Chapter 8 – Zombie Mother 0

After entering the room, a series of high-tech instruments came into view, with the most prominent being the surveillance system of the entire building.


"Your body… is truly unscientific."


Ye Shuangluo looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a white lab coat, looking at him with a half-smile.


"I heard there's a group of freaks with special abilities gathered in the Capital. They call themselves New Humans. Are you one of them?"


The young man's gaze was intensely invasive, filled with a fiery curiosity that made Ye Shuangluo feel uncomfortable all over.


"Actually, compared to those New Humans with special abilities and antisocial tendencies, I think you deserve the title of freak more."


As Ye Shuangluo spoke, he communicated with the surrounding Wind Element, ready to strike down the man in front of him.


The young man remained indifferent, even when Ye Shuangluo called him a freak. He just smiled and said, "I'm really curious, how did you find this place? But never mind, more than that, I want to dissect your body right now to see why it's so strong."


By the end, the young man in the white lab coat had become inexplicably manic and excited.


He turned and slammed a button behind him. Two nutrient pods instantly opened, and two Mutant Zombies roared as they approached the young man in the white lab coat.


"Yin, Chen, break this guy's arms and legs and bring him over. I want to dissect him and see why his body is so strong."


Facing Chen, who had antlers and eagle claws, and Yin, who had a tiger's head and tail, Ye Shuangluo didn't feel the slightest bit of tension.


In the next second, the two Mutant Zombies simultaneously launched an attack on him.


Chen was faster and reached Ye Shuangluo first.


Just as it was about to attack with its eagle claws, Ye Shuangluo moved. He reversed his grip on his knife and chopped off Chen's eagle claw with one strike.


Then, the Wind Element covered Mortal Kill, and he slashed down from top to bottom.


Chen still wanted to roar and attack, but a line of blood extended from its forehead to its abdomen.


In the next moment, its blood sprayed out like a fountain.


Yin had just reached Ye Shuangluo. Seeing its companion's gruesome death, its biological instinct made it want to flee at all costs.


But as it turned, Ye Shuangluo grabbed its tiger tail, forcibly stopping it, and Mortal Kill pierced through its brain.


Yin didn't even have time to let out a cry before it left this world.


Unfortunately, these two Mutant Zombies didn't drop any Treasure Chests.


"Your two little toys are dead. Why don't you call out a few more?"


Ye Shuangluo flicked the blood off Mortal Kill and slowly walked towards the stunned young man.


It had to be said, after the battle with the Horned Zombie, Ye Shuangluo had undergone a transformation.


First, he obtained the handy weapon Mortal Kill, and then he gradually developed the basic usage of the Wind Element.


The result was that he, who once struggled against a single Mutant Zombie, could now easily slay two of them.


"Don't, don't come any closer!"


Seeing Ye Shuangluo approaching like an Asura, the young man panicked completely.


He wanted to escape, but in this enclosed room, where could he run?


Soon, he was caught, a knife pressed against his neck. Ye Shuangluo asked with a friendly smile, "I've only killed three of your Mutant Zombies. Tell me, where are the other nine?"


With his life in someone else's hands, the young man didn't have time to think about how Ye Shuangluo knew there were twelve Mutant Zombies in total.


"Two are dead, three are in the Capital, and I sold the other four abroad for more materials."


Looking at the knife pressed against his neck, the young man broke out in a cold sweat. At this moment, he realized that no matter how much of a genius he was, he was just like any ordinary person—he would die if killed.


"In that case, you're useless now?"


Ye Shuangluo's hand applied a bit of pressure, the blade slowly cutting into the young man's neck.


The pain in his neck told the young man that if he didn't think of something quickly, he would soon be decapitated.


Thinking of how decisively Ye Shuangluo had just killed, his brain worked frantically, trying to find useful information.


Finally, the young man thought of something that might interest Ye Shuangluo and hurriedly shouted, "Don't kill me, I know where Zombie No. 0 is!"


Hearing the young man's words, Ye Shuangluo stopped pressing the blade into his neck and asked with interest, "Zombie No. 0?"


The young man, knowing he had bet correctly, quickly said, "Yes, the mother of the zombie virus, the one who spread the virus worldwide by herself."


