Chapter 27 – Demon Heart

On the prison cart, Ye Shuangluo and Shan Ren sat side by side.

Ye Shuangluo glanced at Shan Ren and suddenly spoke, “Since I first met you, Brother Shan Ren, your eyes haven’t left that book in your hands. It makes one curious—what kind of book could be so captivating?”

Shan Ren smiled slightly upon hearing Ye Shuangluo’s words, closed the book, and handed it to him.

Ye Shuangluo took the book from Shan Ren and softly read the small characters on the cover.

“‘Immortal Talks,’ by Gao Yangzi. This name sounds like a Taoist title.”

“Brother Ye, you have sharp eyes. Gao Yangzi is indeed a Taoist title.

This Gao Yangzi is very knowledgeable and talented. This book seems to talk about places where immortals might have appeared and left traces.

In reality, it introduces many local customs, which are quite interesting. I never tire of reading it.”

Ye Shuangluo then remembered that this world seemed to have immortals. The old emperor, who was about to celebrate his birthday, had been given a divine stone by an immortal, allowing him to live to two hundred years old.

Seeing Ye Shuangluo’s gaze linger on the book, Shan Ren proactively handed it over.

“If Brother Ye is interested, I can lend it to you for a few days.”

With nothing else to do, Ye Shuangluo reached out and took the book, thanking him.

“Then I won’t stand on ceremony. Thank you, Brother Shan Ren.”

“In the 28th year of Haotian, I followed the traces of an immortal to Heilong County. It is said that 400 years ago, an immortal ascended to heaven riding a black dragon here.

Because the dragon was black, the place was renamed Heilong County 400 years ago.

After investigating, I found nothing special about the place and was about to give up. But then, I saw a green scale in a farmer’s house.

This green scale is impervious to water and fire, unbreakable by blades and spears, and weighs a hundred pounds. It seems to be a dragon scale.

According to the farmer, their family has worshipped this scale for generations, for exactly 400 years, coinciding with the legend of the immortal’s ascension.

Final conclusion: An immortal might have appeared here 400 years ago, but the black dragon story is likely just a rumor.”

After reading the last chapter, Ye Shuangluo closed the book. As Shan Ren had said, it described many local customs.

Likewise, the book was full of praise for the immortal, almost to the point of worship.

It was akin to the fanatical essays written by fans in the Main World for their idols.

Anyone could see that Gao Yangzi greatly admired the immortal; otherwise, he wouldn’t have followed the immortal’s footsteps from the second year of Tianyuan to the 28th year of Haotian.

From the first chapter in Tianyuan 2 to the last in Haotian 28, fifty-eight years had passed.

The young Taoist, full of vigor and righteousness in the first chapter, had become a smooth and indifferent old Taoist by the last.

Through this book, it felt like seeing another person’s entire life—brilliant yet pitiful.

In the end, Gao Yangzi never got to see the immortal he had pursued his whole life.

Ye Shuangluo couldn’t help but feel that the story shouldn’t end in Heilong County. Perhaps Gao Yangzi eventually met the immortal but didn’t write it down.

Ye Shuangluo turned back to the first page, where Gao Yangzi had written in the prologue:

“If I truly find the immortal, I want to ask him how to ensure that everyone can eat their fill and smile. The immortal must have a way, for he is an immortal!”

Ye Shuangluo felt conflicted. In the story’s background, the country had suffered three consecutive years of drought, making life unbearable, like a living hell.

When people face insurmountable despair, they pray to gods and immortals, just as Gao Yangzi did.

But whether he eventually found the immortal to solve the drought remains unknown.

Shan Ren watched as Ye Shuangluo closed the book and asked, “Brother Ye, have you finished reading?”

Ye Shuangluo nodded, and Shan Ren continued, “What do you think of the book?”

“…It’s quite good.”

Ye Shuangluo seemed distracted, pondering a question.

Gao Yangzi searched for fifty-eight years without finding the immortal, yet the emperor found him in just three years.

The immortal even bestowed a divine stone upon the emperor, granting him longevity, perhaps even immortality.


Could it be that the immortal made some deal with the emperor, thus granting him the divine stone?

“Brother Ye seems to have some thoughts. Why not share them?”

Shan Ren’s voice carried a natural warmth, making people want to confide in him.

[Someone has used a charm skill on you. You need to make a Will judgment.]

[… Judgment failed.]

“Brother Shan Ren, what do you think of immortals?”


Shan Ren seemed surprised by Ye Shuangluo’s question but answered nonetheless, “Immortals are the greatest beings in this world. Whether human, spirit, or beast, they all need to revere and worship them.

What does Brother Ye think of immortals?”

Ye Shuangluo opened his mouth, about to speak his mind.

[Someone has used a charm skill on you. You need to make a second Will judgment.]

[Judgment fail…]

Just as the second judgment was about to fail, Ye Shuangluo’s Legendary passive skill “Master of Weapons” suddenly shone brightly.

[Your Legendary passive “Master of Weapons” has activated, triggering the hidden effect: “Demon Heart.”]

[Reattempting Will judgment… Judgment successful. You are immune to this charm.]

“Immortals are so great; naturally, I revere and admire them.

Of course, my admiration outweighs my reverence. If I were fortunate enough to meet an immortal, I’d be willing to give up ten years of my life.”

Ye Shuangluo’s face was full of fervor, as if he truly worshipped immortals.

Shan Ren looked at Ye Shuangluo curiously. This didn’t seem like something he would say, but his ability hadn’t failed.

After all, he had just used it on Ye Shuangluo with remarkable effect.

So, was Ye Shuangluo speaking his mind?

On the other hand, Ye Shuangluo’s heart was pounding. He had almost spoken his true thoughts.

If he had admitted that he didn’t worship immortals and even felt some resentment, he didn’t know what the consequences would be, but it was clear Shan Ren had ill intentions.

Perhaps… he would have died.

Shan Ren might have killed him on the spot, without even giving him a chance to resist.

He had felt like a puppet, with Shan Ren as the puppeteer.

How could a puppet resist its master?

Damn it!

Ye Shuangluo was furious inside. This feeling of helplessness was something he never wanted to experience again.

Having someone put a knife to his throat, leaving him to pray they wouldn’t kill him, was something he never wanted to go through again.

Though seething inside, Ye Shuangluo showed nothing outwardly.

He had to admit, his acting was good—at least Shan Ren hadn’t noticed any flaws.


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