Chapter 32 – Rebels Grand Strategist

In fact, Ye Shuangluo hadn’t even figured out how to find the Rebels when he discovered a note in the meal delivered by the inn’s waiter.

“Midnight, Stars Chamber of Commerce warehouse. We hope the young hero can come for a chat.


After reading the note, Ye Shuangluo found it unbelievable. Was this like someone delivering a pillow just as he wanted to sleep?

Could it be that his Luck attribute was finally working?

But were the Rebels really this bold, delivering a note in broad daylight without fearing he might report them?

Ye Shuangluo thought for a moment and decided it wouldn’t hurt to check it out. After all, he had just learned a new skill and was itching to test it on someone.

Late at night.

Ye Shuangluo arrived in front of the sixth warehouse of the Stars Chamber of Commerce, feeling a bit impatient.

The note only mentioned the warehouse of the Stars Chamber of Commerce but didn’t specify which one.

The Stars Chamber of Commerce was a renowned large business in the entire capital, boasting a total of 13 warehouses in this prime real estate.

He had searched five warehouses without finding any Rebels. He swore that if this one didn’t have them either, he would go straight back to the inn to sleep.

Fortunately, as he approached this warehouse, a few scantily clad, provocatively dressed women surrounded him.

“This must be the young hero Ye, right? Hehe, so young and handsome.”

“Giggle, you little minx, don’t scare the young hero.”

“Young hero Ye~ We’ve been waiting for you for so long. Why did you take so long? Naughty~”

Ye Shuangluo looked at the women surrounding him with a dark expression, their scent making him want to vomit.

But the women seemed completely oblivious to Ye Shuangluo’s anger, still chattering around him, with some even daring to try and touch him.

Finally, he couldn’t bear it any longer. He converted half of his Spiritual Power into Wind Element and began to spread it out from his body.


The women around him were instantly blown away by a strong wind, unable to even open their eyes.

They couldn’t understand why a sudden gust of wind had appeared.

But Ye Shuangluo had no intention of answering their questions. He asked:

“Did someone tell you to wait for me here?”

The most beautiful woman among them managed to open her eyes a crack and said in Ye Shuangluo’s direction:

“Yes, Vice President Sun booked our entire Xianyu Pavilion and told us to wait here for you.”

Although she couldn’t open her eyes, she could feel that the young bodyguard, who was likely a novice, had a terrifying aura.

Having gotten the answer he wanted, Ye Shuangluo strode towards the nearby warehouse.

Once he was far away, the strong wind that had kept the women’s eyes shut finally dissipated.

The women, all veterans of the pleasure quarters, quickly realized that the strange wind was definitely related to the young man.

The more they thought about it, the more frightened they became, and they all chose to flee.

Only the most beautiful woman didn’t run away. Her fawning smile had long disappeared, and she thoughtfully watched the warehouse door from a distance.

Inside the warehouse, surrounded by various goods, a large group of people sat around a table. He quickly walked over.

“Young hero Ye is here, please have a seat.”

The speaker was a middle-aged man in a sky-blue long robe, exuding a scholarly air.

He was the only one who stood up to greet Ye Shuangluo, while the others remained firmly seated.

Ye Shuangluo didn’t stand on ceremony and sat in the only empty seat, clearly reserved for him.

As soon as he sat down, he felt a strong sense of malice from directly in front of him.

Ye Shuangluo looked towards the source of the malice and saw a tall, brown-haired young man.

The young man seemed to notice Ye Shuangluo looking at him and met his gaze without backing down.

This puzzled Ye Shuangluo. It should be his first time meeting this brown-haired young man, so why did he look like Ye Shuangluo had stolen his wife?

“Sorry, young hero Ye, it was our oversight. We forgot to specify the exact location on the note. You must have spent a long time looking for us.”

It was still the middle-aged man in the sky-blue robe speaking.

The others had strange attitudes, some disdainful, some curious, and some contemptuous.

This made Ye Shuangluo feel very strange. They had invited him here, yet now they acted like this.

“No problem. Were those women also arranged by you?”

Hearing Ye Shuangluo’s question, a chubby man with a jade thumb ring sitting next to him smiled and said:

“I arranged that. Was young hero Ye satisfied?”

Ye Shuangluo nodded, then tilted his head with a smile and said:

“You thought of sending women to greet me but didn’t think to specify the exact location on the note.

So the famous Rebels are just a bunch of people who think with their lower halves, huh?”

“How dare you!”

Three identical-looking men, likely triplets, slammed the table and attacked Ye Shuangluo simultaneously.

“How dare you!”

Ye Shuangluo, already seething with anger, found a perfect outlet. He wouldn’t be polite.

Gathering Wind Element in his palm, he raised his hand, and the three men were pulled together.

Then Ye Shuangluo delivered a powerful kick.


A terrifying explosion echoed through the warehouse, reverberating continuously.

Everyone stared in shock at the three brothers lying together, their fate unknown.

After a while, chaos erupted. Some checked on the brothers, while others glared at Ye Shuangluo.

When they finished checking, they were all extremely furious.

“Their bones are mostly shattered! How dare you be so ruthless!”

Facing the accusations, Ye Shuangluo remained calm, speaking slowly:

“You all saw it. They attacked me first. Should I have just stood there and let them beat me?”

“Even if they attacked first, did you have to cripple them like this!”

Ye Shuangluo was amused, recalling a saying from the Main World: Ignoring the facts, don’t you have any fault at all?

Seeing Ye Shuangluo laugh made the Rebels even angrier, but none dared to act.

After all, fighting Ye Shuangluo meant he wouldn’t hold back; he would go for the kill.

