Chapter 5 – Horned Zombie

Run or fight?


Ye Shuangluo hadn't had time to seriously consider the risks and rewards of the two choices.


The deafening roar echoed again, louder than before, indicating that the source was rapidly approaching.


No time to think. Ye Shuangluo hurried towards the supermarket entrance. As he reached the door, he was met with a terrifying sight.


A towering zombie with horns, holding a zombie in each hand, had already bitten off the head of the one in its left hand.


Ye Shuangluo arrived just in time to witness the horned zombie stuffing the zombie in its right hand into its mouth.


Watching the gruesome and bloody scene of cannibalism, Ye Shuangluo's body couldn't stop trembling.


The horned zombie was at least three meters tall. Just looking at it made Ye Shuangluo feel like his breath was about to stop.


At this moment, he finally understood why there were so few zombies nearby. They were probably all eaten by this giant.


Although he wasn't sure of its combat strength, the sheer terror from its height alone made Ye Shuangluo start to shake.


Noticing Ye Shuangluo's gaze, the horned zombie slowly turned its head towards him.


As their eyes met, the horned zombie threw the headless zombie in its left hand fiercely at Ye Shuangluo.


Facing the incoming projectile, Ye Shuangluo's body finally stopped trembling. He rolled to the left, narrowly avoiding the attack.


Damn, I've been targeted.


Ye Shuangluo had no doubt that the horned zombie was interested in him.


That greedy look in its eyes was like a pervert seeing a naked beauty.


That look of desire and greed made one question if it was really a zombie.


If he had a choice, Ye Shuangluo would never choose to fight to the death. He didn't know anyone in this supermarket and would abandon everyone without hesitation to escape. But now, the zombie had definitely set its sights on him.


So… is fighting the only option?


Ye Shuangluo looked at the crystalline on the horned zombie's forehead, the most distinctive feature apart from its size and horns.


Could that be its weakness?


There was only one way to find out.


Ye Shuangluo took out the Wind Chaser Type I and started shooting at the charging horned zombie.


Bang! Bang! Bang!


He aimed at the crystalline on the zombie's forehead, but two shots missed, and one hit its arm.




The horned zombie was now in front of him. Ye Shuangluo quickly put away the Wind Chaser and picked up an iron rod to face the enemy.




Ye Shuangluo was forced back five steps. The horned zombie's terrifying strength made his hands numb from the shock.


Although it was flesh and blood, the collision of its palm with the iron rod produced a metallic sound.


But there was no time to think about it, as the horned zombie lunged at him again.


Ye Shuangluo rolled to the left and swung the rod at the zombie's calf.




Another familiar metallic sound, making Ye Shuangluo's heart sink even further.


If its entire body was this hard, his attacks were no different from scratching an itch.




The horned zombie, frustrated by its elusive prey, let out a beast-like roar. The sound froze Ye Shuangluo in place, as if he were scared stiff.


[The mutant has used the skill "Roar" on you. Mental Judgment in progress.]


[Judgment failed. You are forced into a 1.5-second stun.]


Ye Shuangluo felt like his head was struck by a heavy hammer, the dizziness making him unable to move.


The next second, a massive force sent him flying. His body spun several times in the air before crashing into a wall.


Ye Shuangluo struggled to stand, his mind filled with system warnings.


[Warning: Your Health Points have dropped below 10%. Entering Severely Injured State, entering Disabled State, All Attributes decreased by 80%, Movement Speed decreased by 90%.]


His vision blurred, and images of his long-deceased parents flashed in his mind.


The iron rod he had carried since arriving in this world fell to the ground due to his weakness.


Is this the end?


Perhaps because he was close to death, Ye Shuangluo started seeing flashbacks.


Parents, uncle and aunt, and those annoying twins.


Ye Shuangluo shook his head, trying to clear his mind. Though it had little effect, at least the flashbacks disappeared.


