Chapter 13 – The boy wearing the Lion Mask

When Ye Shuangluo arrived at the playground, a chaotic scene unfolded before his eyes.

Countless boys lay on the ground, some unconscious, others writhing in pain and wailing.

The girls were being chased around the playground by a group of green-skinned dwarfs, but it was clear they couldn’t escape. Some were tackled to the ground, others struck down by weapons.

These green-skinned dwarfs wielded spears, long guns, and large wooden clubs, greedily eyeing the young boys and girls scattered across the playground, even drooling with filthy saliva.

They were short, each about 1.2 to 1.4 meters tall.

Their faces were filled with greed, and what they seemed to covet most were the youthful girls and some of the strong boys in the school.

Looking at their appearances and greedy eyes, a name flashed through Ye Shuangluo’s mind: “Goblins.”

Of course, more eye-catching than these goblins was the massive gate, ten meters tall and ten meters wide, that had appeared at the school entrance at some unknown time.

Goblins continuously streamed out of this gate, all of them excited, their eyes filled with greed as they looked at the boys and girls on the playground.

“Truly disgusting.”

Ye Shuangluo withdrew his gaze, silently muttering to himself, then took out his Wind Chaser Type I from his space backpack and fired three shots at the goblin horde.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The three shots accurately claimed the lives of three goblins, drawing the attention of both the goblins and the boys and girls on the playground.

The boys and girls first showed signs of joy, but upon seeing that it was just one person, and that this person was wearing a mask and holding a knife, seemingly cosplaying, they fell back into despair.

The goblins, however, didn’t think that much. They were only filled with anger, furious that their kind had been killed in front of them.

Three goblins lunged at him first. As they closed in, he showed no intention of dodging, as if he were paralyzed with fear.

But in the next moment, he moved.

Ye Shuangluo gripped his knife in his left hand and slashed cleanly from right to left.

In one swift motion, he cut all three goblins in half mid-air.


As the three bodies hit the ground, the boys and girls were stunned.

They hadn’t seen the slash clearly at all and almost thought the masked stranger would be taken down by the green-skinned creatures.

Ye Shuangluo nodded, satisfied with his slash. It seemed his training over the past few days hadn’t been in vain.

Perhaps it was the hidden weapon talent boost from the “Master of Weapons” legendary passive that made using both the Wind Chaser Type I and Mortal Kill feel particularly smooth.

[Blade Mastery Beginner LV.2]

[Effect: Increases damage by 4% when using bladed weapons]

[Evaluation: Obtaining this skill means your blade mastery is at least at the beginner level]

However, his talent with firearms wasn’t as high, so he used a self-selected skill book.

[Firearm Mastery (Hot Weapons) Beginner LV.1]

[Effect: Increases damage by 2% when using firearms]

[Evaluation: Obtaining this skill means your firearm mastery is at least at the beginner level]

“Gilakaso!” (Goblin language)

The goblins, enraged by the death of their companions, swarmed towards Ye Shuangluo.

He didn’t retreat. Wind Element attached to his legs, he charged at the goblins with Mortal Kill in hand.

Slash, slash, slash…

With the support of his powerful attributes, Ye Shuangluo used Mortal Kill to harvest the lives of the goblins one by one.

The goblins, initially filled with anger and greed, saw their numbers dwindle, their anger fading, and their greed vanishing completely.

They were slaughtered like pigs and dogs, the fox-masked youth reaping their lives with devilish efficiency.

Finally, after thirty or forty goblins had died, they chose to flee.

But among all the goblins, there were always one or two exceptions.

Ye Shuangluo’s keen five senses allowed him to hear a goblin attempting to sneak up on him from behind. Without turning, he thrust Mortal Kill backward.

Instantly, the goblin leaping at him from behind was impaled.

Adhering to his principle of waste utilization, he gripped Mortal Kill and flung it towards the cluster of goblins ahead.

Several goblins were knocked down, but the others ignored their fallen companions and continued to flee.

Ye Shuangluo casually flicked the green blood off his blade. Though he was alone, his presence alone suppressed the hundreds of goblins opposite him.

Through the recent battle, he realized that aside from their high agility, the goblins’ other attributes were similar to or even lower than humans.

However, the goblins had combat experience and weapons, so it was understandable that the students on the playground were no match for them.

Watching the fleeing goblins, Ye Shuangluo felt things weren’t that simple. If the invasion was so easily thwarted, the World Consciousness wouldn’t have specifically warned him.

Sure enough, as the goblins tried to escape the school, a beast-like roar echoed from a distance.

Accompanied by the roar, the ground seemed to tremble, causing the fleeing goblins to halt.

They instinctively formed two lines, as if welcoming some important figure.

Something was coming. Ye Shuangluo tightened his grip on his long knife.

