Chapter 24 – Gourmet Achievement progress plus one



Ye Shuangluo turned his head and saw the White Tiger with a bleeding head trying to escape.

Coincidentally, the White Horse that had just fainted from fright woke up at this moment. Seeing the White Tiger trying to run, it thought the tiger was coming to eat it.

Even a rabbit will bite when cornered. The White Horse decided to fight back desperately, raising its hooves high to stomp down.

But the White Tiger easily dodged, and then, enraged, it bit the White Horse’s neck, snapping it.

After killing the White Horse, the White Tiger, perhaps smelling the blood, had its beastly instincts triggered and began to feast. As it ate, it suddenly felt a chill down its spine.

Turning around, it saw a young man with a knife standing behind it, tilting his head and watching.

Only then did the White Tiger remember it was supposed to be escaping.

It’s over. I’m done for!

But the young man didn’t seem intent on killing it. Instead, he casually stabbed the knife into the ground.

Then he flexed his wrist and looked at the tiger coldly.

The young man then pressed the White Tiger’s head to the ground with one hand and began pummeling it with the other, raining blows like a storm.

This one-sided beating lasted a full ten minutes, the longest ten minutes of the White Tiger’s life.

When the attack finally ended, the White Tiger felt pain all over, its body seemingly falling apart.

Struggling to lift its head, it saw the young man standing in front of it.

“Hey, big cat, I could have chopped you up just now. Do you know why I didn’t kill you?”

The White Tiger shook its head in a very human-like manner, surprising Ye Shuangluo. But considering the world’s background, he found it quite normal.

“You can understand me, that’s good. Saves me some trouble. You killed my horse, so now you’ll take its place.

Pull the cart and take me, those two foxes, and the human to the capital.”

The White Tiger showed a look of resistance upon hearing it had to pull the cart.

Ye Shuangluo smiled slightly, walked over, and slowly squatted down, gently stroking the tiger from head to back, speaking in an incredibly gentle tone:

“You’re right, you are the king of beasts. How could I humiliate you like this? I should just kill you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he forcefully pressed the White Tiger’s head to the ground with one hand and pulled out the Mortal Kill knife to chop the tiger.


The White Tiger immediately begged for mercy, but Ye Shuangluo was unmoved, coldly asking again:

“Big cat, I’ll ask you one last time. Will you pull the cart for me? If yes, roar once. If no, I’ll send you to the afterlife right now.”



Ye Shuangluo was stunned for a moment. Did he just hear a meow? This White Tiger just meowed.

It should be a White Tiger, not a white cat, right?

He recalled the White Tiger’s appearance. When he slashed its forehead, there was indeed a “king” character there.

Suddenly, he had a guess and tentatively asked:

“Are you trying to please me? Because I called you a big cat, you’re mimicking a cat?”

The White Tiger sensed the killing intent from the young man weakening and knew its method was effective, its tail starting to wag slowly.

It seemed it was indeed trying to please him.

Ye Shuangluo’s killing intent gradually dissipated. He never considered himself bloodthirsty; killing was just a means to an end for him.


When the white fox girl woke up, she found herself back in the familiar cage.

What shocked her even more was that Snowflake was pulling the cart.

“You… what did you do to Snowflake!”

Leaning against the cart, Ye Shuangluo lazily replied:

“I just asked if he wanted to live or die. I didn’t force him; it was his choice.”

If you could let him live, why did you kill Big Jin!

The white fox girl didn’t voice this thought, perhaps because she was almost killed by Ye Shuangluo’s knife, she was a bit scared.

Seeing the obedient White Tiger “Snowflake” pulling the cart, a venomous thought suddenly crossed her mind. Why can this useless thing live while Big Jin had to die?

Though she knew she shouldn’t think this way, the more she forced herself not to, the more entrenched the thought became.

“Snowflake,” being a beast that had gained sentience, had extremely sharp instincts and perception, so he naturally sensed the flash of malice from the white fox girl.

This made him feel aggrieved and angry. If it weren’t for helping you, would I be reduced to pulling a cart? Not only are you ungrateful, but you also harbor malice towards me.

