Chapter 21 – Asura Demon Eye

Ye Shuangluo sat on a large green stone at the mountain peak, placing Mortal Kill on his lap as he began to review his quest rewards.

[Asura Demon Eye]

[Type: Special Skill]

[Effect: This skill consumes 1-5 points of Spiritual Power per second when activated (you can freely choose the amount). During activation, Perception attribute increases by 2-10. Each attack will carry attribute damage equal to your Perception, and when the damage reaches a certain level, it will apply a negative buff to the enemy.

Current attribute damage types: Fire, Ice

Possible negative buffs: Burn (reduces the effectiveness of healing items, skills, and effects by 20%, decreases Health Points by 15 per second)

Freeze (increases skill cooldown by 25%, reduces movement speed by 20%)]

[Learning Requirement: Perception attribute must be 20 or higher]

[Note: Learning this skill may cause changes in the player’s personality, such as impulsiveness, irritability, cruelty]

[Upgrade Requirement: 100,000 Points, Millennium Demon Heart]

This skill was very powerful, even comparable to Ye Shuangluo’s Legendary passive “Master of Weapons.”

But the awkward part was that he couldn’t learn it yet, as his Perception attribute was still below 20 points.

He remembered that in the last Trial World, there were a series of achievements that could increase this attribute, but now that he had left, there was no way to achieve those to boost his Perception.

Since he couldn’t learn the skill at the moment, he had no choice but to store it in his space backpack to gather dust.

Quickly adjusting his mindset, he began to review the next reward.

[Special Advancement Path Clue for Killing Aura Skill]

[This reward is a knowledge-based reward, requiring collection before detailed content can be viewed]

[Current Progress: 1/3]

[Killing Aura skill may seem ordinary, obtained by killing a few enemies, but it can actually advance into a special skill through unique means]

This thing… was indeed somewhat useless for now, as he hadn’t even acquired the prerequisite “Killing Aura” skill. He decided to keep it for now; perhaps he might get lucky and complete the collection someday.

Next, next.

[Weapon Refinement Stone]

[Type: Special Item]

[Effect: Refines the weapon further upon use]

[Note: This item can only refine a weapon to its quality limit but cannot break through the quality]

This thing… Ye Shuangluo took out a Weapon Refinement Stone from his space backpack and tentatively placed it on Mortal Kill’s blade.

Instantly, the Weapon Refinement Stone turned into liquid and merged into Mortal Kill, emitting a faint glow.

Having fought countless battles with Mortal Kill, Ye Shuangluo could clearly feel that it seemed slightly heavier than before.

Since this was his beloved blade that had fought alongside him, Ye Shuangluo took out all the Weapon Refinement Stones to merge them all.

However, Mortal Kill reached its limit after absorbing only four stones. When he tried to apply more, the stones had no reaction.

[Mortal Kill]

[Quality: White+]

[Type: Weapon (Blade)]

[Special Effect: Kill Order

At the start of combat, mark an enemy. Every three attacks on the marked enemy add a layer of “Killing Mark,” up to five layers.

Killing Marks can be detonated to deal massive damage.

(When attacking an enemy with Killing Marks using Mortal Kill, each layer of the mark increases damage by 8%)]

[Equipment Requirement: None]

[Sharpness: 10]

[Durability: 55/55]

[Evaluation: Among white-quality weapons, there may be rivals, but none stronger]

Ye Shuangluo caressed his beloved blade, feeling that the refinement had made the already sharp Mortal Kill even more formidable.

He cherished Mortal Kill, perhaps because it was the first weapon he obtained from his first Treasure Chest, or perhaps because he had slain countless enemies with it.

Setting Mortal Kill aside, he began to review the next quest reward.

[Blood Demon Armor]

[Quality: Green]

[Type: Equipment (Armor)]

[Defense: 10 (for reference only)]

[Special Effect: Frenzied by Blood (activates after consuming 50% of max Health Points)

Upon activation, greatly increases Attack Power, decreases Defense, and converts 10% of damage dealt into Health Points.

Duration: 10 minutes, Cooldown: 24 hours]

[Equipment Requirement: Must have personally killed at least 100 people (requirement met)]

[Durability: 50/50]

[Description: This demonic armor was forged by a deranged cult leader using 100 lives. The cult leader eventually conquered the world with 8,000 elite soldiers wearing this armor, claiming the supreme throne]

This was the first green-quality equipment Ye Shuangluo had obtained, and it happened to be the armor he lacked.

Ye Shuangluo immediately discarded his blood-stained clothes and equipped the Blood Demon Armor.

One had to admit, with his innate Charisma of 7 points, Ye Shuangluo looked like a young general in this armor, exuding a sense of heroic vigor.

Silently, he opened the system panel to test the equipment’s transformation function.

After all, wearing armor in an ancient world was normal, but in the Main World or a modern world, it would be too conspicuous.

Finally, Ye Shuangluo reviewed the Demon Soul Amber, an extra reward for perfectly completing his quest.

[Demon Soul Amber]

[Type: Special Item]

[Quality: Black]

[Usage: Drip your blood on it, and the Demon Soul Amber will transform into an exclusive skill stone]

Exclusive skill stone?

Ye Shuangluo picked up Mortal Kill from his lap, cut his finger, and let his blood drip onto the amber.

The Demon Soul Amber immediately shone brightly, first white, then black, and finally a red glow.

When the light faded, the Demon Soul Amber had transformed into a heart-like stone.

[Exclusive Skill Stone (Ye Shuangluo)]

[Skill Generation in Progress (1%)]

Good news: there’s a progress bar.

Bad news: no idea how to increase it.

Ye Shuangluo stared at the heart-like black skill stone, his heightened Five Senses allowing him to hear its heartbeat, synchronized with his own.

He tossed the strange skill stone into his space backpack and stood up. The nearby stronghold was still burning fiercely, but he had no intention of watching any longer.

Leading his horse down the mountain, he checked his talent interface. It seemed to have chimed a few times during his killing spree, but he hadn’t had the chance to look.

[Congratulations on achieving: Son of Destruction (single-handedly destroyed an organization with over 500 members)]

[Reward: Solo Guild Permission Card (allows you to create a guild with only yourself, bypassing the usual player number requirement)]

[Congratulations on achieving: Elite Slayer]

[Reward: Luck +1]

[Congratulations on achieving: Butcher (killed a being of the same race by any means)]

[Reward: Perception +2]


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