Chapter 15 – The Death of Mandrillus sphinx Big Jin

The moment Ye Shuangluo heard that eerie laughter, his legs instinctively propelled him forward like an arrow leaving the bowstring.

Almost simultaneously, the spot where he had been standing was smashed into a large pit.

As the smoke cleared, a humanoid creature approximately 2.2 meters tall emerged from the pit.

At this moment, Ye Shuangluo finally saw what this humanoid creature was.

The creature had a bizarre appearance, covered in blood-red fur, with a bright red nose and bridge.

Ye Shuangluo frowned. The beast reeked of blood, a stench that seemed to emanate from its fur.

The smell made him feel nauseous and led him to a hypothesis: the beast’s fur wasn’t originally red but had been dyed by blood.

Upon closer inspection, he identified the species: Mandrillus sphinx.

As someone who enjoyed learning about strange and unusual knowledge, he recognized the beast almost immediately.

The two sisters, who had been lifeless in their cage, regained their vigor upon seeing the Mandrillus sphinx. The white fox girl even shouted joyfully:

“Big Jin, you came to save us!”


The Mandrillus sphinx let out that eerie, sharp laugh again, gesticulating wildly.

The silver fox girl frowned at the Mandrillus sphinx’s antics and couldn’t help but say:

“Big Jin, did you eat children again? You promised me you wouldn’t use babies as food anymore.”

Her words were full of reproach, which instantly displeased the white fox girl, who retorted:

“Sis, now’s not the time to worry about what Big Jin eats! They don’t see us as humans anyway. I say we stop holding Big Jin and Grandma back.”

The silver fox girl wanted to argue with her sister but, considering their current situation, her expression darkened.

Yes, no matter how hard she tried, she was still an outcast. In their eyes, she and her sister were just monsters wearing human skins.

As the younger sister chattered and the older sister despaired, the Mandrillus sphinx grabbed the iron bars of the cage, seemingly trying to tear them apart.

Seeing the Mandrillus sphinx completely ignore him and attempt to rescue the twin foxes, Ye Shuangluo moved. He delivered a flying kick that sent the Mandrillus sphinx crashing into a large tree, snapping it in half.

The twins realized they had celebrated too early; there was still a bodyguard escorting them to the capital.

“Rescuing people in front of me without even saying hello?”

Ye Shuangluo said as he leisurely took out Mortal Kill from his space backpack.


The Mandrillus sphinx’s facial features contorted, glaring at him with a demonic expression.

In the next second, the Mandrillus sphinx charged at him on all fours, seeing him as the villain obstructing its rescue mission.

Ye Shuangluo infused Wind Element into his legs and charged straight at it.

As the distance closed, the Mandrillus sphinx swung a massive palm down.


The blade infused with Wind Element was so fast that the twins in the cage couldn’t even see when it struck.

Drip, drip…

Blood dripped from the Mandrillus sphinx’s severed hand, splattering on the ground. It looked at its half-severed hand in pain but did not scream or show fear.

Ye Shuangluo glanced at the severed hand at his feet and couldn’t help but admire:

This Mandrillus sphinx truly had strong survival instincts, almost becoming a spirit beast.

In that brief moment of combat, it had sensed the threat of death when Ye Shuangluo struck and chose to retreat.

Though it was a bit late, losing half a hand, it was better than losing the whole hand.

Inside the cage, the twins were anxious. They couldn’t see the strike but understood from the battle that Big Jin was no match for this young man.

The white fox girl gripped the bars and shouted desperately:

“Big Jin, run! Don’t worry about us!”

Ye Shuangluo sneered, “Come and go as you please? Not that easy.”

The Mandrillus sphinx, though fast, was outpaced by Ye Shuangluo under the Wind Element’s boost.

However, the Mandrillus sphinx didn’t seem to intend to flee. Instead, it licked its wound and prepared to charge again.


With a roar, it leaped towards the cage, aiming for the twins, realizing it couldn’t win against Ye Shuangluo.

As it landed in front of the cage and grabbed the bars, ready to escape, a cold voice sounded behind it:

“I told you, did you ask me before rescuing anyone?”


The sound of a blade cutting through flesh echoed as the Mandrillus sphinx was struck in the back, blood spurting out. The cut was so deep that its shoulder blade and spine were visible.

The Mandrillus sphinx tried to stand but was kicked to the ground by Ye Shuangluo.

The twins were horrified, but what happened next was even more unbearable.

The young bodyguard stepped on their playmate’s back and chopped off all its limbs.

“Big Jin! You bastard! Get your filthy foot off Big Jin!”

Seeing their childhood playmate treated this way, the white fox girl’s heart bled.

The silver fox girl, though not shouting like her sister, trembled, revealing her panic.

“If you kill Big Jin, I swear I won’t let you go.”

Ye Shuangluo glanced at the white fox girl in the cage. Did she not realize her situation? She was a prisoner and still dared to threaten him.

He bent down, grabbed the Mandrillus sphinx’s head, and chopped it off.


Ye Shuangluo held the Mandrillus sphinx’s head, looking at its wide-open eyes, a look of eternal grievance.

He sneered disdainfully:

“It seems you didn’t understand that if you want to kill, you must be prepared to be killed.”

He tossed the head in front of the cage.

Seeing their playmate’s severed head, the younger sister gritted her teeth in anger, while the older sister fainted from grief.

Ye Shuangluo ignored their reactions, focusing on the Mandrillus sphinx.

After its death, a white treasure chest floated above its body.

The chest’s quality was white, which was expected given the Mandrillus sphinx’s weakness.

What truly delighted Ye Shuangluo was that the Mandrillus sphinx met the criteria for Pluto’s “Captive Souls” special effect.

Chains, visible only to him, entered the Mandrillus sphinx’s body, pulling its soul into Pluto.

[Mandrillus sphinx “Big Jin” soul, Strength attribute +1 upon captivity]

[This soul is only effective for Strength attributes below 20 points]

[Retain? Yes/No]

Following the principle of “better than nothing,” Ye Shuangluo chose to retain and imprisoned the Mandrillus sphinx’s soul in Pluto.

Instantly, he felt a noticeable increase in his strength.


One response to “Chapter 15 – The Death of Mandrillus sphinx Big Jin”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    thank you for the chapter lets see if he saves the ‘gifts’

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