Chapter 15 – Moyu Town?

"However, hasn't that place's secret remained unsolved for countless ages?"


Seeing the burly man ask this, the other Demon Kings nodded in agreement.


"Qingcang, the Demon Sovereign has visited that place many times and always returned empty-handed. But after all these years, she has thought of a new method and wants to give it a try… That's why we're on the brink of war…"


Zhao Deep Abyss smiled mysteriously, a rare excitement flickering in his dark eyes.


This drove the four Demon Kings crazy with anxiety. What was he hiding? They felt like countless ants were crawling all over their bodies!


Craig Chu scratched his head and shouted, "Zhao Deep Abyss, just tell us already!"


Zhao Deep Abyss's lips curled into a smirk before he dissolved into a puff of black smoke, his triumphant laughter echoing in the air.


"Hahaha! You can guess all you want; I won't be joining you!"




Craig Chu, enraged, punched a distant withered tree into dust, killing many crows perched on it.


"Zhao Deep Abyss, you son of a bitch! Always leaving things half-said! I'm so pissed! No, I must go ask the Demon Sovereign myself!"


The other three Demon Kings hurriedly grabbed him in fear.


"Qingcang, do you have a death wish? How dare you go ask the Demon Sovereign? If she wanted us to know, she would have told us already. Why would she need Zhao Deep Abyss to say it?"


Craig Chu's expression turned dejected, and he irritably waved his hand. "Forget it! We'll find out sooner or later! Come, let's drink!"


"Alright, alright, we'll join you," the other three Demon Kings agreed, feeling the need to drink away their frustration.



Li Shui Empire.


Great Hall.


"Your Majesty, news has come in. Demons have erupted in almost all towns in the eastern region of the empire. Even Jiayuan City, which the Immortal had previously cleared, is now infested again. What should we do?"


"Yes, it's been six days since the Immortal left, and he hasn't returned. At this rate, the capital will be next. The Li Shui Empire is in grave danger!"


"Sigh, these demons are too powerful. Several brave Daoists who went to fight them have not returned. They must have perished…"




At this moment, the Li Shui King slammed the table in fury!


The hall fell silent instantly, and the officials bowed their heads, not daring to speak.


"I've raised a bunch of useless cowards!!" the Li Shui King roared, veins bulging on his neck in anger.


"Your Majesty, please calm down!" The officials trembled and quickly knelt.


"Hmph! Stop saying useless things. Either come up with a solution or shut up! Your buzzing is giving me a headache! Useless bunch!" The Li Shui King had never been this furious.


The officials bowed their heads, feeling a bit resentful. In their hearts, they thought, "We're all the same. You're just as useless, Your Majesty."


"Enough! Didn't I order daily reports on the casualties among the citizens? Where is today's report?"


The Li Shui King waved his sleeve, his face dark.


A middle-aged official stood up and reported heavily, "Your Majesty, the death toll in Jiayuan City has risen to a thousand, Pingyang City to eight hundred, and Taiping City to seven hundred… Moreover, the towns are on the verge of losing control over the panicked citizens."


As the middle-aged official reported, the hall grew even quieter.


Too many had died. In every town in the eastern region, the casualties were never below three hundred…


Adding up all the towns, the number was terrifying.


"Heaven is truly dooming my Li Shui Empire…"


The Li Shui King staggered and fell back onto his throne, muttering in despair.


Recently, he had contacted neighboring empires, and they were all peaceful, with hardly any demon troubles. Even if there were, they were minor.


Why was it that only his Li Shui Empire was plagued by so many terrifying demons?


Wasn't there a legendary Immortal Tomb in the mountains along the eastern border of his empire?


With such an auspicious geographical location, his Li Shui Empire should be flourishing. Why was this happening?


The middle-aged official seemed to have thought of something. After a moment of hesitation, he respectfully said, "Your Majesty, I have something strange to report…"


The Li Shui King came to his senses, straightened up, and rubbed his aching temples. "Speak."


The middle-aged official hesitated, "Your Majesty, among the towns in the eastern region, there's one town with a peculiar situation. The death toll there is very low, only sixty-seven, and it hasn't increased like in other towns… Because it's quite remote, I only received the information yesterday."


The Li Shui King and the officials perked up, looking at the middle-aged official in surprise.


Such a thing?


"Which town are you talking about?" The Li Shui King stared intently at the middle-aged official.


"Moyu Town," the middle-aged official said solemnly.


Moyu Town…


"What did the Town Master there say?"


Like a drowning man grabbing a lifeline, the Li Shui King urgently asked.


The middle-aged official sighed, "Your Majesty, the Town Master of Moyu Town said that demons did appear there, but after killing sixty-seven people, they seemed to vanish into thin air… Moyu Town has been peaceful since then… He said he doesn't understand it either."


The hall fell into silence, everyone frowning deeply.


"I understand!!"


Suddenly, an elderly official exclaimed excitedly, breaking everyone's thoughts.


"Oh? Caleb, what are your thoughts?" the Li Shui King asked, looking at the elderly official.


Apart from this demon crisis, this elderly official was known for his wisdom, often seeing through things quickly and from unique angles.


The officials also looked at Caleb in surprise.


"Hehe, Your Majesty, I think I've figured out why Moyu Town experienced such a miraculous event!"


Caleb stepped forward confidently.


"Caleb, the situation is urgent. Speak quickly!" the Li Shui King ordered sternly.


"Hehe, Your Majesty, colleagues, do you know the significant feature of Moyu Town?" Caleb asked with a smile.


The officials looked puzzled, and the Li Shui King's face darkened again. This old man was wasting time again!


Seeing the Li Shui King's expression, Caleb panicked and quickly said:


"Your Majesty, it's like this! Among all the towns in the eastern region, Moyu Town is the closest to the Immortal Tomb near the border! I think Moyu Town might be within the protective range of the Immortal Tomb! That's the only explanation!"




Everyone simultaneously clapped their hands in realization!


Yes! That must be it! How did they not think of such a simple thing? Apart from this explanation, nothing else made sense!


Indeed, in critical moments, they needed Caleb.


At this moment, the Li Shui King's eyes shone with unprecedented brightness. He stood up abruptly and commanded:


"Send orders! All affected towns in the eastern region should have their citizens, with enough water and food, relocate to the area around Moyu Town! The military will provide tents! Also, officials, prepare for all necessary arrangements!"


"Furthermore, all of you will accompany me to that area! If we fall, the Li Shui Empire is truly doomed!"


The officials were stunned. Such a move? But what about the southern, western, and northern regions? Although they hadn't faced demon troubles yet, who could say for sure?


"I know what you're worried about. We'll first check if Moyu Town is safe. If it is, and if the southern, western, and northern regions start having demon troubles, we'll relocate them too."


The Li Shui King said dryly. This was the only solution…


As for the Immortal from the Cyan Cloud Sect, he couldn't wait any longer…




In the backyard of Moyu Town, Ambrose Lu, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes and sighed softly.


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