Chapter 23 – The sky has cleared, the rain has stopped, and the white fox girl is on her way again

In the forest, two young girls were riding on a giant white tiger.


What was strange was that the tiger, the king of all beasts, would actually allow two human girls to ride on its back.


But upon closer inspection, one would notice that these two girls didn't seem to be ordinary humans—they had fox ears and tails.


These two girls riding the white tiger were the runaway twin fox girls.


After much pleading from the silver fox girl, Lin Xingchen finally decided to help them escape.


"Sister, where are we going next?"


"Grandmother once mentioned that the Sun Dragon Lord established a Dragon Palace in the West Sea to protect all the spirits and monsters. If we travel day and night, we can reach the West Sea in at most a month, and we'll be safe there."


The white fox girl nodded, clearly thinking it was a good idea. Suddenly, she seemed to remember something and turned her head toward the direction of the town, murmuring:


"What a pity, I wanted to take Snowflake to get revenge on that bodyguard who was escorting us."


Mentioning Ye Shuangluo, the white fox girl immediately recalled the scene where he killed and ate her playmate.


That scene was an eternal pain for her, causing her hatred for him to reach its peak.


Hearing her sister mention the bodyguard, the silver fox girl's eyes also flashed with cold light. She didn't lose her composure like her sister, but that didn't mean she wasn't angry. She also hated the young bodyguard who ate their playmate to the bone.


Unfortunately, they had no idea where that young man had gone.


But if he hadn't suddenly disappeared, they probably wouldn't have been able to escape captivity.


Speaking of which, their successful escape was really thanks to Lin Xingchen. The silver fox girl touched her slightly bulging belly.


Don't blame me, little medicine boy, your life was originally saved by me, and now I'm taking it back. You won't blame me, right?


The white fox girl regretted not getting revenge on the young bodyguard, while the silver fox girl was thinking about their future path.


Suddenly, the white tiger they were riding on bristled all over and turned around with a deafening roar.


The sudden turn almost threw the two sisters off, but they managed to hold on tightly to the white tiger's fur.


"Snowflake, what's wrong?"


The white fox girl stroked the white tiger's bristling fur, trying to calm it down.


But her efforts seemed to have no effect. The white tiger remained vigilant, staring ahead as if sensing something terrifying approaching rapidly.


The two sisters looked ahead but saw nothing. Just as they were puzzled, they heard a faint sound.


Clip-clop, clip-clop!


They exchanged glances, recognizing the sound of horse hooves.


The sound grew louder, confirming their suspicion, and seemed to be getting closer.


They grew tense, feeling a strong premonition of impending disaster.


Soon, they saw the source of the sound.


A young man in blood-red armor riding a white horse appeared before them.


Their pupils contracted. They would recognize that face even if it turned to ash—it was the young bodyguard who had been escorting them!


"Well, well, you two sure have a lot of animal friends."


That voice was still so indifferent. The white fox girl clenched her fists and sneered:


"I was just thinking what a pity it was that I couldn't kill you before leaving, and now you come to me yourself."


"Tsk tsk, you're still so unaware of your own limitations. I really don't understand what makes you so arrogant. Is it that big white cat you're riding?"


Ye Shuangluo's gaze locked onto the white tiger beneath the twins. This must be the white tiger the innkeeper warned him about.


It was truly killing two birds with one stone—retrieving the quest objective and advancing his achievement progress. How wonderful.


Ye Shuangluo's lips curved slightly, but the white tiger in front of him was on high alert.


It could feel the human's gaze on it, as if looking at prey and food.


The intense malice was unbearable, so it roared again, either to bolster its courage or to provoke.




The roar was earth-shattering, shaking the leaves off nearby trees.


[The enemy has used a skill on you. You need to make a Will Judgment.]


[… Judgment passed. The skill has no effect on you.]


Ye Shuangluo shook his head. The roar didn't affect him much.


But his white horse fainted, either from the loud noise or the white tiger's imposing presence.


