Chapter 23 – Seeking even greater moral integrity in the heart

Town Master's Mansion, backyard.


Compared to the clamor outside, this place was relatively quiet.


The howling wind and noises seemed to be largely isolated.


Ambrose Lu sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, his face serene.




Mark Gu completed his incantation, crossing his middle fingers in front of his chest. He murmured softly in his heart, "Thousand Sword Technique."


In the next moment, a thousand light swords formed around him, their sharpness filling the sky as they slowly rotated!


To the common people below, this scene of a thousand swords encircling him was incredibly impactful!


"This is a mid-level Spirit Technique, the Thousand Sword Technique! A full thousand light swords! Master has perfected this technique!"


Christopher Tong looked up at the scene in the sky, his eyes filled with awe!


In the Cultivation World, techniques are ranked from low to high as Profound, Spirit, Earth, and Heaven, with each rank further divided into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.


To perfect a mid-level Spirit Technique!


Christopher had also practiced this technique, but he could only condense a few dozen light swords at most…


One could imagine how shocked he was!


At the same time,


Mark Gu pointed a finger and commanded, "Go!"


The thousand rotating light swords paused for a moment, then shot out fiercely, heading towards the Black Tongue Demon Clan Leader and his followers, resembling a stream of ice at first glance!


The temperature in the area seemed to drop slightly.


Swish, swish, swish…


The sound of the light swords cutting through the air was incessant, their sharpness chilling to the bone!


The Black Tongue Demon Clan Leader watched this scene with a slightly grave expression, feeling a bit terrified, but he sneered,


"Mark Gu, I admit that I can't gain any advantage in a one-on-one fight with you tonight, but unfortunately…" At the last moment, the Black Tongue Demon Clan Leader suddenly shouted, "Break his thousand light swords with me!"


"Yes!" Four high-ranking Black Tongue Demons immediately responded.


The Black Tongue Demon Clan Leader pulled out a pitch-black spear and held it arrogantly, "You in the Cultivation World have artifacts and treasures, and we in the Demon Realm naturally have demon treasures! Have you heard of the Abyss Demon Spear?!"


With that, he raised the Abyss Demon Spear and commanded, "Quickly infuse your demon energy!"


The four Black Tongue Demons responded by sending palm strikes towards the pitch-black spear, infusing it with thick demon energy until they were gasping for breath!


They knew that the Clan Leader alone couldn't wield this demon treasure!


"Hahaha!! Wonderful! Mark Gu, the Abyss Demon Spear has drunk oceans of blood, let's see how you block its power!"


The Black Tongue Demon Clan Leader felt the trembling Abyss Demon Spear in his hand, laughed wildly, and then threw it fiercely, transforming it into a black beam of light!


"Abyss Demon Spear, go!"




As the Abyss Demon Spear shot out, thunder rumbled in the sky, and lightning flickered among the clouds!


It seemed that even the heavens of the Spirit Dust Realm were displeased with this evil demon treasure!


"Abyss Demon Spear…"


Mark Gu was stunned the moment the Black Tongue Demon Clan Leader pulled it out!!


How could the Black Tongue Demon Clan Leader possess such a demon treasure as the Abyss Demon Spear?!


Wasn't the Abyss Demon Spear owned by the Demon King of the Abyss, Zhao Deep Abyss?


Damn it!


In an instant, Mark Gu realized that the Abyss Demon Spear was lent to the Black Tongue Demon Clan Leader by Zhao Deep Abyss!




Vast demonic energy emanated from the Abyss Demon Spear, enveloping the area. The common people below felt a bone-chilling cold under its influence!


At this moment, the thousand light swords in the sky were about to collide with the Abyss Demon Spear!


As they were about to clash, the black beam of light transformed into a phantom of a giant evil tiger, dozens of feet long, which opened its abyssal maw menacingly!




An evil tiger's roar shattered the night sky!!


Countless common people below turned pale, their minds blank for a moment, instinctively covering their ears, but blood still trickled down.


They were too stunned to notice, just staring blankly at the sky, fear welling up from their hearts!


The thousand light swords were shattered by the tiger's roar!!




Mark Gu suffered a backlash, spitting out a mouthful of blood, clutching his chest in horror as he watched the Abyss Demon Spear continue to fly towards him!!


This was a demon treasure!


Although the Black Tongue Demon Clan Leader and his followers couldn't fully unleash its power, Mark Gu, having suffered a backlash, had no means to block it!


Even if his techniques could block the spear, he would be severely injured!


And then what? What would happen to the common people here?


It would be better to…




On the town wall, Christopher Tong's eyes turned red as he shouted and prepared to fly up on his sword!


"Stay where you are, do not move!!"


Mark Gu's eyes flashed like lightning as he struggled to shout!




Christopher's body froze, tears streaming down his face as he looked at Mark Gu's weakened figure.


Since entering the Cultivation World, Mark Gu had always stood tall, his name resounding throughout the Eastern Region!


He had never seen Mark Gu so weak, like an old man nearing the end of his life.


"Hahaha, such deep master-disciple affection, Mark Gu, my dear Immortal Gu, rest assured, after you die, your disciple will soon join you… The Abyss Demon Spear will slaughter everyone here…"


The Black Tongue Demon Clan Leader licked his lips and sneered.


"Indeed, as the Clan Leader says," the four slightly weakened Black Tongue Demons echoed with sinister smiles.


It was clear to everyone,


The demons had gained the upper hand!


The Li Shui King and the common people were in complete panic!


Even this powerful Immortal couldn't defeat these demons; would everyone here die at their hands today?




Suddenly, Mark Gu straightened up and laughed heartily!


This scene drew the attention of all the demons and everyone present!


The Black Tongue Demon Clan Leader's face changed, his eyes flickering uncertainly. Did Mark Gu still have some hidden means?


But he had clearly suffered severe backlash!


"I, Mark Gu, started learning at the age of three! Practiced martial arts at six! Entered the Cultivation World at ten! After enduring countless hardships and cultivating for over three hundred years, I seek immortality, but more importantly, I seek a sense of righteousness in my heart!"


"Slaying demons and protecting the people, what does it matter if I die!"


Mark Gu's face was pale, but his voice was firm as iron!


The Li Shui King and the common people were momentarily speechless, their fear dissipating.


"Master…" Christopher's heart trembled, listening to the resounding words, feeling as if he had grown significantly in an instant, even his cultivation level began to loosen!


The next moment,


The Abyss Demon Spear approached!


Mark Gu's expression turned fierce, channeling all his cultivation, his body glowing as he shouted, "Even if I burn out my cultivation today, I will send you demons to hell, you will not harm anyone here!!!"


Christopher couldn't hold back any longer, flying up on his sword, crying out, "Master, no!"


If Mark Gu burned out his cultivation, a cultivator without spiritual power would perish!


At this critical moment!


A man in a green robe appeared in front of Mark Gu under countless stunned gazes, placing a finger on his forehead and saying indifferently,


"Shut up."


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