Chapter 14 – The Second Trial Begins


[Congratulations to the Reserve Player for successfully repelling the invaders]

[Faced with invaders from another world, you crushed their invasion with overwhelming strength. Your contribution in this battle is 574 (1.28%)]

[Due to the total annihilation of the enemy invaders, the enemy world’s gate will be forcibly opened for one month. During this time, players from this world can choose to counter-invade]

It seems that everyone else has also resolved their battles.

Ye Shuangluo leaned back on the sofa, contemplating the pros and cons of a counter-invasion.

The advantage, of course, is that he can use those chattering goblins to boost his progress on Pluto.

Moreover, in his view, whether it’s an invasion or a counter-invasion, it can be seen as a cross-server war in a game.

In such cross-server wars, the winner always takes all, and the loser is cast into hell.

The downside is naturally the high risk. Although he can kill as many goblins as come, and even that bear goblin is not unbeatable.

But who can guarantee that the bear goblin is the strongest combat force in the other world?

Of course, this world gate will be open for a month.

The time flow rate between the Trial World and the Main World is different. After a month in the Main World, he might have completed three trials and become an official player.

By then, his strength would have significantly increased, and he might be able to plan a counter-invasion.

At this moment, the talent that had been quiet since he returned to the Main World suddenly activated.

[Congratulations on achieving the “Novice Guardian” achievement]

[Novice Guardian (Primary Achievement)]

[Achievement Condition: Participate in a world defense battle in the Main World]

[Reward: Primary Guardian Buff]

“To think I could get an achievement, what a pleasant surprise.”

He immediately claimed the Primary Guardian Buff and checked what benefits it could bring him.

[Primary Guardian Buff]

[Effect: When you are in the Main World, any damage to you will be reduced by 5%, and any damage you deal will be increased by 5%]

This buff has great potential and will likely become very powerful in the future.

Moreover, the word “Primary” indicates that this buff can be upgraded.

Ye Shuangluo immediately checked the advancement conditions for the Novice Guardian achievement.


[Condition: Participate in at least three world defense battles and achieve over 10% contribution in at least one battle]

Three times, and he needs to achieve over 10% contribution in at least one battle. Looking at his 1.28% contribution in this battle, Ye Shuangluo decided that this achievement was not something he could force and decided to let it happen naturally.

As he was about to start the second trial, he felt a rare sense of nervousness. He took deep breaths to calm himself down.

He didn’t know what environment the second trial would be in. Considering the possibility of water and food shortages, he had bought a large amount of instant food and drinking water two days ago.

After checking the supplies in his space backpack again and ensuring everything was ready, he slowly closed his eyes and waited quietly for the system prompt.

After an unknown amount of time, a mechanical voice slowly echoed in his mind.

[A new trial is about to begin. Do you want to enter the Trial World immediately?]


A strong sense of dizziness overwhelmed him, and Ye Shuangluo felt his vision go black before losing consciousness.


Ye Shuangluo opened his eyes and looked around, finding himself seemingly transported to a deep forest, surrounded by trees.

[Next, an introduction to this world. Please listen carefully]

[In the early years of the Qi Yuan era, a new emperor ascended the throne, seeking immortals and the secret to eternal life]

[In the fourth year of Qi Yuan, an immortal was moved by the emperor’s sincerity and bestowed a divine stone to forge an immortal body for the emperor]

[In the 185th year of Qi Yuan, the emperor, now two hundred years old, decided to hold a grand birthday banquet in the imperial city, ordering every official to present a satisfactory birthday gift]

[What the emperor didn’t know was that at this moment, the imperial city was already filled with all sorts of demons and monsters, and people from various sects and factions]

[Some came to kill him, while others sought the divine stone that forged his immortal body]

[The imperial city, seemingly peaceful and harmonious, was actually a cauldron of hidden dangers, ready to erupt in chaos at any moment]

[You are a bodyguard escorting an official’s birthday gift to the emperor. The chaos in the imperial city seems unrelated to you]

[But once you step into that city, you may find that you no longer control your fate]

[500 points have been automatically spent to help the Reserve Player master the language of this world]

[Basic memories of this identity have been infused]

[Main Quest 1: Escort the Birthday Gift

Quest Description: You are a bodyguard hired by an official to escort a birthday gift. You need to deliver the gift to the imperial city alive and intact.

