Chapter 25 – Mysterious Shan Ren

【Beauty's Tear】


【Type: One-time Use Item】


【Quality: White】


【Effect: This item is only effective on human females, capable of arousing their desires. The higher the Charisma attribute, the better the effect. If the Charisma attribute is below 4 points, the effect is completely nullified.】


【Evaluation: Good news, this thing is useless to you. Bad news, this thing is useless to you.】


Ye Shuangluo's face darkened almost immediately. If he wasn't mistaken, this thing seemed to be an aphrodisiac.


Although its effect was peculiar, it was still trash.


He initially wanted to throw it away but hesitated for a moment and decided to put it into his space backpack, planning to sell it later.


He believed that although it was trash, someone might still be interested in it.




【Ghost Luo Blade】


【Type: Weapon (Blade)】


【Quality: White】


【Special Effect: Ghost's Cry. Each hit in battle doubles the pain felt by the enemy.】


【Equipment Requirement: Listen to the cry of an evil spirit once.】


【Sharpness: 4】


【Durability: 15/15】


【Evaluation: As a white-quality weapon, it is pitifully weak. However, its true purpose is not for combat but to torture the enemy.】




To be honest, this weapon was inferior to Ye Shuangluo's Mortal Kill in every aspect, but he was still very interested.


After all, the evaluation stated that its true purpose was to torture the enemy.


Ye Shuangluo grasped the blade, and a cacophony of ghostly wails echoed in his mind before vanishing instantly.


Whatever he thought of, a gentle and kind smile appeared on Ye Shuangluo's face.




【Ming King Subduing Demon Sutra】


【Type: Passive Skill】


【Effect: After learning this skill, Internal Power +300, Constitution +1, Strength +1, Intelligence +1, and gain a special buff: "Subduing Demon" (Damage to practitioners of demonic arts +20%).】


【Learning Requirement: Internal Power above 1000 points and must learn the prerequisite skill: Diamond Subduing Demon Technique.】


【Warning: Learning this skill may cause significant changes in the player's personality. Please choose carefully.】


【Introduction: This is the supreme martial art of the Mo Ye Temple, the sacred place of martial arts in this world.】




This was a skill book, a special skill book that could cause significant personality changes upon learning.


The last time he saw such a description was for the Asura Demon Eye, which Ye Shuangluo still couldn't learn. But even the Asura Demon Eye didn't come with a warning.


After glancing at the stringent learning requirements, he shook his head. In terms of practicality, this thing was even less useful than the Beauty's Tear.


At least that thing could be sold; this one probably couldn't even be sold.


【Prompt: Esteemed Reserve Player, this skill contains a portion of the world's essence. You can contribute this skill to the system, and the system will reward you.】


【Contribute: Yes/No】


Ye Shuangluo nonchalantly chose yes, as the skill book was useless to him anyway.


Soon, the Ming King Subduing Demon Sutra was enveloped and devoured by a stream of data. As it disappeared, a white-covered book lightly floated down in front of him.


【Bodhi Heart】


【Type: Passive Skill】


【Effect: Spiritual Power +100, recover 1 point of Spiritual Power every three seconds. Gain a special buff: "Bodhi" (Skill upgrade cost reduced by 10%).】


【Learning Requirement: Intelligence attribute greater than or equal to 6.】


【Evaluation: For you, this skill is all benefits and no harm.】




Ye Shuangluo chose to learn it without hesitation. Instantly, his mana bar extended, although he couldn't use it at the moment.


After learning the skill, he couldn't help but shake his head. Even after increasing his Luck attribute, the effect wasn't significant.


Opening a treasure chest yielded three pieces of junk. If the game system hadn't recycled one, he would have gained nothing.


Feeling a bit exhausted, he closed his eyes, genuinely ready to sleep this time.




The next day.


Ye Shuangluo slowly woke from his sleep. Sleeping in the wilderness wasn't a pleasant experience; he missed his bed in the Main World.


Standing up and walking to the cage, he noticed that the two girls seemed to have woken up long ago.


The white fox girl still glared at him with eyes full of hatred and anger.


