Chapter 16 – Well, well, we meet again

The eastern region of the Li Shui Empire.

All the town masters were thrilled when they received the order; they were finally relieved.

Facing the pressure from the citizens, they couldn’t hold out any longer.

In just one day, all the towns in the eastern part of the empire had gathered their citizens, escorted by the army, moving in a grand procession like ants moving house towards their destination—Moyu Town.

This scene left the Black Tongue Demons in each town dumbfounded!

Where were they going?

They watched in secret, ready to intercept and kill these troops and citizens in broad daylight, when suddenly, their bodies trembled!

They sensed the presence of powerful cultivators!

Looking up at the sky, with their eyesight, they indeed saw streaks of light heading towards the capital!

At least Golden Elixir stage!

Thus, they could only hide reluctantly, suppressing their evil aura to the minimum, preparing to report this to the clan leader for a decision.

Golden Elixir stage cultivators were beyond their ability to handle.

“Hey, Master, look over there, where are so many people going?”

In the sky, Christopher Tong pointed at the long line on the ground, puzzled.

Mark Gu glanced over and said, “Let’s not worry about that for now. Let’s head to the capital to meet the Li Shui King and understand the situation.”



The two of them disappeared without a trace.

When Mark Gu and Christopher Tong arrived at the Royal Palace, they were dumbfounded…

Apart from the guards and some palace maids, there was no one else in the palace!

After asking the guards, they finally understood what had happened…

Mark Gu and Christopher Tong exchanged glances, recalling the long line they had seen earlier, and understood.

At the same time, doubts filled their hearts.

Why was the Li Shui King organizing the citizens to go to the remote Moyu Town? To make it easier for the Black Tongue Demons to attack?

Could it be that migrating to Moyu Town would ensure their safety…

Even Mark Gu, who prided himself on his intelligence, was at a loss at this moment.

“Master, what should we do next…” Christopher Tong looked at Mark Gu and asked.

Mark Gu’s old eyes flickered, and he waved his hand to interrupt him, “Christopher, you mentioned earlier that only the eastern part of the Li Shui Empire is troubled by demons, right?”

Christopher nodded, “Yes.”

“What is their ultimate goal…” Mark Gu lightly stroked his white beard, frowning in thought.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration struck his mind!

Could it be…

“Let’s secretly escort those citizens to Moyu Town!!”

Perhaps wanting to verify his guess, Mark Gu grabbed the bewildered Christopher Tong and turned into a streak of light, disappearing!

“They… they flew… Immortals!” The palace guard was shocked.

Just now, it was an Immortal asking questions, and he didn’t kneel to answer. Was that disrespectful?

Would it shorten his lifespan?

The guard fell into a state of panic.

Ten days later.

After rushing day and night, the large group finally arrived at the region of Moyu Town without any mishaps.

“Your Majesty, it’s strange. In these ten days, there were no demon attacks on us. These demons are truly unpredictable.”

Caleb Dong rode up to the luxurious carriage of the Li Shui King and respectfully laughed.

Inside the luxurious carriage, the Li Shui King smiled contentedly, “That’s naturally a good thing. It’s indeed miraculous. Ever since we entered the region of Moyu Town, my previously tense nerves have relaxed quite a bit. It’s truly mystical! Caleb, if what you say is true, and this place is under the protection of the Immortal Tomb, I will surely promote you!”

Caleb Dong’s eyes lit up, and he suppressed his excitement, respectfully saying, “Your Majesty, it’s only right for an old minister to come up with good strategies in times of crisis. As the saying goes, ‘One who eats the king’s grain should be loyal to the king and share his worries.’ These are things I should do.”

“Haha, good! Caleb, I knew I didn’t misjudge you! Well then, let’s put the promotion aside for now. Talking about such mundane matters between us would only hurt our relationship. I feel guilty about it.” The Li Shui King shook his head and sighed.

“Uh…” Caleb Dong was dumbfounded, then hurriedly wanted to say something…

A middle-aged official riding ahead turned his head and smiled, “Your Majesty! We are about to reach Moyu Town!”