On the other side, the white fox girl, who had been tense, saw Snowflake's display of might and felt confident again. She taunted:


"If you kneel and kowtow to me three times, I might consider leaving you a whole corpse. Oh, by the way, do you want to know Lin Xingchen's last words? Do you want to know how he died?"


Seeing the white fox girl flaunting on the white tiger, Ye Shuangluo thought of an idiom story he learned as a child.


The fox borrowing the tiger's might.


He never thought he would see a live version of it one day. Truly, you live and learn.


Hearing her mention Lin Xingchen's last words, he shook his head. How pitiful.


When Lin Xingchen handed his blood to the white fox girl and she drank it without hesitation, he understood one thing.


This white fox girl, regardless of her strength or intelligence, would definitely do what she said. If she said she would eat your flesh and drink your blood, she meant it.


"I don't care how he died or what he said before he died. Now I give you two choices.


First, obediently get back into the prison cart.


Second, I beat you half to death and throw you in."


As he said the word "throw," Ye Shuangluo's killing intent became palpable, even causing the white tiger to take two steps back.


The white fox girl remained outwardly calm but was deeply shocked. It had only been one night, but why did this young bodyguard seem like a different person?


The killing intent around him was like that of an Asura who had just emerged from hell.


Just looking at him made her eyes sting.


The white fox girl gritted her teeth, about to have Snowflake attack, when her sister, sitting behind her, suddenly leaned in and whispered.


"Wait, let me handle this."


The silver fox girl jumped off the white tiger and, under Ye Shuangluo's gaze, her eyes turned pink.


Her beautiful eyes looked at him with deep affection, and the love in her gaze could melt steel.


For a moment, romantic scenes filled Ye Shuangluo's mind, all featuring the silver fox girl.


[The enemy has used a Charm skill on you. Making a Mental Judgment.]


[… Judgment passed. The skill has no effect on you.]


"Come to me~"


Ye Shuangluo slowly walked toward the silver fox girl, looking at her stunningly beautiful face that combined sensuality and purity without any discord.


The silver fox girl sighed in relief, thinking she wouldn't have to fight directly. Just as she was about to give the next command, a hand suddenly grabbed her neck and slammed her into a tree.


She passed out before she could react.


"Once, a woman more beautiful than you did the same thing to me, and I killed her."


He glanced at the white tiger in mid-air, which was pouncing toward him with the white fox girl.


Clearly, the sister had noticed he wasn't charmed but didn't tell her sister, instead letting the white tiger take the opportunity to attack.


What a good sister she was, truly sisterly love.


He stood still, not dodging, not even drawing Mortal Kill.


The white fox girl in mid-air sensed something was wrong, but it was too late.


The two ghost heads on the shoulders of Ye Shuangluo's Blood Demon Armor came to life, biting into his neck.


Special Effect "Blood Frenzy" activated.


It was his first time activating this special effect. As it activated, a violent urge to kill surged in his heart.


Kill, kill the two people and the beast in front of him, tear them to pieces.


As he struggled to suppress the rising urge to kill, the white tiger with the white fox girl reached his attack range.


He infused Wind Element into his leg and delivered a spinning kick, sending both the tiger and the girl flying, then charged in their direction.


He had temporarily suppressed his boiling urge to kill because he knew he couldn't kill the twins just yet.


As he charged, he drew Mortal Kill and slashed at the white tiger's forehead.




Mortal Kill easily cut through the white tiger's flesh but got stuck in the bone.


Failing to kill with one strike, Ye Shuangluo was about to follow up when he heard the white fox girl curse:


"You devil, why? Why can't you just die obediently!"


Her ridiculous words made Ye Shuangluo laugh, so he temporarily abandoned the idea of finishing off the white tiger.


"You really don't learn, do you? Have you forgotten how that Mandrillus sphinx named Big Jin died? I must say, these animals are really unlucky to be your friends."


With that, he slashed down, and the white fox girl closed her eyes.


Of course, Ye Shuangluo didn't kill her, at least not yet. He used the back of his blade, causing the white fox girl to pass out.


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