As for the silver fox girl, she seemed to have been beaten into submission and didn't dare to look at him.


Ye Shuangluo didn't care much. He lightly kicked the White Tiger, who was sleeping nearby.


"Hey, big cat, wake up. We need to continue our journey."


Snowflake was forcibly awakened, and just as it was about to throw a tantrum, it heard the voice of that ominous star.


It immediately shivered, all sleepiness vanishing, and stood up with all its might.


Ye Shuangluo glanced at its waist. The place where he had cut a piece of flesh with a knife yesterday had already scabbed over. It looked like it would heal in two or three days at most.


This gave him some ideas; he could cut a piece of meat from this White Tiger every few days for a treat.


Feeling the malicious gaze, the White Tiger felt a wave of sorrow. Although it didn't know what the other party was thinking, it knew it couldn't be anything good.


Just as the White Tiger was preparing for a desperate struggle, the young man suddenly patted its head and then sat on the cart.


"Don't just stand there, let's continue our journey."


The malice suddenly disappeared. Although the White Tiger didn't understand, it was relieved to have escaped with its life.


(Forget it, there's no need to let a mere craving for meat affect my main quest progress.)


For Ye Shuangluo, his primary goal was always to become stronger. Everything else was secondary.




The White Tiger's speed far surpassed that of ordinary horses. Just a morning's sprint covered more distance than three days of travel before.


Ye Shuangluo held the map he had bought in the town, silently calculating the distance in his mind.


Suddenly, the White Tiger came to an abrupt stop, looking ahead with a wary expression.


Ye Shuangluo temporarily put down the map and looked forward.


A giant python, over ten meters long, blocked the road. What was even more astonishing was that the python had two bulges on its head, as if something was about to grow out.


What surprised Ye Shuangluo the most was a young man with a bamboo basket on his back, surrounded by the python's body.


The python didn't seem to have any intention of harming the young man, merely encircling him and doing nothing else.


As Ye Shuangluo observed the python, it suddenly charged in his direction.


Instinctively, he drew his blade, but the python collapsed to the ground about seven or eight meters away from him.




The python kept flicking its tongue, as if trying to say something, but no one present understood.


Eventually, the python slowly closed its eyes, seemingly unconscious or perhaps already dead.


Ye Shuangluo gripped his blade tightly, cautiously approaching the python.


He first poked it with his blade, then made a cut on its body.


But no matter what he did, the python remained motionless. His Perception also told him that the python was indeed dead.


Still, he found it hard to believe. This python was about to grow horns, such a powerful creature, how could it suddenly die?


"Brother, there's no need to test it further. It is indeed dead."


A gentle, jade-like voice came from behind. Ye Shuangluo reflexively turned around to see a handsome young man with a smiling face standing behind him.


Although the young man smiled brightly, Ye Shuangluo found it hard to believe. When had this person gotten behind him without him noticing?


Ye Shuangluo's Five Senses were very keen. He could clearly sense even the flapping of nearby insects.


His powerful senses allowed him to detect any creature within a 5-meter radius without turning around.


But the young man had approached him silently, meaning that if the young man had intended to attack, Ye Shuangluo would already be dead.


In an instant, Ye Shuangluo, who had been feeling somewhat proud due to his recent victories, put away his pride. He was still too weak.


The young man looked at Ye Shuangluo, who was on high alert and gripping his long blade tightly, and said helplessly:


"Brother, there's no need to be so tense. I mean no harm."


But Ye Shuangluo didn't respond, instead distancing himself from the young man while discreetly observing him.


The young man smiled wryly and took a few steps back.


"Is this distance enough to put you at ease?"


Although they had distanced themselves, Ye Shuangluo still didn't dare to relax.


"…Did you kill this python?"


The young man touched his nose and smiled:


"Just a little trick."


Hearing the young man's admission, Ye Shuangluo gripped his blade even tighter.


Seeing Ye Shuangluo's tense demeanor, the young man couldn't help but say:


"Brother, there's no need to be so nervous. I didn't kill this python with my own strength, just with an external object."


"An external object?"