“Haha, good! Send letters to the south, west, and north. If there are any disturbances, report them immediately!”

The Li Shui King opened the carriage curtain, smiling as he looked at the small town ahead.


At the same time, high above the large group.

Mark Gu and Christopher Tong sat on a flying carpet, silently watching the small town ahead.

“Master, why didn’t the Black Tongue Demons attack these citizens in the past ten days? This should have been a good opportunity.” Christopher Tong asked, puzzled.

Mark Gu shook his head and sighed, “That day, I was careless. When we arrived in the Li Shui Empire, I forgot to suppress my aura, and the Black Tongue Demons must have sensed it.”

Christopher Tong was stunned, realizing the reason, then continued to wonder, “But Master, in these ten days, there have been no demon attacks in the south, west, and north of the Li Shui Empire either. Why are they only targeting the east?”

Mark Gu was slightly taken aback, then looked at Christopher Tong with a rare smile, “Heh, you’ve grown up!”

Christopher Tong smiled awkwardly, “Heh, of course.”

Mark Gu frowned for a moment, his gaze drifting towards a misty spot beyond the border of Moyu Town, worriedly saying, “Based on the abnormal behavior of the Black Tongue Demons, and with my wisdom, these Black Tongue Demons… or rather, the demons behind them, have ulterior motives…”

“Master means they have other plans!!”

Christopher Tong clapped his hands in shock.


Mark Gu gave him a sharp knock on the head, exasperated, “I’ve already said that, isn’t it obvious!”

Christopher Tong clutched his aching head, crying inwardly.

It hurt, it hurt so much.

“Alright, let’s carefully observe what the Li Shui King intends by bringing the eastern citizens here.”

Mark Gu said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Christopher Tong quickly suspended the flying carpet in mid-air, then silently watched below with Mark Gu.

But at that moment!!

Mark Gu’s face changed dramatically!!! Christopher Tong’s face also turned pale!!!

An overwhelming force descended from nowhere, wrapping them and the carpet, dragging them downwards!!

Mark Gu’s expression was shaken, and he frantically channeled his spiritual energy to resist this force, but it was all in vain!

Facing this force, he felt like a small drop of water, foolishly trying to resist the vast ocean!

How, could, this, be!!!

This was Mark Gu’s true feeling at that moment!

“Master, what’s happening? Are we going to die like this?” Christopher Tong asked in fear.

Mark Gu’s face also turned pale. If he, a dignified cultivator about to advance to the Elemental Infant stage, fell to his death, it would be the greatest joke in the cultivation world!


Under this immense impact, Christopher Tong couldn’t help but cry out!

At the same time,

Under the enthusiastic welcome of Andrew Chen and the butler, the Li Shui King and the officials, who were about to enter the town, all changed their expressions and looked up simultaneously.

The guards also drew their swords with a clang, vigilantly scanning their surroundings.

What was that scream just now?

Could it be that as soon as they arrived at Moyu Town, the place was already haunted by demons?

Everyone’s faces looked as if they had eaten something foul.

Andrew Chen and the butler remained calm. With the master here, how could there be a demon disturbance? Besides, that was clearly a human voice just now! No need to panic!

They then respectfully welcomed the still-shaken Li Shui King and others into Moyu Town.

In the backyard of the Town Master’s Mansion.

Just as they were about to hit the ground, Christopher Tong and Mark Gu stopped and gently landed.

They quickly got up, looking around with extreme fear and vigilance!

It was too terrifying just now, that feeling of life being out of one’s control, too horrifying and despairing!

“Well, well, we meet again.”

Suddenly, a gentle voice reached their ears, causing Mark Gu and Christopher Tong to tremble!

They looked towards the pavilion,

Unbeknownst to them, a man in cyan cloth was sitting there, quietly drinking wine…

Mark Gu and Christopher Tong stumbled in fright, their movements surprisingly synchronized!

Just now… there was clearly no one there!


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