Chapter 12 – Defense War Begins

After reviewing the latest attribute panel, Ye Shuangluo felt his head was full of question marks.

First of all, why had his Mana Points turned into Spiritual Power?

Although he hadn’t used Mana Points at all in the Trial World, it suddenly changing into something unknown was bewildering. He couldn’t tell if it was a good or bad thing.

Secondly, why had his Charisma Attribute decreased by 1 point while his Agility Attribute increased by 1 point? Could it be that the missing Charisma point had been converted into Agility?

No matter how much he racked his brain, he couldn’t figure it out, and eventually, he gave up thinking about it.

Losing a point in Charisma was fine, at least his Agility had increased.

When it came to attribute allocation, he completely ignored the suggested distribution. Choosing Charisma as the main attribute? He wasn’t crazy.

Charisma could affect interactions and summoning-related items and skills.

But he didn’t have any summoning skills or items right now. As for interactions…

He preferred putting a knife to someone’s throat; at that point, he could do whatever he wanted.

Looking at his various attributes, he quickly came up with a distribution plan.

“Allocate 4 points to Strength, 4 points to Constitution, 4 points to Agility… and 1 point to Intelligence.”

In the end, he still allocated 1 point to Intelligence, as it affected his MP limit.

But what exactly was this Spiritual Power for?

He could feel that he could control something, and it was quite easy, like using his own limbs.

But he didn’t really know what the Spiritual Power was for.

However, he didn’t have time to ponder it now, as the attribute allocation had already begun.

Pain, excruciating pain.

This was Ye Shuangluo’s only feeling at the moment. As the attribute allocation started, he felt as if his body and even his soul were being torn apart.

The worst part was that despite the pain, he didn’t pass out.

He knew it was the system’s ability keeping him conscious.

But he would rather pass out; the pain was unbearable.

He had been severely injured by a modified Horned Zombie in the Trial World, feeling as if his whole body was falling apart, even having flashbacks.

But that pain was not even one percent of what he was feeling now. It felt like his bones were being shattered and reassembled repeatedly, about a hundred times, before the enhancement was over.

Ye Shuangluo stumbled off the Attribute Enhancer, his eyes dazed. He didn’t know how he had managed to endure it.

Just then, a mechanical voice echoed in his mind.

(Friendly Reminder: The initial attribute allocation will cause extreme pain. If the player cannot endure it, they can choose to block the pain.)

“You must be joking! You tell me this after I’ve already finished the allocation!!”

Ye Shuangluo almost roared. He could accept the pain as the price for becoming stronger.

But the game system telling him he could block the pain only after the process was complete made him feel like going crazy.

Unfortunately, the system ignored his anger and roars. Ye Shuangluo sighed helplessly, “Forget it, whatever, let it be!”

He took out the virus serum he had just obtained from the Treasure Chest and glanced nervously at the Attribute Enhancer.

Would injecting this virus serum into his body hurt just as much?

After hesitating for a moment, he still injected the serum into his body, pressing the plunger to inject all the virus serum.

After the injection, he tensed up, ready to endure the soul and body-wrenching pain.

But to his surprise, no pain came. Instead, a warm sensation spread from his chest throughout his body.

So comfortable.

He almost moaned; it was so comfortable, like a traveler who hadn’t drunk water for three days and nights suddenly falling into a spring.

After half an hour, the warmth gradually faded.

Ye Shuangluo eagerly called up his attribute panel, and his attributes had undergone a complete transformation.

Ye Shuangluo (Reserve Player of World sl1122)

Health Points: 100% (This attribute cannot be fully quantified and will change based on injury severity, currently Constitution Attribute × 20)

Spiritual Power: 60/60 (Current recovery rate is 1 point per minute)

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Constitution: 12

Intelligence: 6

Charisma: 6

Compared to before, his attributes had undergone a dramatic change.

Strength and Agility, which were originally only 4 points each, had increased to 10 points after allocation and virus serum injection.

Constitution had changed the most, going from 5 points to 12 points.

It was now his highest attribute.

Intelligence had also increased from 5 points to 6 points.

After this round of enhancements, his previously weak body had regained the strength he had when he received the novice buff in the Trial World.

No, it was even stronger than in the Trial World.

After enhancing his attributes, Ye Shuangluo turned his attention to the “Heart of Zombie No. 0” in his space backpack.

This was his first collectible, and it said it needed to be placed in the Collectibles Room, but he didn’t know where the Collectibles Room was or how to activate this function.

[Honored Reserve Player, it has been detected that you possess a collectible. Would you like to spend 50,000 points to activate the Collectibles Room function?]

So it required points to activate?

But he had just obtained 100,000 points from the Treasure Chest, so he chose to activate it without hesitation.

After activation, there wasn’t much change in his Private Space, except for a display cabinet that suddenly appeared in a prominent spot on the left side.

When Ye Shuangluo’s gaze focused on the display cabinet, a prompt box popped up.

[It has been detected that there is a collectible in the Reserve Player’s space backpack. Would you like to place it in the display cabinet?]

Ye Shuangluo chose yes, and the “Heart of Zombie No. 0” was instantly transferred from the space backpack to the display cabinet.

Interestingly, it was still beating slowly and rhythmically.

[Congratulations on achieving: Novice Collector]

[Reward: +0.5% chance of obtaining collectibles after killing enemies]

The reward for this achievement was, well, better than nothing.

At this moment, he frowned slightly, realizing that his Private Space was only 20 square meters.

It was barely enough for now, but what about when he had 10 or 20 collectibles?

Looking at it this way, the Private Space was indeed a bit too small.

[It has been detected that you have related needs. Would you like to spend points to expand your Private Space?]

[Current price: 1,000 points per square meter]

“I never thought that even in this god-like game, I’d still have to work hard to buy a house.”

After a casual complaint, he chose to expand his Private Space.


With the sound of construction, the space instantly expanded by ten square meters.

[Current price: 2,000 points per square meter]

“At 40 square meters, will it cost 4,000 points to expand further?”

Ye Shuangluo hoped he was overthinking it; otherwise, this thing was a bottomless pit.

“If you don’t work hard now, you’ll regret it in the future!”

Listening to the teacher’s passionate speech from the podium, Ye Shuangluo boredly twirled the pen in his hand.

Three days ago, he was still fighting zombies, and now he was sitting here drinking chicken soup for the soul. Life was indeed unpredictable.

It proved that increasing Intelligence Attribute didn’t raise IQ, but it did help him concentrate better.

For example, even though he wasn’t focusing on the teacher, he still remembered every word the teacher said.

When the class ended, all the students rushed out because the next period was their most anticipated physical education class.

Ye Shuangluo leisurely walked at the back. After all, he was an average student with an introverted personality and a modest family background.

Moreover, a pair of twins were always ruining his reputation at school, so he had no friends and could only immerse himself in the game.

As he walked towards the playground, lost in thought, the ground suddenly shook.

“Is it an earthquake?!”

“Ahhh, help!”

“What… what is that?!”

“A… a monster!”

Amidst the chaotic noises, Ye Shuangluo’s eyes lit up.

[Dear Reserve Player, the space gate has opened, and invaders have arrived. Please prepare for battle.]

“Finally, I’ve been waiting so long I almost fell asleep.”

He quietly moved to an empty spot, took off his school uniform, and put on the fox mask he had prepared from his space backpack.

Finally, he took out Mortal Kill from his space backpack and headed towards the playground.


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