Quest Reward: 2 Free Attribute points]

A flood of unfamiliar memories was directly implanted into his mind. After absorbing them, he understood what it meant to deliver the gift alive to the imperial city.

At this moment, the sound of chains clinking came from behind.

Turning towards the sound, he saw a carriage pulled by two horses, inside which two young girls looked at him helplessly and angrily.

Ye Shuangluo’s gaze instantly fixed on the two girls, not because of their stunning looks, but because they had fox ears and tails.

Yes, these two girls were the gifts he had to escort, children born from the union of a human and a fox spirit.

As human-beast hybrids, they inherited human appearances and some fox body parts.

Interestingly, although they were twin sisters and looked almost identical, they had very subtle differences.

The elder sister was a silver fox, while the younger sister was a white fox.

It was said that their father was a genius scholar known far and wide, and their mother was a white fox who had lived for about five hundred years.

As for why the elder sister was a silver fox, it was said that her maternal grandmother was a silver fox.

Although Ye Shuangluo found it absurd that there was genetic inheritance in a world with spirits, what was even more absurd was that humans in this world seemed to have no reproductive isolation. Any species could have children with humans.

These twins were the best example. Even if a fox became a spirit, it couldn’t transform into a human, at most using illusions to appear as a beautiful woman to others.

But in reality, it was still a fox.

However, even without reproductive isolation, such hybrids were very prone to dying young. The chances of a hybrid being born safely and reaching adulthood were extremely slim.

The odds of twin hybrids reaching adulthood were even lower.

In summary, if these twins could be safely delivered to the emperor, the official who sent them might indeed get a promotion.

Coming back to his senses, he looked at the twin girls in the cage with some pity.

But the two girls stared at him with hatred and anger.

“Don’t look at me like that. I’m not the one who captured you.”

From the memories infused by the system, he knew how these two girls were captured.

It started when an apprentice herbalist encountered a gray wolf in the mountains. The apprentice was so scared that he froze and collapsed.

The apprentice thought he would be killed by the wolf, but just as the wolf was about to bite him, a girl appeared and saved him.

To the apprentice’s surprise, the girl had fox ears and a tail.

The apprentice told his master about this, and his master saw an opportunity.

The master contacted an official he was friendly with. The official, being knowledgeable, immediately understood the situation.

The official, thinking of the emperor’s order for a satisfactory birthday gift, decided to capture the fox girls as gifts.

The official led over two hundred strong men and several skilled fighters into the mountains.

They found the girls, discovering they were twins.

The result was that the beasts trying to protect the twins suffered heavy casualties, and less than ten percent of the men the official brought survived.

But the official felt it was worth it. The twins, as birthday gifts, would surely please the emperor, earning him a great reward.

However, the heavy losses in capturing the twins forced the official to hire the most famous escort agency in the area at a high price.


“Grandmother was right; humans are all bad!”

The white fox sister bared her teeth at Ye Shuangluo. He smiled slightly, not taking it to heart, and turned to sit on the carriage, saying slowly:

“If your grandmother told you that humans are all bad, why did you save that apprentice herbalist?”

Hearing Ye Shuangluo’s words, the silver fox sister lowered her head in dejection.

Indeed, if she hadn’t felt pity and saved the apprentice from the wolf, perhaps they wouldn’t have become prisoners, and everyone wouldn’t have died.

Maybe the question reminded them of sad memories, as both sisters fell silent.

After a while, Ye Shuangluo looked up at the moon in the sky. It was late; they should continue their journey at dawn.

He jumped off the carriage, intending to start a fire to dispel the darkness, when a strange and sharp laugh suddenly came from behind.

“Hee hee hee.”



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