Chapter 90 – Long-standing resentment



Everyone swallowed hard.

The second elder and other cultivators had good eyesight and could see a turtle-shaped hole on the ground.

So, that senior was actually a turtle…

But that palm strike was terrifying.

The immensely powerful King Teng Snake and those demonic beasts exploded the moment the palm strike was unleashed.

Ambrose Lu’s figure flashed and he appeared at the Royal Palace.


The second elder and Christopher Tong hurriedly greeted him, their faces full of joy.

The other disciples looked at Ambrose Lu with awe. So, this was the “Sir” that Christopher and the others often mentioned.

So powerful.


The Li Shui King, who had survived the calamity, also hurried over with his officials to bow down!

At the same time, the Li Shui King’s heart was filled with anxiety…

Ambrose Lu looked at the Li Shui King and smiled, “It’s been a while, and now you have spiritual energy in your body. It seems you’ve had some fortuitous encounter.”


The second elder and the others looked at the Li Shui King in confusion. Soon, their faces showed astonishment. He really did have spiritual energy, though it was very faint and hard to detect without careful examination.

What’s going on? Didn’t the Li Shui King lack spiritual roots before? How did he suddenly gain spiritual energy?

Where did he learn the cultivation method? There shouldn’t be any Qi Refining techniques in the secular world.

The Li Shui King’s face turned pale, and he forced a smile, “Sir, you are right. A few days ago, I encountered a wandering immortal who found me quite fateful and prepared a special medicinal bath for me. I don’t know how, but I gained spiritual energy…”

Ambrose Lu’s eyes flickered, and he smiled, “I see.”

“Sir!! That’s not true!! The King stole the opportunity you left for Andrew! He imprisoned Andrew in the dungeon. If it weren’t for the sudden demonic invasion, Andrew would have been executed by now!! If you don’t believe me, you can go to the dungeon and see for yourself!”

Suddenly, Caleb Dong raised his head and pointed at the Li Shui King, shouting!

Everyone was shocked!

The officials were also stunned, looking at Caleb Dong…

The Li Shui King’s face stiffened, and he looked at Caleb Dong in disbelief, trembling, “Why… why…”

Caleb Dong took off his official hat and threw it heavily to the ground!!

He pointed fiercely at his own forehead, his voice hysterical, like a beast roaring:

“Why? For eight years, the empire has faced crises time and again, and the officials remained silent. Every time, it was I, Caleb, who bravely offered advice! You always promised to promote me, but which promise was ever fulfilled? Eight years, eight years, do you know how I’ve lived? I’ve had enough!! This worthless position, I don’t want it anymore!”

The Li Shui King staggered, his face ashen.

He never expected to be betrayed by his own people… He remembered that when he seized Andrew Chen’s opportunity, it was also Caleb Dong who had advised him…

Could this be a trap set by Caleb Dong?

Caleb Dong always smiled at him, showing great loyalty, but who knew he harbored such deep resentment.

Every time he asked Caleb if he minded, Caleb always smiled and said he didn’t, talking about loyalty and service to the king.

You should have shown some dissatisfaction on your face, so I wouldn’t think you were so easy to exploit!

Caleb Dong had a heavy heart, filled with treachery!

Truly, success and failure both came from Caleb Dong…

The Li Shui King closed his eyes in pain and said, “Yes, Caleb, I owe you.”

Caleb Dong pursed his lips and thought, you owe nothing, today I will perish with you, you dog of a king! No one will have a good end!

At this moment, Ambrose Lu smiled faintly and said, “Take me to the dungeon.”


In the capital, the dungeon.

“Master, the tremor just now was too intense, it felt like the dungeon was about to collapse.”

The old butler looked at the ceiling and said.

“Yes.” Andrew Chen replied softly, “There’s no sound outside either. It seems the demonic invasion might be over. Next, the King will have time to deal with us. Butler… it’s my fault for implicating you, making your old age so restless…”

The old butler smiled calmly, “Master, you overstate it. We are master and servant, there’s no such thing as implicating. Besides, my days are numbered anyway.”

Hearing this, Andrew Chen felt touched and pursed his lips, falling silent.

