Chapter 94 – All good things must come to an end

Unknown Mountain Peak.

Ambrose Lu looked at the old woman in the coffin, tossed in a blue bead, and with a flash of his eyes, the coffin lid closed automatically.

The soil quickly covered the coffin, and a tombstone, seemingly from nowhere, plunged heavily into the ground.

On the tombstone, golden light flickered, and the inscription gradually appeared.

Ambrose glanced at the tombstone, then turned and disappeared in a single step.

Fifteenth Year, Winter.

Ambrose arrived at Moyu Town and appeared in a small tavern.

Seeing the man in cyan cloth enter the shop, the innkeeper Jeremy Zhang behind the counter was stunned and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

“Sir… Sir…”

Jeremy greeted him joyfully.

Ambrose looked at Jeremy’s graying temples and smiled, “It’s been seven years, hasn’t it?”

Jeremy smiled respectfully and sighed, “Yes, ever since you left Moyu last time, seven years have passed without us realizing it.”

Ambrose nodded slightly and asked, “Do you still have Peach Blossom Wine? It’s been a long time since I had some.”

Jeremy nodded with a smile, “Yes, yes, we do.”

“Really, innkeeper? You still have some left! Didn’t you say there was no more Peach Blossom Wine for sale in autumn?”

Soon, a patron complained unhappily.

“Yeah, Jeremy, that’s not fair. Aren’t we all regulars here?” Other patrons also voiced their discontent.

Jeremy smiled awkwardly and said, “Dear guests, the Peach Blossom Wine was reserved by this gentleman. You can also reserve it in advance next year…”

“Bah, we never heard about any reservations in this tavern.”

The patrons grumbled a bit but soon quieted down. They were familiar with Jeremy and didn’t want to cause trouble, so they just joked around.

Ambrose sat by the window.

Soon, Jeremy came out with a pot of wine and a gourd.

“Sit down and drink with me.”

Jeremy was about to leave when he heard Ambrose say with a smile.

Jeremy’s body trembled, and he slowly sat down, pouring a cup for both Ambrose and himself, then raising his cup.

“Sir, a toast to you!”


Ambrose clinked his cup with Jeremy’s.

Jeremy, overwhelmed with gratitude, drank it all in one go.

“For seven years, even when I didn’t come, did you still stock some Peach Blossom Wine?”

Ambrose put down his cup and asked.

Jeremy chuckled dryly, “Sir, you love Peach Blossom Wine. It’s an honor for our tavern.”

Ambrose shook his head and sighed, “There’s no such thing as honor. I didn’t give you any special benefits, just paid for my drinks like any other patron.”

Jeremy fell silent and said, “Sir, it’s not like that. You’ve saved Moyu Town several times, which indirectly saved my life too…”

“And seven years ago, when a terrifying monster outbreak swept the entire Eastern Region, Moyu Town was on the brink of destruction. It was that senior who appeared at the critical moment and saved Moyu Town again.”

Ambrose was surprised and asked with a smile, “Senior? Was he dressed in dark green, hunched over, with a long beard and shifty eyes?”

Jeremy’s eyes lit up, and he nodded, “Yes, yes, it was your servant.”

He had a deep impression of Old Turtle. The day Ambrose left Moyu Town, Old Turtle had scolded the entire town.

In the end, when the crisis broke out, it was unexpected that he still took action…

Ambrose nodded. This wasn’t his doing. He didn’t expect Old Turtle to secretly handle such a thing.

If Old Turtle knew Ambrose’s thoughts at this moment, he would definitely cry out, “Master, it was Mark who begged me with a matter of soliciting prostitutes!”

“Jeremy, after today, who knows when I’ll come back to buy Peach Blossom Wine again.”

Ambrose smiled at Jeremy.

Jeremy was stunned, then forced a smile, “I’ll prepare Peach Blossom Wine for you every year, ensuring that whenever you come, no matter the season, there will be Peach Blossom Wine to drink.”

