dreams, the small spaces confining the Nightmare Demons suddenly flashed with a brilliant light!

It was an extreme brightness, and before the Nightmare Demons, who loathed daylight, could even feel fear, they were all reduced to nothingness.

Under this strange protection, the townsfolk continued to dream peacefully.

However, those without the barrier, who had been successfully invaded by the Nightmare Demons, died suddenly in their sleep.

In the backyard of the Town Master’s Mansion,

Ambrose Lu tossed fruit after fruit into his mouth, his pupils flashing with a ghostly blue light in the darkness…

These were his Eyes of the Dao, capable of seeing reincarnation, life and death, and piercing through the illusions of the world.

Among these townsfolk, some had committed great sins in their past lives, and he naturally had no intention of saving them.

“Looks like I’ll have to visit the Soul Realm sometime. I wonder what Mason Hun has been up to, letting so many sinful people reincarnate as humans again.”


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