Soon, a tall goblin clad in armor slowly approached from a distance.

The most distinctive feature of this goblin was its head. Unlike other goblins, it had a bear’s head.

For some reason, Ye Shuangluo thought of the horned zombie, but this bear goblin was different.

It wielded two heavy-looking war hammers, clearly intelligent enough to use weapons.

At this moment, a goblin approached the bear goblin, speaking and pointing towards Ye Shuangluo.

“Sasa Imurado!” (Goblin language)

The bear goblin roared in anger, smashing the tattling goblin into minced meat with a hammer.

“What a temper.”

If the appearance of ordinary goblins caused chaos, the bear goblin’s arrival threw everyone into complete panic.

Anyone who saw this behemoth would find it hard to stay calm.

It was a biological instinct.

The massive body was intimidating. Before this, the largest humanoid Ye Shuangluo had seen was the horned zombie, but even that would be dwarfed by the bear goblin.

But Ye Shuangluo felt no fear. He knew he couldn’t escape this time.

Just as he prepared to fight, he suddenly turned to look at the rooftop of the teaching building.

In his perception, a strong presence had suddenly appeared there.

His perception proved accurate. On the rooftop, a youth wearing a lion mask rode a black panther, surveying the ground from above.

Ye Shuangluo noticed the youth, and so did the bear goblin.

Perhaps displeased by the youth’s lofty gaze, or for some other reason, the bear goblin clashed his hammers together and muttered in his language.

“Gilakakusa!” (Goblin language)

He then hurled a hammer at the youth on the rooftop. The youth leaped into the air, his panther dissolving into starlight.

Though the lion-masked youth descended, he didn’t land on the ground but stood in mid-air.

Hovering, he looked down at the bear goblin with disdain and disgust.

“Such foolish and filthy creatures like you should be burned to ashes.”

The youth raised a finger, a flame appearing at his fingertip, then drew a line in the air.

“Listen to my call, Divine Flame Lion King.”

As the youth spoke, a massive portal appeared in mid-air, opening wide.


The bear goblin roared at the portal, throwing its remaining hammer at it.

The hammer melted into molten iron mid-flight, unable to withstand the heat.

In the next moment, a giant lion wrapped in golden flames leapt from the portal, slamming the bear goblin to the ground with a paw.

Ye Shuangluo, who witnessed the entire scene, was in awe of the giant lion.

The lion was enormous. The bear goblin, nearly four meters tall, looked like a dwarf beside it.

The size difference between the bear goblin and the lion was like that between a human child and an adult lion.

With such a size disparity, the bear goblin was pinned to the ground, unable to move.

Despite its desperate struggle, the giant paw remained firmly on its head.

“Lion King, stop playing. Kill them all.”

Hearing the youth’s urging, the Divine Flame Lion King stopped toying with its new toy.

Golden flames surged from its paw, and in an instant, the bear goblin was reduced to ashes.

Though the bear goblin turned to ash, the golden flames didn’t extinguish.

Instead, they seemed intelligent, spreading into countless sparks that latched onto the goblins emerging from the portal.

For some reason, these sparks didn’t incinerate the goblins instantly like they did the bear goblin.

Instead, they caused the goblins to wail and beg in agony.

Ye Shuangluo looked at the youth hovering in mid-air. Due to the mask, he couldn’t see the youth’s expression.

Was he watching this scene indifferently, or was he excited by his handiwork?

He shook his head, unable to discern the youth’s thoughts.

But one thing he knew: the youth was strong, strong enough to kill him a hundred times over if he wished.

He decided not to linger, preparing to go home and rest, to be ready for the afternoon trial.

As for the others on the playground and in the teaching building?

After the lion-masked youth released the Lion King to burn the bear goblin, they had already fled.

Neither the giant lion nor the youth stopped Ye Shuangluo from leaving.

The youth simply watched his back, lost in thought.

Five minutes later.

When all the goblins had turned to ash and no more emerged from the portal, the giant lion leapt back through the gate.

The lion-masked youth took out a scroll from his space backpack. As he opened it, a white light flashed, and he disappeared.

Walking home, Ye Shuangluo belatedly realized something: the lion-masked youth had been wearing his school’s uniform.

Was he, or perhaps she, also a student at this school?

Was there such a formidable person in his school?

But wasn’t the youth afraid of being exposed? Wearing the school uniform so openly, while he had at least taken his off.

Then again, the youth was an experienced player and likely knew what he was doing.

He didn’t need to worry about the youth. He needed to focus on the fact that this incident had been witnessed by hundreds of people on the playground and in the teaching building.

Considering the World Consciousness had mentioned five simultaneous invasions, at least a thousand people must have seen it.

The internet would likely explode soon, if it hadn’t already, but that didn’t concern him much. He needed to rest and prepare for the next trial.


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