Chapter 108 – Immortal King, what is that thing?

The old butler was stunned.

“Sir is just sir, what Immortal Emperor of Longevity, I don’t understand…”

But the soul guards were already trembling with fear!

Especially the one who had just angrily shouted “Sir, my ass!”—he felt dizzy.

The name of the Immortal Emperor of Longevity, heard again after a million years!

They couldn’t fathom how this soul, about to enter the path of beasts, could be connected to such a legendary figure…

“Heh.” Mason Hun looked at the dumbfounded old butler and said, “Does this ‘sir’ always wear cyan clothes, stay quiet, and have a smile that feels like a spring breeze?”

The old butler’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, “Yes, yes!”

Mason Hun took a deep breath, his eyes slightly dazed. It had indeed been a million years…

Then he asked, “So… did the sir say anything?”

“Sir said that the world after my death is called the Soul Realm, and that he knows the leader of this world, who will arrange everything for me…” The old butler swallowed and said.

Mason Hun laughed. As expected, the Immortal Emperor of Longevity was still the same. He then smiled and said,

“You don’t need to look for that leader. I am the supreme ruler of the Soul Realm!”

With that, he struck the kneeling soul guards, dispersing their souls.

Whirlwind Immortal Continent, central region.

Surrounded by cities on all sides, a colossal palace floated in the sky, blocking out the sun.

Countless cultivators and mortals gazed up at the palace with awe and reverence.

There was no choice; the main hall of the Inspection Hall was the foremost power in the Whirlwind Immortal Continent. The hall master was an Immortal King, and the Inspection Hall was an official institution. How could one not be afraid?

Today was the once-in-a-millennium day when the Inspection Hall recruited new inspectors. Many cultivators flocked to it, as the benefits and treatment of the Inspection Hall were excellent. Once you became an inspector, you had the backing of the Inspection Hall!

As the saying goes, it’s good to have a big tree to lean on.

Though it was an official power, inspectors often faced dangerous tasks, and some would die.

So, every millennium, they would replenish with fresh blood.

To become an inspector, even the lowest bronze-level inspector, was not easy.

The minimum cultivation level required was Golden Immortal!

This threshold alone deterred countless cultivators!

Besides this highest threshold, there were other special requirements, such as having well-defined features, a tall and slender figure, and for female inspectors, a curvaceous body…

Though no one knew why these requirements were set, there must be a reason behind them.

At this moment, below the main hall of the Inspection Hall, countless cultivators watched the recruitment ceremony with envy in their eyes, looking at the hundreds of figures standing on the high platform.

Yes, those hundreds of figures were the newly recruited inspectors who had emerged victorious. The ceremony was nearing its end.

Next, they would be awarded the black-gold attire and bronze badges symbolizing their status as inspectors, allowing them to enter the main hall above.

After the awards were given, a silver-level inspector looked at the new recruits with satisfaction and said,

“Alright! From now on, you are the backbone of our main hall. For the glory of the Inspection Hall, you must give your all. Do you understand?!”


The inspectors shouted in unison, their faces excited and their hearts filled with enthusiasm.

Among these hundreds of new inspectors, more than half were beautiful female cultivators with excellent figures and temperaments.

“Very good. Next, the female inspectors will follow me to meet the hall master. Your first task after taking office is coming, and it will be personally assigned by the hall master! Follow me!”

The silver-level inspector smiled meaningfully, then led the excited female inspectors towards the main hall.

To have a task personally assigned by the hall master was a great honor, as the hall master was one of the top figures in the Whirlwind Immortal Continent!

Soon, only the male inspectors with puzzled expressions were left. They whispered among themselves.

“What’s going on? Why do they get to take on a task as soon as they become inspectors, and it’s personally assigned by the hall master! I’m not convinced!”

“Ah, you don’t understand. It’s a customary rule of the Inspection Hall. New female inspectors must undergo a physical examination by the hall master.”

“A physical examination? Why? Is the hall master worried about their health? I don’t believe it.”


As the discussions gradually died down, the inspectors moved towards the Inspection Hall, and the onlookers also dispersed.

Suddenly, a man in cyan clothes appeared.

Ambrose Lu looked up at the Inspection Hall, expressionless, and then dispersed like sand…

Inspection Hall.


The vast dungeon was cold and desolate, with only the sound of chains clashing echoing.

Two silver-level inspectors guarding the place were drinking outside. One of them, hearing the noise, sneered, “Still hasn’t given in, stubborn fool.”

“Hey, you can’t say that. After all, he was once a Chaos Immortal Lord! That’s a lord we’re talking about, haha!”

The other inspector glanced inside and deliberately mocked loudly.

“Hahaha, you rascal.”

Both felt a great sense of satisfaction. After all, a Chaos Immortal Lord, if outside, wouldn’t even glance at them, Great Principal Golden Immortals.

Now that the tiger was down, they couldn’t help but indulge in some verbal pleasure.

“But why hasn’t the Immortal King killed him yet? It’s been hundreds of thousands of years. I don’t get it.”

“Watch your words!! How dare you discuss the Immortal King’s matters…”


The other inspector realized his mistake, turned pale, and fell silent.


In the deepest part of the dungeon,

A young man with white hair, bound and covered in blood, was stunned.

He looked at the cyan-clothed man before him and hoarsely asked,

“Daoist Friend, you are…”

Ambrose Lu’s eyes flashed blue, and he chuckled, “No wonder the Inspection Hall has kept you imprisoned for so long without killing you. It turns out you possess a treasure that has fused with you. Without your consent, they can’t obtain it.”

The white-haired youth’s pupils suddenly contracted!!

“From the time you ascended from the Spirit Dust Realm, being able to become a Chaos Immortal Lord was also due to this treasure,” Ambrose continued.

The white-haired youth’s scalp tingled, and he stared warily at the cyan-clothed man!

This cyan-clothed man knew everything!

And he felt somewhat familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before, but he couldn’t recall where!

Could it be that too much time had passed?

The next moment, Ambrose waved his hand.

Clang, clang, clang…!

The chains binding the white-haired youth broke and fell to the ground.

“This…!” The white-haired youth was shocked. These chains had bound him for hundreds of thousands of years, and now…

This cyan-clothed man must be extremely powerful, but why was he saving him…

“Who goes there!!!”

At this moment, the inspectors’ shouts suddenly rang out from outside!

Clearly, the sound of the chains falling had alerted them!

“Let’s go.”

Ambrose turned indifferently and walked away.

The white-haired youth panicked. After being imprisoned for hundreds of thousands of years, he was severely injured and had no combat power, “Senior, this place is heavily guarded, and there’s an Immortal King… You…”

Ambrose seemed not to hear, walking on his own and laughing,

“Immortal King? What is that?”


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