Chapter 11 – Growth Equipment “Pluto”

Looking at the chat window on the computer, Ye Shuangluo’s fingers lightly tapped the keyboard to start the conversation.

“What are you…”

He was unsure how to address the other party because he realized that the other party might not be human at all.

(Excellent warrior, you humans have given me many names, Gaia, Alaya…

In essence, I am the World Consciousness of your world.)

World Consciousness…

A flood of related content from games and novels flashed through his mind, but he couldn’t quite grasp the purpose of the sudden appearance of the World Consciousness.

So he decided to chat casually for a bit to see if he could get any useful information.

“I’m excellent? How so?”

(Your A+ rating is proof of your excellence, and you also possess… a very special talent.)

“My talent is special?”

Although Ye Shuangluo felt his talent was powerful, he thought others’ talents wouldn’t be too far behind.

(…Very special. I can’t even view your talent.)

“You can view others’ talents?”

(Of course, as the World Consciousness, each world in the game is an independent server, and I, as the World Consciousness, am naturally the exclusive GM of this server.)

With that explanation, he understood. As a GM, it’s normal to be able to view player data, right?

But not being able to view his own… It seems his talent is indeed very special.

(I’m not interested in what your talent is exactly. After all, as a player of this server, the stronger you are, the better. I just want to inform you of something.

At 10 AM three days from now, a group of Humanoids will invade this world. Please be prepared.)

“Why me? With my current combat power, the military should be able to handle it too.”

(The reason is simple. Only if you players kill the invaders can I obtain the coordinates of their world.)

So that’s it, a reverse invasion.

As a professional player who dabbles in all kinds of games, Ye Shuangluo understood the World Consciousness’s words very clearly.

(Of course, I’m telling you this so you won’t be unprepared. The enemy will likely open portals in five locations simultaneously, one of which is near your school.

But don’t worry, besides you, other players will also join the fight. Even the strongest player on our side should take action.)

An invasion from another world, Ye Shuangluo didn’t think much about the pros and cons or plan what to do. After all, if the sky falls, there are taller people to hold it up.

Compared to the world invasion, he was more concerned about another matter:

“Do we have many players here?”

(If we take the entire human population as the base, you are extremely rare, less than one in a hundred million.)

Less than one in a hundred million, that sounds like very few. But if we take the entire human population as the base, there should be at least 80 to 90 people.

And these 80 to 90 people are not ordinary; they are superhumans with abilities like flying, invulnerability, and taking on thousands alone.

Thinking back to before he entered the game, this world seemed peaceful and calm on the surface.

But it turns out there were such turbulent undercurrents.

(Alright, I’ve said what I needed to say. Now, take a good rest, interesting little guy.)

After the World Consciousness finished speaking, the blue chat box on the computer disappeared automatically.

Ye Shuangluo shrugged, shut down the computer, drew the curtains, and then collapsed onto his familiar bed.

Finally… he could rest for a while.

Ye Shuangluo woke up naturally, stretched lazily, and then glanced at his phone.

He had slept for a full 18 hours, which was understandable given that he had been on high alert in the Trial World with no time or place to rest.

Ye Shuangluo got up and walked to the window, pulling open the curtains. The warm sunlight instantly bathed him, and he squinted in enjoyment.

The Main World is still the best, without those zombies that go crazy at night, allowing for a good night’s sleep.

He even felt that the air in the Main World seemed much better than in the Trial World, although he knew it was mostly psychological.

But he still greedily took deep breaths of the fresh air. After all, the air in the Main World wouldn’t turn people into zombies. Just for that, the Main World was a clear winner.

After enjoying the fresh air and warm sunlight, Ye Shuangluo sat back on his bed and took out the treasure chest that dropped from the last boss in his space backpack.

It was a pure black treasure chest. Although he could open it with a thought, he chose to open it with his hands for the sake of ceremony.

[Congratulations, Reserve Player, you have obtained 100,000 Points.]

[Congratulations, Reserve Player, you have obtained the Eyes of Charm.]

[Congratulations, Reserve Player, you have obtained Virus Essence.]

[Congratulations, Reserve Player, you have obtained Pluto.]

Points should be the universal currency, given in large amounts but not worth too much attention. The real focus should be on these three items.

[Eyes of Charm]

[Type: Skill]

[Learning Condition: Female player with Charisma attribute above 10]

[Effect: When used on the opposite sex, the target must make a Will judgment. If they fail, they will fall into a “Charmed” state.

When used on the same sex, the target must make a Mental Judgment. If they fail, they will enter a “Confused” state.]

Ye Shuangluo was initially interested in this skill, but seeing the learning condition, he fell silent. Only female players could learn it, so what use was it to him?

Next item, next item.