Originally, due to the silver fox girl’s charm ability, “Snowflake” had a good impression of the two girls, but now all that goodwill had vanished.


Soon, night fell. Ye Shuangluo lit a fire and then looked up and down at the White Tiger, considering where to cut a piece of meat.

Snowflake, terrified by the look in his eyes, lay flat on the ground. Didn’t you say you’d spare my life if I pulled the cart? Why do you look like you want to eat me now?

Noticing the White Tiger’s unease, Ye Shuangluo petted him like a cat, soothing him as he did.

“Good big cat, I keep my word. I won’t kill you. I just need you to contribute a piece of meat. You don’t mind, right?”

What else could Snowflake do? Could he refuse?

Ye Shuangluo seemed to be discussing it with him, but his tone left no room for doubt, clearly just informing him.

So Snowflake could only close his eyes in despair, resigned to his fate.

“Good boy.”

Ye Shuangluo’s gaze lingered on him for a while before finally settling on his waist.

With a swift motion, a chunk of over ten pounds of tiger meat was cut off.

Snowflake felt intense pain in his waist but endured it without making a sound. Pain was better than death.

Ignoring the White Tiger, who was trying hard not to scream, Ye Shuangluo cut the tiger meat into small pieces, skewered them on branches, and roasted them over the fire.

Soon, a rich aroma filled the air.

Smelling the meat, Ye Shuangluo thought it was about ready and took a small bite.

It melted in his mouth, still as delicious and tempting as ever, a perfect delicacy needing no seasoning.

Unlike the Mandrillus sphinx meat, tiger meat had a natural spiciness that was just right, making one want to take another bite after the first.

【Congratulations on eating a special delicacy, Gourmet Achievement progress +1】

【Current progress 2/5】

Unknowingly, the over ten pounds of tiger meat was down to the last bite. Just as Ye Shuangluo was about to eat it, he noticed the White Tiger sneaking a glance.

Seeing the White Tiger peeking, Ye Shuangluo thought for a moment and asked:

“Do you want to try?”

Snowflake looked at Ye Shuangluo with resentment, unable to tell if this human was genuinely inviting him or just mocking him.

He thought this human was a bit exaggerated. Could it really be that good? Watching the human seem addicted, he felt a chill.

He feared that after finishing the meat, the human would go wild and chop him up for more.

Fortunately, after finishing the meat, Ye Shuangluo seemed satisfied, leaning against a tree to rest, not making any moves. This finally allowed the White Tiger to relax.

It had been a long time since he felt such fear. The last time was shortly after he was born when an old hunter found his den.

As the only white tiger, he was kept for last by the old hunter. He would never forget how the hunter held him up, inspecting him like a piece of merchandise.

Though he later grew up and gutted the old hunter, the fear the hunter instilled in him became an everlasting shadow.

Now, Ye Shuangluo, with his formidable strength, seemed poised to replace that old hunter as his new nightmare.

Snowflake looked at the young man leaning against a tree, seemingly asleep. His years of combat experience told him this was a good opportunity for a sneak attack.

But his survival instincts warned him that if he dared to attack, he would be killed on the spot.

In the end, he chose to follow his instincts, closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep.

At this moment, Ye Shuangluo slowly opened his eyes. He hadn’t been asleep, just testing if the White Tiger would try to attack him while he slept.

The result was satisfactory. The White Tiger was sensible enough not to risk its life, which put Ye Shuangluo at ease.

He took out three treasure chests from his space backpack, obtained from the stronghold in the Tian Nan Mountain Range. Since the last few people were killed together, he wasn’t sure who dropped which chest.

But that didn’t matter. What mattered was that it was time for the fun of opening treasure chests.

Ye Shuangluo excitedly rubbed his hands together. This was his first time opening treasure chests since his Luck attribute had increased. He hoped to get something useful.

【Congratulations, you have received 1800 Points】

【Congratulations, you have received Beauty’s Tear】

【Congratulations, you have received 2500 Points】

【Congratulations, you have received the Ming King Subduing Demon Sutra】

【Congratulations, you have received 2000 Points】

【Congratulations, you have received the Ghost Luo Blade】


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