Chapter 2 – Initial Achievement



With a swift sound, a Suit Man with a blank expression, like a walking corpse, was struck down to the ground by a blow.


He seemed to struggle to get up, but the assailant stepped on his body and then mercilessly smashed his head with an iron rod, killing him.


The one who killed the Suit Man was a boy about sixteen or seventeen years old, and that boy was Ye Shuangluo, who had just entered the game.


After checking his Personal Panel, the Game System appeared again and issued the Main Quest.


[This world is a Novice Trial World with no specific Main Quest. Players are free to explore. After seven days, a teleportation will be activated, and a series of player actions will be evaluated.]


Since players were allowed to explore freely, Ye Shuangluo naturally left the ruins and picked up an iron rod along the way.


Walking down the street, Ye Shuangluo discovered that this world seemed to have undergone an unimaginable disaster, with many "humans" resembling walking corpses on the road.


Their every move was just like zombies in movies and games. After confirming that they indeed had no Intelligence or thinking ability like zombies, Ye Shuangluo decided to attack one to test it out.


As expected, the zombie without Intelligence and thinking ability was easily killed by him.


Perhaps it was because Ye Shuangluo indeed lacked empathy and had a cold personality.


So when he killed the zombie with the iron rod, he felt nothing at all.


Looking at the zombie lying on the ground, Ye Shuangluo tilted his head. Normally, one would feel uneasy the first time they killed someone, right?


But the fact was, he felt nothing, and even wanted to kill a few more.


After all, killing zombies also counted towards the "God of Slaughter" series of Achievements.


Glancing at the nearby zombies one by one, he noticed that the sound of killing the zombie at his feet wasn't small, but the nearby zombies had no reaction.


This made Ye Shuangluo feel something was off. It seemed too easy; these zombies seemed to have no awareness of resistance.


But he didn't think much about it in the end, and instead, he picked up the iron rod and walked towards another nearby zombie.


Soon, Ye Shuangluo killed five zombies and successfully completed his first Achievement.


[Congratulations, you have obtained the Achievement: "Evil Person"]


[Reward: Perception +1]


As the mechanical sound echoed in his ears, Ye Shuangluo felt a significant change in his Five Senses.


This Perception didn't seem to appear on the Personal Panel, meaning it was a hidden attribute?


The significant enhancement of his Five Senses made Ye Shuangluo even more motivated. The next Achievement required killing 95 more zombies.


As for the ones after that, Ye Shuangluo couldn't help but shake his head at the absurd numbers. He decided to focus on the current Achievement first.




He didn't know how much time had passed, but just as Ye Shuangluo was full of energy, the game prompt sounded in his mind again.


[Hint: Night is about to fall. For your safety, please find a hidden and safe place to hide as soon as possible.]


Ye Shuangluo frowned and checked the Achievement Panel.


Villain (78/100)


The progress of Villain was more than halfway done. He only needed one or two more hours to complete it, but Ye Shuangluo didn't hesitate at all and immediately entered a nearby Dessert Shop.


There were a few zombies in employee uniforms inside the Dessert Shop. Ye Shuangluo used the terrain to easily kill them one by one, then quickly pulled down the shutter door.


After doing all this, Ye Shuangluo went to the back of the Dessert Shop and sat down on the ground.


As a veteran player immersed in games for many years, Ye Shuangluo knew one thing very well: never go against the system, and never be greedy.


Greed itself isn't wrong, but untimely greed often leads only to death.


Ye Shuangluo rested on the ground for a while, then got up and went behind the counter.


The computer behind the counter was still on, displaying surveillance footage, allowing Ye Shuangluo to observe the movements of the zombies outside the door.


At first, there was nothing unusual, but as night slowly fell, the originally stiff movements of the zombies became more agile.


Their grayish-white pupils gradually turned blood-red, and several zombies suddenly looked towards the Dessert Shop where Ye Shuangluo was hiding.


This made Ye Shuangluo's heart skip a beat. Could they sense him inside?