He was unwilling to give up. He had seen a larger world and had the chance to see more beautiful scenery. How could he stop here?


Perhaps due to his near-death state, Ye Shuangluo's mind started working frantically. This zombie was different from any he had seen before.


Besides its height and horns, the most significant difference was the crystalline on its forehead.


During their fight, he had tried multiple times to attack the crystalline, but the horned zombie had always protected it fiercely.


That must be its weakness!


An inexplicable thought popped into Ye Shuangluo's mind, as if it were intuition or something telling him.


With a thought, the Wind Chaser Type I appeared from his space backpack.


Although his previous shots had been ineffective, he now had a strong feeling that this shot would be different.


The horned zombie lowered its body and charged at Ye Shuangluo like a bull. Just as it opened its bloody mouth to bite off Ye Shuangluo's head…




A loud noise instantly caught the horned zombie's attention.


It couldn't help but look back at the source of the sound. In that split second, Ye Shuangluo, without any hesitation, gripped the Wind Chaser Type I with one hand and aimed at the horned zombie's weak spot.


At that moment, time seemed to slow down. Ye Shuangluo's enhanced five senses began to perceive everything around him.


In a trance, Ye Shuangluo seemed to see the invisible and formless wind.




With a loud bang, the Wind Chaser Type I's muzzle spat out a pale cyan bullet, which did not disappoint Ye Shuangluo.


It hit the crystalline on the horned zombie's forehead accurately and shattered it instantly.


The horned zombie tried to reach Ye Shuangluo, but after a few steps, it collapsed to the ground.


Ye Shuangluo gasped for breath. He had won, successfully killing the monster that threatened his life.


Perhaps due to the sudden relaxation of his tense body, Ye Shuangluo felt dizzy and fell to the ground.


Sitting on the ground, looking at the fallen horned zombie, a huge sense of achievement welled up inside him.


After the horned zombie's death, a faint white treasure chest inexplicably appeared on its corpse.


Looking at the treasure chest within reach, Ye Shuangluo guessed it was similar to the novice supply pack, visible only to players.


But Ye Shuangluo didn't open the chest immediately. Instead, he took out a red potion from his space backpack and drank it.


As the potion entered his body, he felt a warm sensation spread throughout, and his previously weak body regained its strength.


He slowly stood up and stretched. His Health Points had returned to a healthy green in the attribute bar.


Now that he had recovered, it was time to see what the treasure chest would yield.


As his first treasure chest since entering the game, Ye Shuangluo valued it greatly. Before opening it, he prayed to all the gods he knew.


With a thought, the white treasure chest slowly opened, and a long blade, interwoven with red and black, appeared before him.


Mortal Kill


Type: Weapon


Quality: White


Special Effects: Kill Order


During combat, you can mark an enemy. Every five attacks on the marked enemy add a layer of "Killing Mark," up to three layers.


(When you attack an enemy with Killing Marks using Mortal Kill, each mark increases damage by 5%.)


Sharpness: 7


Evaluation: Among white-quality weapons, it is definitely top-tier.




In a nearby supermarket, a bald man silently observing Ye Shuangluo saw the sudden appearance of the blade in his hand and muttered to himself:


"Could this be the rarest of all new humans, the Space System new human, mentioned on the official website?"


Clearly, Ye Shuangluo obtaining Mortal Kill from the treasure chest had led to some misunderstanding.


Meanwhile, Ye Shuangluo was fondly playing with Mortal Kill. As his first weapon from a treasure chest, it held great sentimental value.


Moreover, the blade was indeed powerful. He had just tested it on the horned zombie's body, and it cut through the metallic-like flesh with ease.


If he had this blade before the fight, he could have easily turned the horned zombie into a dead dog.


Finally, Ye Shuangluo glanced at his old companion, the iron rod that had been turned into scrap metal by the horned zombie's immense strength.


After a silent farewell, he walked towards the supermarket.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan


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