Chapter 28 – Return to the wine shop

Little Amelia didn’t understand why her grandmother was so agitated.

She looked blankly towards the end of the street, where a blurry figure seemed to be carrying a load near a stall. Her eyes lit up immediately, “Grandma, that big brother is still there!”

The Old Woman was overjoyed and reached out her hand, “Two baskets of red fruits for at most ten copper coins, give the remaining five copper coins to Grandma. Grandma will return them to that gentleman.”

Little Amelia clutched the copper coins tightly, like a little lion protecting its food, and said anxiously, “Grandma! Big brother said the extra five copper coins were for the baskets and the load!”

Her eyes were a bit red. Grandma usually worked hard weaving to earn copper coins for her schooling. She even had to travel all the way from the mountains to Moyu Town to sell goods. When Grandma couldn’t see before, it was even harder, and she had to act as Grandma’s eyes to guide the way.

Though young, she was sensible early on and understood the importance of money.

The Old Woman, somewhat angry, said,

“How much can baskets and loads be worth? Even though we are poor, we must have a conscience. Money doesn’t grow on trees. Hurry, give them to Grandma, and Grandma will return them…”

But when the Old Woman pried open the little girl’s hand and took out the five copper coins, turning around,

She froze.

At the end of the street, the gentleman’s figure was nowhere to be seen.

At some point, he had already left.

The Old Woman sighed inwardly, turned back to look at the dejected Little Amelia, and handed the copper coins back to her, “You remember what that gentleman looks like. If you see him again when we come to Moyu Town, return these five copper coins to him, understand?”

Little Amelia took them, feeling a bit down, “Grandma, Little Amelia understands.”

The Old Woman smiled and handed her a fried dough, “Here, don’t be sad, it’s your favorite fried dough.”

Little Amelia’s face lit up with joy immediately. She took a bite and, with her cheeks puffed out, mumbled,

“Grandma, when are we going back?”

The Old Woman patted her head fondly, “We’ll go back now, or it’ll be late by the time we return.”

With that, she took Little Amelia’s hand and headed towards the town gate.


Ambrose Lu arrived at a deserted corner, grabbed a handful of fruits from the basket, and with a flicker in his black eyes, the two baskets of fruits disappeared, taken to some unknown place.

He then tossed a fruit into his mouth and walked away.

Moments later,

In a small tavern, the Waiter, who had been frowning and pondering something, suddenly saw a young man in a green robe step into the tavern. His expression changed immediately.

He quickly put on a smile, bowed, and hurried over to greet him, “Sir, it’s been a long time since you visited our tavern.”

At the same time, the Waiter’s ears perked up straight. This time, he wanted to listen carefully to this gentleman’s voice…

“Still the Peach Blossom Wine.”

Ambrose Lu smiled faintly and walked straight to the window seat he had occupied last time.

At this moment, the Waiter’s expression had already stiffened. He stared at Ambrose Lu, his mind thundering.

Yes! This voice!

The night the demon wreaked havoc, he was startled when he heard that voice because it sounded familiar.

He quickly remembered the gentleman who had visited their tavern a few days earlier, as he was too special and had sat drinking with the Town Master.

More importantly, he had been docked half a month’s pay that day…

So he remembered it vividly.

The Waiter’s knees began to tremble uncontrollably, unsure of what to do.

After all, the gentleman before him… was very likely the Immortal from that night!

Although no one had seen the Immortal’s appearance clearly that night, it was well known that he had been in Moyu Town.

“I said, still the Peach Blossom Wine. What are you daydreaming about?”

Ambrose Lu turned his head and looked at the Waiter with an inexplicable gaze.

The Waiter, indeed quick-witted, had recognized him.

“Ah! Yes! Sir…”

The Waiter shivered, bowed ninety degrees to Ambrose Lu, and hurried off.

There were many patrons in the tavern now, and he didn’t dare to call out “Immortal” directly. If he caused any trouble for the Immortal, he would be beyond redemption.

This scene left many patrons in the tavern shocked, but they understood.

This young man clearly had some background, and it was right to show him respect.

But… wasn’t it a bit too much respect?

The Waiter seemed almost ready to kneel.

Those unaware might think this young man was the Immortal from that night, huh.

Soon, the Waiter returned with a tray, trembling as he placed the wine and dishes on the table, keeping his head down the entire time. His face was pale with nervousness, not daring to look at Ambrose Lu.

Seeing this, Ambrose Lu laughed. Was he a demon that ate people?

“Don’t be nervous.”

Ambrose Lu said softly.

The Waiter’s body trembled, then he was surprised to find that he suddenly wasn’t nervous anymore…

That sentence seemed to have some divine power.

The Waiter took a deep breath, his face regaining some color, and respectfully said with a smile, “Sir, please enjoy.”

Seeing Ambrose Lu nod, he quickly retreated and stood by the counter, scanning the tavern. However, his eyes occasionally glanced towards Ambrose Lu.

As soon as Ambrose Lu gave any orders, he would rush over immediately.

Ambrose Lu’s gaze passed through the window, watching the father and son begging on the street. He sipped his wine intermittently, but didn’t touch the dishes on the table.

This Peach Blossom Wine, among the many fine wines Ambrose Lu had tasted, didn’t even rank in the top ten thousand.

Yet it was inexplicably refreshing and hard to forget.

“Sir, is the food not to your liking?”

At this moment, the Waiter, who had been observing for a while, came over and asked respectfully.

Ambrose Lu turned his head and smiled, “How could it not be to my liking? I just don’t feel like eating right now. You don’t need to mind me, go about your business.”

Seeing the smile on the young man’s face, the Waiter felt like he was basking in the spring breeze and was no longer nervous at all.

All that remained in his heart was admiration.

“Alright, then please enjoy, sir.”

After the Waiter retreated, he indeed started attending to other patrons as Ambrose Lu had said.

Half an incense stick’s time later.

The wine was finished, and the dishes were cold.

Ambrose Lu called the Waiter over, filled his own wine gourd with Peach Blossom Wine, and had him prepare some rice before sending him off.

Then he took out a wooden box from under the table, packed the dishes and rice into it, closed the lid, and was about to leave.

“Sir, the dishes are cold. Shall I have the kitchen prepare a fresh batch for you?”

“No need.”

“Very well, sir, take care.”

After seeing Ambrose Lu off, the Waiter, puzzled, quickly went to the table and bent down to look.

That wooden box, he had seen the gentleman take it out from under the table with his own eyes.

But the space under the table was clearly empty…

Never mind, the Waiter thought, the gentleman must have great powers. As an Immortal, it wasn’t unreasonable for him to conjure things out of thin air, right?

He then stood up and, while collecting the wine jug, noticed a silver coin lying quietly on the table.


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