His guess was confirmed in the next second, as the zombies began to run and one by one slammed their bodies into the shutter door.


The loud banging quickly attracted other zombies, and soon the area in front of the shutter door was packed with zombies.


Seeing their ferocious appearance, like bloodthirsty beasts finally awakened from slumber, Ye Shuangluo was immensely grateful that he hadn't hesitated earlier. Otherwise, facing this horde of crazed zombies, he would have been torn to pieces in less than three seconds.


Fortunately, the shutter door was sturdy, and the zombies shouldn't be able to break in. But Ye Shuangluo didn't let his guard down, gripping the iron rod tightly to ensure he had some means of resistance if the zombies did manage to break through.


After two or three hours, Ye Shuangluo checked the surveillance again. Even though the zombies' bodies were battered and bloody from the collisions, they hadn't stopped.


This situation made Ye Shuangluo think for a while. Recalling the system's hint about nightfall and the need to find a safe place to hide, he seemed to understand something.


Do these zombies enter a Berserk state at night?


Daytime zombies were like walking corpses, easily killed by any prepared adult man, and they moved very slowly.


But nighttime zombies were a completely different species. Ye Shuangluo had no doubt that facing these frenzied zombies, unless heavy firepower was used, any number of people would just be fodder.


Thinking about his other series Achievement: "Savior," Ye Shuangluo couldn't help but wonder if there were any survivors left in this city.


But then he thought, his talent: "Achievement Master" shouldn't give him an impossible Achievement.


He stayed awake all night, but thanks to the Novice buff that added 5 points to All Attributes, his body was already beyond that of an ordinary person, so staying up all night only made him slightly tired.




When daylight came, the zombies' eyes turned grayish-white again, and their bodies became stiff and sluggish once more.


The large group of zombies gathered at the Dessert Shop door slowly dispersed in all directions, leaving only a few lingering at the entrance.


Seeing this, Ye Shuangluo opened the shutter door, killed the remaining zombies at the door with his iron rod, and continued exploring northward.






With another swing, Ye Shuangluo knocked down a zombie and then skillfully killed it, hearing the mechanical prompt again.


[Congratulations, you have completed the Achievement: "Villain"]


[Reward: Perception +2]


Gaining another Perception reward, Ye Shuangluo immediately felt a significant enhancement in his Five Senses.


Originally, he had mild myopia from years of gaming, but now he was sure his vision had not only recovered but was better than the average person's.


This noticeable improvement made Ye Shuangluo quite pleased, but thinking about the astronomical numbers for the next stage, he couldn't help but shake his head and decided to take it as it comes.


For now, he decided to complete another series of Achievements. Ye Shuangluo skillfully summoned his Personal Panel and opened his talent interface.


Unachieved Achievement: Good Person (0/1)


To complete this Achievement, he needed to find a living person first, and then figure out how to be judged as saving a life.


These things still needed to be explored. The immediate priority was to find a living person.


Ye Shuangluo continued clearing zombies while searching for survivors, but he found nothing.


It seemed all the living had been turned into zombies, but Ye Shuangluo didn't give up.


Eventually, he arrived at a residential area. The place was in ruins, and the apartment buildings looked like they met the criteria for condemned buildings.


Could there be any survivors here?




As Ye Shuangluo pondered, he suddenly heard a strange sound above him and instinctively took a step back.


In the next second, a bottle fell from above, landing right in front of him. If he hadn't stepped back, the bottle would have hit his head.


Looking at the glass shards on the ground, Ye Shuangluo's eyes narrowed slightly. Was this like getting a pillow when you wanted to sleep?


He looked up, scanning each window one by one, and finally saw a figure at a sixth-floor window.


Thanks to his +3 Perception attribute, he could clearly see the person's appearance even from the sixth floor.


The culprit who almost hit him with the falling object was a girl, looking no older than her early twenties.


At this moment, she was standing at the sixth-floor window, frantically waving, seemingly wanting him to come up.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan


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