The old butler sighed, “Whether I live or die doesn’t matter, but you still have a long life ahead… If only Sir were here, he would surely clear our names.”

Tap, tap, tap…

At this moment, a series of rapid footsteps approached.

The old butler and Andrew Chen froze, leaning against the cold prison wall, closing their eyes in despair.

Their time had come.

Hearing the rapid footsteps, they feared the Li Shui King had brought the officials to deal with them.

They didn’t expect the Li Shui King to be so impatient.

The demonic invasion had just ended, and he was already here to deal with them.


Soon, the footsteps stopped, and the dungeon fell silent.

Andrew Chen and the old butler kept their eyes closed, unwilling to look at the people outside the prison.

“With such thin clothes, leaning against the cold prison wall, aren’t you cold?”

At this moment, a familiar voice reached their ears.

Andrew Chen and the butler’s bodies trembled!

They opened their eyes shakily, mechanically turning their heads to look outside the prison.

A familiar figure in cyan cloth stood quietly, his clean attire just as it was in the past.

Both Andrew Chen and the butler felt a lump in their throats, choking up, “Sir…”

Ambrose Lu smiled and nodded, “Yes.”


A few days later, the demonic invasion in the Eastern Region was completely eradicated.

This was naturally related to the old turtle who had disappeared to who knows where. The reason Ambrose Lu had destroyed a sect in the Immortal Realm while the old turtle arrived late in Li Shui was because he had gone to other places in the Eastern Region first, killing some demonic beast leaders.

But despite this, the casualties in the Eastern Region were still staggering.

Reconstruction efforts were in full swing across the Eastern Region.

The Li Shui Empire was no exception.

However, the Li Shui King had committed suicide, and Caleb Dong was temporarily acting as the King of the Li Shui Empire.

The second elder, thinking Caleb Dong had helped Ambrose Lu, temporarily handed over the throne to Caleb Dong.

But all the officials knew that since an immortal had spoken, Caleb Dong’s position as king was secure and would likely become hereditary. Caleb Dong had brought honor to his family, becoming the ultimate winner.

Whenever they thought of this, they beat their chests in regret.

Regretting that they hadn’t been brave enough to stand up and expose the King like Caleb Dong.

But when they recalled Caleb Dong’s indignant words, they thought it must have been his long-standing resentment that drove him. Otherwise, how could he have dared to stand up under the Li Shui King’s long-standing authority?

In a simple courtyard in the capital.

“Grandmother! When I was in the cellar, I had a silver coin in my hand. I don’t know where it went. Did you see it?”

Little Amelia burst through the door, shouting urgently.

The old woman, who had been frowning in the courtyard, was startled. She quickly stood up with her cane, tears streaming down her face, “Little Amelia, you’re finally awake. You’ve been unconscious for days, you scared me to death!”

Little Amelia frowned and quickly ran to support the old woman, asking with a furrowed brow, “Grandmother, I’ve been unconscious for days? What happened… Oh, right, has the demonic invasion passed?”

Why couldn’t she remember many things from that time… Strange.

“The demonic invasion is over. At that time, a gentleman…”

The old woman thought Little Amelia’s mind was still unclear after being unconscious for so many days, so she recounted what had happened.

A gentleman?

Little Amelia frowned tightly, trying to recall. For some reason, a figure in cyan cloth gradually became clear in her mind.

Her mind suddenly jolted, and she remembered the scene before she lost consciousness. She quickly asked, “Grandmother, was that gentleman wearing cyan clothes?”

The old woman smiled and nodded, “Yes, it seems you remember something.”

Little Amelia’s mouth opened slightly, her eyes filled with surprise. She tried hard to remember more details but couldn’t. She was uncertain.

Then she subconsciously asked, “Grandmother, did you see a silver coin at that time…”

“Silver coin?” The old woman remembered Ambrose Lu summoning the silver coin into his hand and said, “That silver coin…”

The old woman suddenly stopped talking.

Because a man in cyan clothes had entered the courtyard through the main gate. He opened his hand and smiled calmly,

“Is this the silver coin?”




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