Chapter 5 – Sir, there is a demon causing trouble in the world

"Finally, they're gone."


Watching the backs of Ambrose Lu and his companions gradually disappear into the distance, the innkeeper let out a deep sigh, feeling a great weight lifted off his shoulders.


"Innkeeper, I can't believe I was so rude to the Town Master earlier. Thank goodness that gentleman was there, or else the Town Master would have definitely held it against me. I would have been in big trouble because of you…"


The waiter wiped the sweat off his forehead, still shaken by the close call.


"Hmm?" The innkeeper glanced at the waiter and said flatly, "Are you blaming me?"


"Uh?" The waiter was taken aback, realizing he had misspoken. He quickly waved his hands, "No, no, that's not what I meant! Please don't misunderstand!"


"Your excuses are useless. I'm already unhappy. Your wages for this month are halved! Hmph!" With that, the innkeeper stormed back into the tavern, leaving the waiter with a bitter expression on his face.




Two days later.


Somewhere in the Eastern Region.


Mountain ranges stretched endlessly, thick white clouds drifting slowly among them. The highest peak had clouds only halfway up its slope.


A winding path connected the base to the summit, cutting through the sea of clouds.


Near the peak, a series of pavilions and buildings stood tall, rising and falling with the terrain.


Occasionally, streaks of light would flash across the sky, creating a spectacular and awe-inspiring scene.


Cyan Cloud Sect.


Outside a mystical cave residence, a young man in fancy clothes respectfully reported, "Master, the secular empire in the eastern part of the Eastern Region urgently seeks our help. They say demons are wreaking havoc."


"Demons? The Eastern Region is vast, and there are countless secular empires. Even those that pay tribute to our Cyan Cloud Sect are numerous. Can you be more specific?" An elderly voice echoed from within the cave.


The young man in fancy clothes hesitated, his mind racing as he tried to recall, "Master, it's the Li Shui Empire!"




The cave door opened, and an old man with white whiskers stepped out. It was none other than Mark Gu, who had met Ambrose Lu at the Immortal Tomb!


The young man in fancy clothes was the same youth from that day.


"Li Shui Empire?"


Mark Gu murmured, frowning.


He had a distinct impression of the Li Shui Empire, not because of anything special, but because it was the closest empire to the Immortal Tomb in the Eastern Region.


Mark Gu said indifferently, "Such a trivial matter, let the other elders send disciples to handle it. I still have an elixir to refine and no time to spare."


With that, he was about to return to the cave.


The young man in fancy clothes was stunned and quickly said, "Master! You don't know, but right now, only you and a few mountain-guarding elders are in the sect! The other elders have gone out with the Sect Master on some errands, taking many disciples with them!"


Surely, the mountain-guarding elders couldn't be tasked with these decisions? Their duty was to guard the mountain, not handle such trivial matters.


Mark Gu was taken aback, his voice serious, "They went out on errands? Why wasn't I informed?"


The young man in fancy clothes smiled wryly, "Just yesterday, the Sect Master saw you were in seclusion and didn't want to disturb you…"


Mark Gu's old face turned red. Yesterday, he wasn't in seclusion cultivating; he was in seclusion sleeping…


He couldn't be bothered to ask where the Sect Master and the others had gone. Waving his hand, he said, "Alright, alright, it's a minor issue. Christopher, you take some outer disciples and handle it."


As he spoke, he produced an elder's token and casually tossed it over.


Christopher quickly caught it, glanced at the character "Gu" on the token, and joyfully said, "Understood!"


He didn't want to stay in the sect; it was too boring. Going to the mortal world to exterminate demons and have some fun sounded much better!


"Don't think about playing around. Complete the task and return promptly to cultivate!"


Mark Gu lowered his eyebrows, flicked his sleeves, and returned to the cave. As the stone door rumbled shut, silence fell.


Christopher opened his mouth, sighed dejectedly.


Cultivate, cultivate, always cultivate. He was a genius with top-grade Thunder Spiritual Roots; there was no rush.


Hmph, who cares, I'll play if I want to play! Let Master be angry!


With that thought, a smile returned to Christopher's face as he happily left.




Moyu Town.


Town Master's Mansion.


In the afternoon sunlight, Ambrose Lu sat in a pavilion in the backyard, holding a fishing rod by the pond.


A young maid stood quietly with a tray of pastries and wine, one zhang behind him.


For the past two days, Ambrose had been enjoying good food and drink at the Town Master's Mansion. Andrew Chen had been considerate enough not to disturb him and had even arranged for a maid to attend to his needs.


Not bad at all.


"Pastries." Ambrose looked at the water and said calmly.


"Ah, yes." The maid snapped out of her thoughts and quickly brought the tray over, preparing to hand a pastry to Ambrose.


But Ambrose, as if he had eyes on the back of his head, said softly, "No need, I'll do it myself."


The maid's hand paused, trembling as she replied, "Yes."


Without looking at the tray, Ambrose casually picked up a pastry and tossed it into his mouth, chewing as he continued to fish.


The maid cautiously glanced at Ambrose. This distinguished man in green robes was truly… unique.


These past two days had left her quite bewildered.


In the past, all the Town Master's guests had their food handed to them directly by her.


Moreover, this young man spoke very little.


In two days, she could count the words he had said on her fingers. They were nothing more than, "Pastries, wine, pastries, wine, pastries, wine… over and over."


She had been assigned by the butler, who had only said one thing: this man was a distinguished guest of the Town Master and must be served carefully. Do whatever he asks.


She wasn't entirely sure how distinguished this guest was.


She only knew he was very handsome and had a pleasant scent.


Tap, tap, tap…


At that moment, hurried footsteps approached.


The maid turned to see the Town Master and the butler walking quickly towards the pavilion. Her pupils shrank, and she quickly placed the tray on the stone table before kneeling.


What happened next left her utterly shocked!


"Sir, have you been comfortable in my humble mansion these past two days?"


My humble mansion???


The Town Master was referring to himself as "humble" in front of this man?!


The maid's mind reeled, and she pressed herself even lower, her breathing becoming stifled.


These past two days, she had been serving a truly extraordinary figure!


Ambrose finally turned his head to glance at the bowing Andrew Chen and the butler, smiling faintly, "It's been fine."


Hearing this, Andrew Chen let out a sigh of relief, and the butler discreetly gave the kneeling maid a satisfied look.


"That's good, that's good. Sir, you may stay in my humble mansion for as long as you wish."


Andrew Chen said respectfully with a smile.


Ambrose looked at the rippling pond and said calmly, "Speak, why have you come to see me?"


Seeing the composed and in-control demeanor of the man in green robes, Andrew Chen and the butler were once again filled with admiration. Truly, an immortal is an immortal, always knowing everything!


"Sir, your foresight is unparalleled." Andrew Chen first respectfully flattered him, then said with some urgency, "Sir, we've received news that the Li Shui Empire… is plagued by demons!"


And Moyu Town was located within the Li Shui Empire!

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan


2 responses to “Chapter 5 – Sir, there is a demon causing trouble in the world”

  1. Light Avatar

    The next button here too goes to the other novel.

    Thanks for the chapter.

    1. wuxia100 Avatar

      Fixed! Thanks for your feedback!

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