The three who attacked him were still lying on the ground, likely crippled for life.

Seeing their anger and hesitation, Ye Shuangluo found it even more laughable and decided to be direct.

“Let’s not beat around the bush. You left the location on the note but didn’t specify it to give me a hard time, right?”


The middle-aged man in the sky-blue robe knelt on the ground, sincerely saying:

“Sorry, young hero Ye, it was all our fault. I apologize. Please forgive us.”

He even kowtowed three times. Since the other party was so sincere and those who attacked him were already crippled, Ye Shuangluo decided not to pursue it further.

“Alright, I forgive you.”

He sat back in his original seat, smiling at everyone.

The others exchanged glances, surprised at how easily Ye Shuangluo was appeased, and returned to their seats.

Except for the two people sitting on either side of Ye Shuangluo, who moved their chairs to the other side.

Ye Shuangluo felt helpless. Was he really that scary? He was a good person, wasn’t he?

“Young hero Ye, to be honest, Lord Su asked us to invite you.

He believes you might be interested in what we’re about to do.”

Ye Shuangluo rested his chin on his hand, intrigued:

“Gathering so many people in the capital is indeed interesting. Are you planning to assassinate the emperor?”

“Cough, cough.”

The chubby man coughed several times, looking at Ye Shuangluo in shock, surprised he dared to say such a thing.

“Young hero Ye, don’t joke. The emperor is protected by Immortals. How could we possibly kill him?”

“Yes, the emperor has an immortal body. How could we mere mortals kill him?”

“Exactly, how can we, mere mortals, compare to the emperor’s immortal body?”

Ye Shuangluo frowned slightly. These people were supposed to be Rebels, opposing the emperor’s incompetence and tyranny, yet they lacked the courage to face him.

Why bother rebelling? They might as well go home and farm.

Noticing Ye Shuangluo’s displeasure, the chubby man quickly changed the subject.

“In fact, the first time we heard your name was from Ah Xiong.”

Ye Shuangluo followed their gaze and saw that Ah Xiong was the brown-haired young man who had been hostile since he arrived.

“Ah Xiong and young hero Ye are not only from the same clan but also from the same hometown, Wuzhou.”

The chubby man realized his mistake as soon as he finished, seeing Ye Xiong’s face darken.

Ye Shuangluo smiled and asked:

“Do we know each other?”


“Then why the long face? Do I owe you something?”

Ye Xiong glared at him, his teeth clashing, seemingly wanting to tear him apart.

“How are Yao Yao and Su Su?”

Ye Shuangluo couldn’t recall who these names belonged to.

A woman across the table, seeing Ye Shuangluo’s confusion, added:

“Yao Yao and Su Su are twin girls born of a human and a fox.”

Ye Shuangluo suddenly understood, smiling:

“Oh~ You should have just said those two beasts. Why give them names?”

Hearing Ye Shuangluo dismissively call them beasts, Ye Xiong exploded.

All thoughts of the bigger picture and patience vanished. He only wanted to kill Ye Shuangluo.

Ye Xiong stood up abruptly, flipping the table.

Sensing hostility, Ye Shuangluo didn’t hesitate, adhering to the principle of striking first.

He kicked Ye Xiong in the chest, then quickly grabbed his arm and pulled.


Ye Xiong’s burly body slammed into the ground. Before anyone could react, Ye Shuangluo raised his long knife.


When they realized what had happened, they saw a familiar thick arm flying through the air.


Ye Xiong screamed in agony from the pain of losing his arm.

“Ah Xiong!”

The Rebels panicked, grabbing their weapons to rescue their comrade.

“Don’t move.”

Ye Shuangluo placed his knife against Ye Xiong’s neck, coldly watching the others.

Seeing this, the Rebels hesitated, not daring to move.

“Drop your weapons, or I’ll kill him.”

To prove he wasn’t bluffing, he slightly cut Ye Xiong’s neck.

The Rebels exchanged glances, then reluctantly dropped their weapons.

Ye Shuangluo got what he wanted but showed no joy.

In fact, he was disappointed. These people were too stupid.

Dropping their weapons now was like putting their heads on the chopping block.

If all Rebels were this useless, he might consider joining the Thieves’ Guild or working alone.


A small but commanding voice echoed in the warehouse.

The Rebels, who had been at a loss, immediately found their backbone.

They lined up and respectfully bowed to the voice’s owner.

Surprisingly, the owner of the voice wasn’t a tall, invincible-looking man.

It was a young man, seemingly not much older than Ye Shuangluo.

He wore simple white clothes, plain to the extreme.

But even such simple attire couldn’t hide his extraordinary looks.

Sword-like Eyebrows and Starry Eyes, red lips, white teeth, graceful and elegant…

It seemed every word describing handsomeness fit this young man.

Although Ye Shuangluo couldn’t see his attributes, he was sure this young man’s Charisma was off the charts.

But despite his good looks, he exuded a domineering aura, carrying a red long knife that didn’t match his image.

The moment Ye Shuangluo saw him, he had a strong intuition that this was a master, completely different from the indecisive fools around him.

“You must be young hero Ye. I am Su Zhan, the Grand Strategist of the Rebels.”

Grand Strategist?

Ye Shuangluo sized up Su Zhan.

Based on looks alone, he did resemble a strategist.

“So, you’re in charge here?”

“Yes, I hold the highest position among the Rebels in the capital. I hope young hero Ye can give me some face and spare my subordinate.”

Ye Shuangluo looked at the calm Su Zhan, sensing the aura of a strong person.

“I can let him go, but on one condition: you spar with me.”

After a moment of silence, Su Zhan nodded.



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