Ambrose’s Adam’s apple moved, and he pushed a gold coin over, saying,

“Alright, here’s the money for the wine.”


Just as Ambrose left the tavern,

Sophia Ji stepped in.

Jeremy was startled and hurried over, “Fairy, the gentleman just left.”

Sophia’s heart trembled, and she turned and disappeared in a flash.

Jeremy sighed. Over the years, the woman in the black dress had come to his tavern many times, always asking if the gentleman had been there.

He was long used to it.


Sophia appeared outside Moyu Town and immediately spotted the figure in cyan cloth walking away in the snowy landscape!

She hurriedly chased after him.


Ambrose stopped and turned to look at her quietly.

The next moment, the mighty Demon Sovereign knelt heavily!

“Senior, can you restore my arm… Without it, I can’t pass the Ascension Tribulation…”

Sophia knelt and trembled as she spoke. She had been searching for Ambrose for many years.

Ambrose looked at the woman in the black dress, kneeling like a black lotus in bloom.

“Senior, as long as you restore my arm, I’ll agree to anything!” Sophia said sorrowfully.

Her whole life, she had been domineering and had never been so humble. But if she couldn’t ascend, she didn’t know the meaning of continuing to live.

“You don’t need to agree to anything.”

After a long silence, Ambrose finally spoke, then walked away with his hands behind his back.

“Senior…” Sophia felt despair, but the next moment, she noticed the mysterious power in her arm dissipate.

She was overjoyed and looked up sharply, but Ambrose was already gone.

She bowed her head deeply.

“Thank you… Senior, for not holding a grudge.”


Twentieth Year.

This year was different. This year, Sophia Ji, Laura Qin, and Sean Liu ascended to the Immortal Realm one after another.

Following that, the patriarchs of various sects in all regions trained diligently to vie for the top position, sparking a cultivation frenzy.

The Monster Realm and Demon Realm had also chosen new sovereigns.

Thus, everything changed.

Cyan Cloud Sect.

Ambrose’s arrival delighted Mark Gu immensely, and he quickly invited him to the elegant courtyard.

He knew Old Turtle wasn’t around, having heard from Christopher Tong that the gentleman had slapped him somewhere unknown, and it was uncertain if he was dead or alive.

To be honest, Mark still missed Old Turtle.

Ambrose glanced at the three nervous men and smiled, “I’ll be leaving this world soon.”

“Are you ascending too, sir?!”

Before Mark could speak, Christopher exclaimed in shock!


Mark gave him a knock on the head and scolded, “How can you be so foolish! Haven’t you realized yet? With the gentleman’s strength, does he need to ascend? The gentleman is already an Immortal!”

Christopher held his head and cried.

Mark glared at him, then looked at Ambrose with reluctance, “When will you leave, sir? I’d like to see you off.”

Christopher and Leonard Lin also looked at Ambrose with reluctance.

Ambrose waved his hand, “No need. You have some fate with me. Cultivate well and strive to ascend to the Immortal Realm soon.”

“If you have time, visit Andrew Chen and deliver some things for me.”

“We will follow your orders, sir.”

Mark and the other two bowed solemnly.

At this moment, Christopher glanced at Mark, then cautiously asked, “Sir, is the Immortal Realm fun? If I may ask, are you powerful there…”

“How dare you! Such impudence!” Mark was startled and was about to hit Christopher on the head again!

Ambrose waved with a smile, and Mark withdrew his hand, glaring at Christopher fiercely, planning to deal with him later!

Ambrose swept his sleeve over the table, and many heavenly treasures appeared, leaving Mark and the others stunned. What priceless treasures were these!

“This Heavenly Lotus is for Andrew Chen. Don’t forget.” Ambrose stood up, walked out with his hands behind his back, and his cyan cloth slowly faded into the void, leaving only his voice,

“As for whether I’m powerful in the Immortal Realm… you’ll find out when you get there.”



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