Ye Shuangluo's curiosity was piqued. What kind of external object could instantly kill such a massive python?


The young man took out a torn sachet from his waist and began to explain.


"This is a sachet I made myself, filled with powder extracted from a large number of beast-repelling flowers. The python was killed by this."


A mere sachet could kill such a huge python? Ye Shuangluo found it hard to believe.


【Extremely Crude Beast-Repelling Sachet】


【Type: Equipment (Accessory)】


【Quality: Green】


【Effect: Wearing this item causes beasts to automatically retreat. When the item is broken, all beasts within three meters will be forcibly killed.】


【Durability: Damaged】


【Evaluation: The item itself is unremarkable; it is the creator who elevated its quality.】




Alright, now Ye Shuangluo believed him. The young man hadn't lied; it was indeed an external object that killed the python.


But he didn't lower his guard because the young man had indeed approached him silently.


Of course, outwardly, he sheathed his blade and cupped his hands:


"I misunderstood you, brother. Please forgive my excessive caution. But when traveling the world, one must be careful."


The young man waved his hand, his face still wearing that sunny smile.


"No problem, no problem. Being cautious is right when traveling the world."


The young man glanced at the White Tiger pulling the cart and the twin fox girls in the cage.


"Brother Ye, you seem to be having quite the adventure, traveling with beauties, using the sky as your blanket and the earth as your bed. And these are twin sisters too. You are indeed fortunate."


The young man winked at Ye Shuangluo, with a look that said, "We're all men here, I understand."


This made Ye Shuangluo chuckle but he still explained:


"You misunderstand, brother. I am a bodyguard, and these twin sisters are my cargo."


Hearing the word "cargo," the young man seemed to ponder and asked:


"Brother Ye, are you perhaps taking these twins to the capital?"


"How did you guess?"


The young man smiled confidently and explained:


"It's simple. These twins appear to be born of a human and a fox. Such mixed breeds are highly sought after among wealthy merchants and high-ranking officials, and twin sisters are even rarer. Since they are cargo, there must be a recipient. Ahead lies only a small, impoverished village, and beyond that, only the capital. So, Brother Ye's destination must be the capital."


You were about to say "half-breed," weren't you? You definitely were.


Ye Shuangluo's eyes never left the young man, so he caught the fleeting contempt in the young man's eyes.


(This person seems to look down on hybrids of humans and spirits.)


Although he had many suspicions about the young man, Ye Shuangluo showed nothing on the surface.


"Brother, you guessed right. These twins are a birthday gift for the Emperor, entrusted to me by a certain lord."


The young man nodded, seemingly unsurprised.


"By the way, I've talked so much with Brother Ye, but I still don't know your name."


"I am Ye Shuangluo."


"Ye Shuangluo…"


The young man repeated the name several times, his brows furrowing as if something puzzled him.


"…What a good name. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am just a wanderer in the mountains. If Brother Ye doesn't mind, you can call me Shan Ren."


Shan Ren? That's an unusual name.


"Brother Shan Ren, where are you headed with that bamboo basket?"


"The Emperor's birthday is approaching. Although I am just a wanderer, I also want to go to the capital to share in the festivities."


This answer was normal, but Ye Shuangluo felt something was off.


Suddenly, the system's voice echoed in his mind.


【Side Quest Triggered: "Traveling Companions"】


【Quest Description: You have encountered a strange young man who calls himself Shan Ren. He exudes an air of mystery. You can choose to travel with him, but it is an extremely dangerous choice.】


【Quest Requirement: Travel with Shan Ren and reach the capital alive.】


【Quest Reward: Special Attribute Points ×4 (Special Attribute Points can enhance Perception, Elemental Resistance, and Tenacity)】


Extremely dangerous, huh?


Ye Shuangluo looked at the quest reward and thought of the "Asura Demon Eye" skill book gathering dust in his backpack. He then said:


"Brother Shan Ren, since we are both heading to the capital, why not travel together?"


Shan Ren didn't refuse but cupped his hands and said:


"To travel with someone as skilled as Brother Ye is something I would gladly do. Thank you for the company."


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