[Virus Essence]

[Type: Consumable]

[Effect: Increases Strength by 2, Constitution by 3, Agility by 2 upon injection.

Also has a chance to grant a special skill.]

[Evaluation: This is the result of numerous human experiments by a Mad Doctor from the original timeline. It can grant a frail human a body that surpasses ordinary limits.]

The Virus Essence was a vial of reagent. Ye Shuangluo looked at the reagent in front of him and then at the evaluation mentioning the Mad Doctor.

Could it be that the Mad Doctor he killed was the one who created this? That guy was indeed always conducting human experiments, though whether zombies count as humans is debatable.

Finally, his gaze fell on the last item in the treasure chest.

Pluto was a necklace, a fine silver thread running through a black-and-white gemstone. Just by its appearance, it looked extremely valuable.


[Quality: White]

[Type: Growth-type Equipment (Accessory)]

[Special Effect: Captive Souls]

After killing a powerful enemy, you can choose to imprison their soul in Pluto. These powerful souls will grant you various enhancements.

Current number of capturable souls: 0/1

Upgrade method: Wear Pluto and personally kill 1000 ordinary enemies, 10 elite enemies, and 1 boss enemy in battle.

Current progress: 0/1000, 0/10, 0/1

[Evaluation: Being killed while alive and having your soul imprisoned after death is undoubtedly tragic. But being chosen and imprisoned among many souls indicates your recognition of their (his/her/its) powerful strength.]

Growth-type equipment!

Ye Shuangluo’s breath quickened involuntarily. In any game, growth-type equipment is rare and powerful.

He didn’t expect to get his own growth-type equipment so soon.

Excitedly, he put Pluto around his neck. As for the Tears of the Hypocrite? It could roll as far away as possible. Who would want such a useless item?

He casually listed the “Tears of the Hypocrite” on the exchange and stopped caring about it.

However, Ye Shuangluo was a bit disappointed that there were no powerful individuals in the real world for him to kill, making Pluto’s special effect “Captive Souls” untestable for now.

But there was no need to rush. The game panel appeared before him, showing that the next trial was also in three days.

Looking at the countdown on the game panel, Ye Shuangluo calculated a bit and found it was in the afternoon.

This meant he could deal with the invaders at noon and participate in the trial in the afternoon.

“They really have my schedule all planned out. Looks like it’s going to be a busy day.”

After complaining, Ye Shuangluo checked out the new functions on the game panel, which had been unlocked after his first trial.



Training Ground


Private Space

He had briefly looked at these functions.

The Forum function was like most forums, allowing players to communicate. It had both a server-specific forum and a global forum.

The Exchange was for handling unused equipment or items and purchasing needed supplies or equipment.

The Training Ground allowed players to practice their skills freely, with a low cost. He planned to try it out when he had the chance.

As for the Arena, as the name suggests, it was for players to fight each other. Given the world invasion, it was likely that relations between worlds weren’t friendly.

Interestingly, the Arena had a tiered system, meaning you could only participate in arenas matching your player level.

For example, Ye Shuangluo could only match with other Reserve Players.

The Private Space function was probably the most considerate feature of the game system.

Every player who passed the first trial was granted a Private Space by the game system.

The game system would carve out a space in the void that belonged entirely to the player. Although it started at only 20 square meters, it could be expanded with points.

“This solves the housing problem. Even if my uncle’s family kicks me out, I won’t be homeless.”

Ye Shuangluo made a not-so-funny joke and then laughed at himself.

He then used the game system to bring up the command menu and chose to enter his Private Space.

A flash of white light, and in the blink of an eye, he was transported to his Private Space.

He looked around. The space wasn’t large but was particularly empty, with only a machine in the corner.

Walking up to the machine, its information popped up instantly.

(Attribute Enhancer)

(This machine is used to allocate free attributes.)

“So this is how you enhance personal attributes.”

Ye Shuangluo sat in the machine, and the attribute panel immediately appeared.

Reserve Player Ye Shuangluo (from sl1122 world)

Health Points: 100% (This attribute cannot be fully quantified and will change based on injury severity.)

Spiritual Power: 50/50 (Intelligence Attribute × 10, current recovery rate: 1 point per minute.)

Strength: 4 (related to Attack Power and carrying capacity)

Agility: 4 (related to Movement Speed and attack speed)

Constitution: 5 (related to Health Points, defense, and resistance to abnormalities)

Intelligence: 5 (related to skill damage and Spiritual Power limit)

Charisma: 6 (related to interactions and summoning skills or items)

Luck: 4 (related to item crafting and various probabilities)

PS: The average adult male has 5 points in each attribute, with Luck being 1 point.

Talent: Achievement Master (unique special exclusive talent)

Free Attributes to allocate: 13 points

Allocation suggestion: Main attribute Charisma, secondary attributes Intelligence and Constitution.


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