Chapter 13 – Slain


“Bah! Arrogant cultivator, how shameless! Just reaching the Foundation Establishment stage and you think you’re all that! An Immortal? Have you ever seen an Immortal?”

The three Black Tongue Demons were nearly driven mad with rage.

They had never encountered such a brazen cultivator before!

Today was truly an eye-opener for them—like a small knife stabbing their buttocks—proving that the world is full of strange things.

Ambrose Lu looked at the three furious Black Tongue Demons without saying a word, and casually flicked his sleeve.

There was no sign of spiritual power disturbance, no dazzling and flashy spells.

Yet, the three Black Tongue Demons suddenly froze in place.


The three Black Tongue Demons were stunned.

Soon, their hearts began to pound violently, their eyes nearly bulging out in shock!

Their… their bodies… seemed to be bound by an invisible and unfamiliar force?!

What was even more terrifying was that the force binding them… wasn’t spiritual power at all!! They were familiar with spiritual power from their encounters with cultivators.

How could this be…

“Who… are… you?!”

The lead Black Tongue Demon stared at Ambrose Lu with an extremely ugly expression, his eyes filled with fear as he looked through the darkness!

This eerie method… even if someone told him that the man in cyan before him was a terrifying Elemental Infant elder, he would believe it!

Ambrose Lu smiled, turned around with his hands behind his back, and disappeared like a ghost.

“What does he mean by this, not killing us…”

Before the three Black Tongue Demons could feel relieved, the invisible force binding them suddenly tightened!


With a piercing scream, they exploded into a mist of blood!


The entire Moyu Town heard that hair-raising scream!

The townspeople shut their doors tightly, many trembling in their beds.

That was not a sound a human could make…

It had to be a demon!

But why did it sound so agonizing?

In the Town Master’s Mansion.

Andrew Chen and the butler stared at each other in shock.

“Town… Town Master, judging by that painful scream, could it be that the gentleman has already dealt with the demon?” The butler asked in a daze, his eyes unfocused. How long had it been…

Andrew Chen shook off his shock, waved his hand, and said, “Butler, let’s go! Bring the good wine to pay our respects to the gentleman!”

With that, he rushed out, almost colliding with the head of the town guards who was about to report.

“Town Master, just now in the town…”

“I don’t have time now, you stay here!”

Andrew Chen waved him off and rushed out without looking back.

The head of the town guards was bewildered, looking to the butler for help: “Butler, this…”

“Ahem, head of the town guards, you just wait here. The town’s matters are not urgent right now, I have something to do, see you later.”

The butler also hurried out, his steps much quicker than usual.

“Uh? The town’s matters are not urgent?”

The head of the town guards watched Andrew Chen and the butler leave, completely dumbfounded.

There’s a demon causing trouble, guys! How is this not urgent?


In the backyard.

Andrew Chen and the butler tiptoed in, sneaking around their own mansion like thieves.

Sure enough, they soon saw a figure sitting cross-legged in the pavilion, and their faces lit up with joy as they quickly walked over, bowing.

The butler gently placed a tray of wine on the stone table.

“Sir, this is a special wine I prepared for you,” Andrew Chen said respectfully, bowing. The butler beside him also bowed, not daring to lift his head.

As Andrew Chen spoke, he glanced at Ambrose Lu’s cyan robe in the moonlight, noticing it was spotless, without a trace of blood, making him slightly nervous.

Logically, even if the gentleman was an Immortal, he should still be somewhat disheveled after fighting a demon. What was going on…

Ambrose Lu opened his eyes, drew the wine jug from the table into his hand from a distance, took a sip, and said, “Moyu Town will remain as it always has.”

This casual display left Andrew Chen stunned!

Drawing objects from a distance, an Immortal’s technique!

“Ah!! Thank you, sir!”

After a moment of daze, Andrew Chen and the butler quickly bowed in joy!

The answer was clear, the demon had been slain by the gentleman…

“I might stay in your backyard for a while, you don’t mind, do you?”

Ambrose Lu swirled the wine jug lightly and said softly.

Andrew Chen’s body trembled with joy, “I don’t mind, I don’t mind! Sir, you can stay as long as you like!!”

It was his honor!

If possible, he wouldn’t mind giving the Town Master’s Mansion to the gentleman!

But the mansion wasn’t his property; it belonged to the Li Shui Empire, and he couldn’t make that decision.

“Alright, you may leave.”

Ambrose Lu closed his eyes slowly after speaking.


Andrew Chen and the butler exchanged glances, then bowed again before leaving.

“Oh, and have that maid leave the backyard as well. I can manage on my own, don’t disturb me unless necessary.”

Suddenly, Ambrose Lu’s voice came again.

Andrew Chen paused, turned around, and respectfully said, “Understood.”


The next day.

“What?! Immortals, you’re leaving already?”

In the Li Shui Grand Hall, the Li Shui King asked urgently, his face full of confusion.

The officials were also tense.

It had only been one night, and they didn’t believe the demons had all been dealt with. Even if they were Immortals, traveling to various towns and exterminating demons in such a short time seemed impossible.

“Yes, those demons are quite powerful… We are barely managing against them. We need to return to the sect and report this to our Master for further decisions.”

Christopher Tong said tactfully.

Quite powerful? If it weren’t for his talisman, he might have been done for!

The outer disciples were waiting outside, not daring to come in for fear the officials would see their injuries and disheveled state, which would be embarrassing.


The officials looked at each other, visibly losing color.

Quite powerful demons? They were seasoned in the officialdom and knew the young Immortal was understating it!

And the absence of the other Immortals was highly suspicious.

Could it be that something happened?

“Immortal, if you leave, what will happen to the Li Shui Empire…”

The Li Shui King said with a sorrowful face.

“Jiayuan City should be stable for now, we eliminated the three demons there.” Christopher Tong reassured, “Don’t worry, once we report this, the sect will act swiftly.”

At this point, Christopher Tong couldn’t maintain a cold demeanor; he felt guilty.

Initially, he thought he could enjoy some leisure in the mortal world, but who knew things would be so troublesome!!

With that, Christopher Tong turned and left quickly!

“Immortal! Please hurry! The Li Shui Empire relies on you!”

Seeing this, the Li Shui King and officials hurriedly chased after him.

“Rest assured, prepare a detailed report of casualties in each town. When the Cyan Cloud Sect sends more Immortals, make sure to report thoroughly!”

Meanwhile, Christopher Tong boarded the Flying Carpet, and the waiting outer disciples quickly followed, their faces flushed.

This scene was witnessed by the Li Shui King and officials who had chased outside.

They were stunned.

So the Immortals had been waiting outside, but…

Why did they look so disheveled…

So different from their confident arrival.




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