Chapter 33 – The teacher gave me face

Outside Moyu Town, in the sky above the forest.

Mark Gu suddenly halted and said, “Sect Master, Second Elder, could this be a diversion?”

Megan Shen and the Second Elder were momentarily stunned.

They quickly realized that after the Demon Realm’s failed invasion of Li Shui last time, this sudden attack on several neighboring secular empires could very well be a scheme.

But that wasn’t the main point.

The most crucial issue was that even if they knew it was a diversion, they had no choice but to respond.

This was a fatal flaw in the cultivation world.

The common people living in the Spirit Dust Realm were easily used as leverage by the demon and monster realms.

Cultivators were often constrained.

But the demon and monster realms were different; they had no such concerns and could act without hesitation!

Megan Shen spoke coldly,

“So what if it’s a diversion? Do we have any other options? If we arrive late, not only will the common people suffer heavy casualties, but even our Cyan Cloud Sect’s Foundation Establishment disciples might be severely harmed.”

The Second Elder remained silent.

“Moreover, isn’t there a cultivator guarding this place? What are we afraid of?”

Megan Shen continued.

Mark Gu’s face changed slightly, and he said dryly, “Sect Master, Li Shui is under our Cyan Cloud Sect’s jurisdiction. Protecting these people is our duty. To put it bluntly, this has little to do with that senior. If demons descend and the senior doesn’t act… I’m afraid…”

Mark Gu couldn’t quite grasp Ambrose Lu’s personality.

“How dare you!” Megan Shen snapped, glaring coldly at Mark Gu. “Even if this place is under our Cyan Cloud Sect’s jurisdiction, can a cultivator just stand by and watch people die? I refuse to believe there’s such a cold-hearted person in this world!”

“You call him a senior and say he can easily slay five Golden Elixir-level demons with a wave of his hand. I acknowledge his strength. With great power comes great responsibility. Isn’t that only natural? We cultivators all come from the common people and embark on this long path of cultivation.”

Just as Mark Gu shook his head and sighed, unsure how to refute, a faint voice exploded in their ears like thunder,

“Using morality to coerce me? How bold.”

Mark Gu’s face changed; it was the senior’s voice, one he was very familiar with!

Sure enough, in the next moment,

A man in cyan cloth appeared before them like a ghost, his emotionless eyes staring straight at Megan Shen.

A Divine Transformation True Lord!

With just a glance, Megan Shen lowered her head, not daring to meet his eyes, feeling a suffocating pressure in her chest.

As a late-stage Elemental Infant cultivator, she knew that only a Divine Transformation stage cultivator could possess such teleportation skills.


Mark Gu licked his lips and greeted respectfully, feeling a bit flustered.

The senior was usually amiable and often smiled, but this time he was extremely indifferent, exuding a strong sense of oppression.

Would the senior kill the Sect Master?

Ambrose Lu waved his hand slightly, stopping Mark Gu from speaking further.

He then looked at Megan Shen indifferently.

Being coerced with morality? Interesting.

The Second Elder pursed his lips and lowered his head, not daring to speak. He finally understood why Old Gu was so respectful to this senior. The aura alone was enough.

Megan Shen felt immense pressure, her scalp tingling!

But as the Sect Master of Cyan Cloud Sect, with two elders watching, admitting she was wrong was impossible!

She believed every word she said was righteous. How could she admit she was wrong?

If she did, it would go against her beliefs, and her path to immortality might be hindered.

This was something she couldn’t allow.

“Senior, I… I didn’t say anything wrong.”

Megan Shen mustered her courage, feeling exhausted after speaking, her spirit waning.

“Whether to save the common people or not, I have my own judgment. It’s not for a minor cultivator like you to dictate from a moral high ground.”

Ambrose Lu spoke slowly, “Moreover, especially not to someone stronger than you.”

Mark Gu and the Second Elder grew anxious, wanting the Sect Master to quickly admit her mistake. Wasn’t it clear enough that the senior would save them?

Megan Shen gritted her teeth, staying silent.

“Today, if you admit your mistake, I won’t hold it against you.”

Ambrose Lu stood in the air, his posture straight.

“Sect Master, please admit your mistake to the senior. He is unpredictable; don’t anger him further…”

“Sect Master, please admit your mistake. We can’t afford to waste time; we need to go support them…”

Feeling the tense atmosphere, Mark Gu and the Second Elder couldn’t hold back, quickly sending a voice transmission to Megan Shen.

In this world, the strong have the right to speak. Isn’t that universally acknowledged?

Why be stubborn…

What’s more important than staying alive?

This was the sentiment of Mark Gu and the Second Elder.

But their voice transmissions only made Megan Shen’s face flush, feeling even more defiant!

“Senior, I didn’t say anything wrong. When the common people are in trouble, with your immense power, you should act. We cultivators all come from the common people, we…”


Before Megan Shen could finish, a pressure as vast as the sea descended upon her!

She spat out a mouthful of blood, her face pale, looking at Ambrose Lu in horror.

In the next moment, Megan Shen fell from the sky!

“Sect Master!”

“Sect Master!”

Moments later, the bewildered Mark Gu and the Second Elder turned pale, quickly transforming into streaks of light, catching the falling Megan Shen and landing safely.

Megan Shen weakly pushed them away, leaning against a tree, her chest churning with blood, pain, and suffocation engulfing her!

She felt she had almost died just now.

“Master? Sect Master? Second Elder?”

Coincidentally, Christopher Tong and other Foundation Establishment disciples were nearby, looking confused.


At this moment, Ambrose Lu appeared, looking at Megan Shen, “Do you understand now?”

Mark Gu and the Second Elder lowered their heads in silence. They didn’t quite understand the Sect Master’s words initially.

In this world, just do your part. Why stand on a moral high ground and impose shackles on others?

Megan Shen’s heart trembled, struggling to stand, and bowed her head, “Senior, I understand.”

The disciples were dumbfounded, feeling like their minds were in a fog, as if something had burned.

They couldn’t understand what had happened or who this suddenly appearing man in cyan cloth was, whom even the Sect Master called senior.

Only Christopher Tong trembled. Though he didn’t know what had happened, he recognized Ambrose Lu.

“What do you understand?” Ambrose Lu asked.

“I… I take back what I said. Those words were wrong…”

Before Megan Shen could finish, Ambrose Lu raised his hand to stop her, glancing at Mark Gu, his cyan cloth gradually fading,

“You don’t understand.”

Megan Shen stared blankly at the spot where the cyan cloth disappeared.

At this moment, Mark Gu sighed inwardly. The senior was giving him face…

So he said,

“Sect Master, the senior didn’t mean anything from the start! He just wanted you to admit you were wrong about using morality to coerce him.”

Megan Shen was lost in thought for a long time before murmuring,

“I was wrong…”


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