Chapter 28 – Master of Weapons of Four Special Effects

[Demon Heart: Immunity to a certain extent of illusions and mental skills


Note: The more this effect is triggered, the stronger the Heart Demon within you will become]


At the last moment, it was this special effect that saved him.


How should I put it? This newly born special effect is very powerful, but its drawbacks are equally significant. It can be said to be a sharp double-edged sword, capable of cutting off others' heads as well as your own.


After all, even though he didn't know what a Heart Demon was, it was obvious that nothing good would come from it becoming stronger.


Ye Shuangluo opened the skill panel and turned to the Master of Weapons page.


[Conqueror] [Divine Weapon] [Weapons Control] [Demon Heart]


Four special effects in total, four overwhelmingly powerful special effects.


Ye Shuangluo could only say, it truly lives up to being a Legendary passive.


He recalled the battle with those bandit leaders in the Tian Nan Mountain Range.


No, it shouldn't be called a battle; it was more like a one-sided massacre.


Every time they tried to attack him, "Conqueror" would activate, and they would be forcibly stunned.


In the end, they could only be beheaded by Ye Shuangluo in frustration, without even putting up a decent resistance.


While he was secretly marveling at the power of the Master of Weapons, he suddenly noticed that the introduction seemed to have expanded.


[Introduction: Standing above all beings and at the pinnacle of countless weapons, you are the Master of Weapons.


Having this passive means you have already won at the starting line, but to truly become the Master of Weapons, you still have a long way to go.


You must also ensure that you are not devoured by the Heart Demon. Right now, you control the demon, but if your will falters, it will control you.]




After a three-day journey, Ye Shuangluo and Shan Ren finally arrived at a small village.


This lifted Ye Shuangluo's spirits, as the map showed that this village was less than a thousand miles from the capital.


At the current speed of the White Tiger, if they traveled non-stop, they could reach the capital in at most half a day.


Looking up at the moon in the sky, it was already evening. He decided to rest in this village for the night and set off for the capital early the next morning.


After sharing this idea with Shan Ren, Shan Ren readily agreed.


So Ye Shuangluo asked Shan Ren to wait outside while he went in to communicate with the villagers.


He also wanted to prepare them mentally to avoid being frightened by the White Tiger.


After all, seeing a fierce tiger in the middle of the night could scare someone to death if they were timid.


Entering the village, Ye Shuangluo saw a few ragged children with patched clothes playing.


Seeing a stranger, the children were not afraid and swarmed around him.


They bombarded Ye Shuangluo with questions about who he was, whether he was a good person or a bad person, and what he was doing in the village.


Although the children were chattering away, he didn't find it annoying. He even took out some fruits from his space backpack and handed them to the children.


Surprisingly, the children didn't eat the fruits immediately but ran home with them.


Just as Ye Shuangluo was puzzled, an old man with a cane slowly walked over from a distance.


When the old man reached him, he looked Ye Shuangluo up and down and asked respectfully:


"Young master, I am the village chief of this village. May I ask what brings you to Dongfeng Village?"


As he spoke, the old man didn't even dare to look up, as Ye Shuangluo was wearing a set of luxurious armor, indicating his wealth and status.


Ye Shuangluo clasped his hands in a polite gesture and said courteously:


"Greetings, elder. My surname is Ye, and I am a bodyguard. I am passing through your village and would like to stay for the night. I wonder if you could grant me this favor."


Hearing that Ye Shuangluo was a bodyguard and so polite, the village chief became less reserved.


"If you don't mind the simplicity of our village, I would be happy to host you."


Upon hearing the village chief's agreement, Ye Shuangluo thanked him again:


"Thank you, elder. By the way, there's one more thing I need to inform you about.


On the way here, my horse was eaten by a tiger, so I had no choice but to use the tiger to pull my cart. Please be prepared and don't be frightened."


The village chief looked at Ye Shuangluo in surprise. His calm demeanor suggested that this was no big deal.


"Alright, but please keep the tiger under control. Our village is home to only the elderly, women, and children, and we can't afford any trouble."


"Of course."


After communicating with the village chief, Ye Shuangluo went back outside the village and brought the cart in.


Naturally, he sternly warned the White Tiger not to make any noise or run around.


The White Tiger agreed, not wanting to be beaten or even killed by Ye Shuangluo. He hadn't yet found a tigress willing to bear his cubs and couldn't afford to die young.


Re-entering the village, many children and elderly came out to watch.


Some brave children even rushed up to touch the White Tiger's fur, scaring a few elderly people nearly to fainting.


Fortunately, the White Tiger did nothing to the children, which allowed everyone to breathe a sigh of relief.


Of course, the elderly weren't just there to watch the White Tiger; they mainly wanted the children to thank Ye Shuangluo.


Ye Shuangluo might not have known, but the fruits he casually handed out were rare treats that the villagers could only enjoy during festivals.


Ye Shuangluo led the White Tiger, closely following the village chief.


He was puzzled; this Dongfeng Village seemed strange. Along the way, he had only seen children and elderly, with no young or middle-aged adults.


No men or women of that age group at all.


Recalling the village chief's mention that the village was home to only the elderly, women, and children, he wondered where all the young people had gone.


While Ye Shuangluo was deep in thought, the village chief had already led them to a secluded house in the village.


"This is my son's house. It may be a bit simple, but I hope you won't mind."


"Elder, you jest. We are grateful for a place to rest and avoid sleeping in the open. How could we mind?"


Ye Shuangluo's tone remained courteous, so much so that the silver fox girl in the cage doubted if this was the same arrogant young bodyguard she knew.


The village chief took one last look at the White Tiger "Snowflake," which was much larger than an ordinary tiger. As a somewhat educated man, he knew that there were mystical creatures in this world.


This White Tiger was clearly one of them, so how powerful must Ye Shuangluo be to subdue it? The village chief couldn't even imagine.


He took one last look at Ye Shuangluo, who was about the same age as his eldest grandson. Despite his martial prowess, he lacked the arrogance of those in power.


What a strange young man, the village chief thought, shaking his head as he hobbled back to his own home.


Ye Shuangluo entered the house, which was filled with dust, likely from long disuse.


He didn't mind and said to Shan Ren:


"Brother Shan Ren, I'll stay here, and you can take the room next door."


Shan Ren nodded without a word and walked towards his room.


This puzzled Ye Shuangluo. Why had Shan Ren become so expressionless since entering the village?


The once-smiling Shan Ren, who always seemed like a breath of spring, now wore a blank face.


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