[Side Quest Triggered: Kill Zombie No. 0]


[Quest Description: She is the virus mother personally created by Him. She should have been born long ago, but due to some accidents, her birth was delayed.


When she is born, the zombie virus will fully evolve, and no humans will survive in the world.


Now, to save the world, find her and kill her. This might delay the world's downfall.]


[Quest Reward: 5 Free Attribute Points]


This reward was indeed generous, and Ye Shuangluo was tempted. He would never miss any chance to become stronger.


So he withdrew Mortal Kill, and the young man in the white lab coat collapsed to the ground, tears uncontrollably streaming down his face.


He had survived.


Before he could celebrate, a gun was pressed against his forehead.


"I'll give you one chance. Explain everything about Zombie No. 0. If I'm not satisfied, expect a bullet in your brain.


And don't doubt whether this gun can be used. I'm a New Human, a New Human with special abilities."


Facing the threat of death again, the young man dared not slack off and immediately began to recount what he knew.


"About a month ago, a fishing boat pulled up a coffin from the sea, a crystal coffin.


The fishermen immediately handed over the coffin. We used many methods and finally opened it, but we didn't expect that inside was a…"


"What was it?"


Ye Shuangluo's curiosity was piqued.


"A baby girl, a newborn baby girl."


"Is this baby girl Zombie No. 0?"


The young man nodded and answered, "Yes, she is Zombie No. 0.


Two female researchers were responsible for taking care of her. She looked no different from an ordinary baby.


But in just three days, she grew from a newborn to a three-year-old child."


Even now, the young man was still amazed by that scene, which defied the biological growth rate and could only be described as a miracle.


"She continued to grow a year older each day. No matter how we researched, we couldn't figure out why her body grew so fast.


Soon, she had been at the research institute for half a month. By then, she looked like a 15-year-old girl. She was incredibly beautiful, almost unreal."


Ye Shuangluo frowned. Why emphasize her beauty?


The young man paused, then sneered, "There was an idiot named Qi in our research institute. From the day Zombie No. 0 arrived, he was always very attentive to her.


We thought he was just curious as a scientist.


But we never expected that he fell in love with her.


That idiot! He betrayed his own kind for that freak and even tried to help her escape.


On the sixteenth day, Qi inexplicably treated everyone to water. Fortunately, I always looked down on him, or I would have drunk the water mixed with Zombie No. 0's blood.


In the end, everyone in the institute except for me and a couple on leave turned into zombies."


Hearing this, Ye Shuangluo's expression turned strange. Fortunately, you always looked down on him—what a weirdo.


But the young man didn't notice and continued his story:


"Realizing something was wrong, I immediately notified the nearby military. When Qi tried to escape with Zombie No. 0, they ran into a fully armed military unit.


With no other choice, Zombie No. 0 had to prematurely start spreading the zombie virus.


At that moment, all the firearms became useless scrap metal.


Many soldiers in the rescue team were turned into zombies, allowing Qi and Zombie No. 0 to escape.


But I always looked down on him. After all, Qi was as dumb as a pig. I knew his plan from the start.


So I intercepted him at his destination, and we made a deal.


He gave me Zombie No. 0's heart. Without her heart, she couldn't continue to grow, and the zombie virus wouldn't evolve further."


"What will happen if the zombie virus evolves again?"


The young man was silent for a moment before saying, "…Airborne transmission. No humans will survive."


Hearing "airborne transmission," Ye Shuangluo's pupils contracted slightly. That was indeed terrifying.


"You said you know where Zombie No. 0 is."


The young man nodded frantically and quickly said, "Yes, I know where she is. Qi, that idiot, is hiding with Zombie No. 0 in an underground base in this city."


"Why do you scientists always hide underground? Are you all rats that can't see the light of day?"


Hearing Ye Shuangluo's words, the young man could only laugh awkwardly. He hid here for safety, as zombies couldn't smell humans underground.


As for why Qi, that idiot, also hid underground, he didn't know. Maybe, as the monster in front of him said, Qi was a rat that couldn't see the light of day.


The young man took a few steps back, picked up a map from the table, and handed it to Ye Shuangluo, explaining, "That guy and Zombie No. 0 are probably in this location."


Ye Shuangluo took the map. There was a marked spot on it, clearly indicating their hiding place.


[Quest Item Acquired: Map of Zombie No. 0's Hiding Place]

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan


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