Chapter 68 – Rat Immortal

“Squeak, squeak.”

Several rats as big as calves were pinned to the ground by a dozen soldiers clad in black armor.

With their deaths, more soldiers in black armor were summoned.

[Allied units increased, “Wolf Feast” buff upgraded]

[All allied units’ health points increased by 200, recovering 5 health points per second]

“Not bad at all.”

Ye Shuangluo stroked the [Wolf Feast] ring on his left index finger.

After casting a few wind blades when he first arrived in the sewers, he had left the fighting to the ghost soldiers.

Interestingly, these ghost soldiers had a chance to summon companions when they killed enemies.

Seeing this, Ye Shuangluo thought of the [Wolf Feast] in his space backpack.

It only required allied units, and ghost soldiers counted as allies, right?

So, he equipped [Wolf Feast], consumed 100 spiritual power to activate the “Wolf Feast” special effect, and tested it.

It worked. The ghost soldiers could indeed trigger [Wolf Feast]’s special effect.

“In that case, I might as well keep it for myself.”

Ye Shuangluo initially didn’t understand the value of [Wolf Feast] and couldn’t price it in the trading market.

He had planned to sell it to guild leaders when he had the chance.

As the ghost soldiers cleared the way ahead, Ye Shuangluo leisurely followed behind, suddenly smelling a strong scent of blood.

“This smell… it’s human blood.”

Ye Shuangluo looked towards the source of the scent and saw countless dismembered body parts floating in the nearby drainage ditch.

Arms, heads, internal organs.

Judging by the degree of decay, their owners hadn’t been dead for long.

This meant Ye Shuangluo was getting close to the “Rat Immortal” lair.

Remembering the intel Lu Feiyang had given him, he quickened his pace.

At the corner, several shadows suddenly rushed out, knocking down the ghost soldiers scouting ahead.

A rustling sound followed as the rats began gnawing on the ghost soldiers’ armor.

The nearby ghost soldiers reacted immediately, thrusting their spears without hesitation, piercing the rats’ bodies.

Although the rats were quickly killed, the armor of the fallen ghost soldiers was shredded, and they dissipated into black smoke.

Originally, ghost soldiers had a special ability to continue fighting even if their armor was destroyed by possessing new armor.

But the ones summoned by Ye Shuangluo clearly lacked this ability; they perished when their armor was damaged.

“These rats seem to be moving faster and even know how to ambush now.”

Ye Shuangluo observed the dead rats, noting they were larger than the ones he had encountered before.

“Keep moving.”

Ye Shuangluo ordered, and the ghost soldiers resolutely carried it out.

Ten minutes later.

Ye Shuangluo finally reached the rat lair.

Hundreds of rats, each the size of a tiger, were gnawing on corpses.

He saw a small rat bite off a finger from a corpse.

As it swallowed the finger, its body swelled like a balloon.

Honestly, this scene defied science.

Ye Shuangluo felt nothing special as he watched the hellish scene.

He was just surprised by the sheer number of rats and corpses. So many people had gone missing; wouldn’t that cause panic?

“Squeak, squeak.”

A recently fed Rat Immortal looked up and saw the intruder, immediately letting out a loud squeal.

The other rats, awakened by the squeal, noticed Ye Shuangluo and his ghost soldiers.

They stopped eating and assumed battle stances, ready to attack.

Ye Shuangluo knew he couldn’t slack off anymore; he had to fight personally.

After the continuous battles and summoning, only 23 ghost soldiers remained, barely maintaining the second stage of the buff.

Notably, among the remaining 23 ghost soldiers, one stood out—a two-and-a-half-meter-tall figure wielding a hammer.

Ordinary ghost soldiers had no physical bodies, just black mist under their armor.

But this hammer-wielding man was different; he had a body and even some intelligence.

Upon being summoned, he immediately knelt before Ye Shuangluo, pledging his loyalty.

“Vice-captain of the Ghost Legion, Wang Iron Hammer, at your service, my king.”

Ye Shuangluo asked Wang Iron Hammer a few questions, but he remembered nothing except his loyalty to Ye Shuangluo and having a superior named Xiao Shan.

This made Ye Shuangluo curious about what Xiao Shan would be like if summoned.

Of course, curiosity aside, the immediate priority was dealing with the rat horde.

Ye Shuangluo’s gaze fixed on a special rat in the center of the horde.

Most of the rats had black or gray fur, but this one had silver fur with a tuft of gold on its head.

According to Lu Feiyang’s intel, “Rat Immortals” were ghost story-derived monsters with growth potential.

Newly born, they were just larger in size, easily handled by a few ordinary people with firearms.

But as long as they kept eating, they quickly evolved to the next stage.

In the next stage, their fur turned silver, making them impervious to ordinary people.

With silver fur, their defense and speed greatly increased.

As for the final stage, their entire fur would turn gold, but no “Rat Immortal” had ever reached this level.

After all, Lu Feiyang regularly sent people or came himself to clean out the rats.

“Looks like if I had come any later, you would have completed your evolution.”

Ye Shuangluo knew they could understand him.

The silver-furred rat in the center didn’t even look up, continuing to gnaw on its food.

Its food consisted of several specially dressed humans and a silver-furred rat like itself.

As it ate, its aura grew stronger.

Ye Shuangluo knew he couldn’t wait any longer; if he did, it would complete its evolution.

Drawing [Mortal Kill], he gripped the blade with one hand, wind elements enveloping his legs.


With a powerful push, the ground beneath him shattered as he charged into the rat horde.

Of course, he wasn’t alone; the ghost soldiers followed closely, fighting alongside him.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak.”

The rats’ squeals filled his ears, some angry, some desperate.

But Ye Shuangluo ignored them, his eyes fixed on the “Rat Immortal” in the center.

“Roar! A bunch of rats dare approach His Highness? Die!”

Wang Iron Hammer swung his heavy hammer, smashing any rat that dared near Ye Shuangluo into minced meat.

But the rats were too many, and their relentless charge soon tore Wang Iron Hammer to pieces.

Before he knew it, Ye Shuangluo was alone.

Crack, crack, crack!

Countless ice shields surrounded him, blocking all the rats.

Finally, he reached the silver-furred rat.

It finally looked up, speaking three words in clumsy human language:

“You… dare!”

Its tail whipped towards Ye Shuangluo like a steel whip.


With a whistling sound, the tail was about to hit Ye Shuangluo’s face.

At the last moment, Ye Shuangluo grabbed the tail, yanked the silver-furred rat into the air, and with a swift slash, cut it in half.


As the silver-furred rat’s body hit the ground, the other rats let out mournful cries.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak.”

After mourning, they grew angry, tightening their encirclement.

Ye Shuangluo sneered, summoning countless wind blades to kill any rat in his way.

With the rats clustered together, a single wind blade could kill three to five, even a dozen rats.

He advanced leisurely, wind blades continuously harvesting the fearless rats.

As he slaughtered them, the killing aura around him grew thicker and more terrifying.

Unfortunately, the rats, assimilated by ghost stories, knew no fear.

Even knowing they would die, they still tried to approach and harm Ye Shuangluo.

After an unknown time, no rats were left alive around him.

Behind him, hundreds of ghost soldiers in black armor, armed with spears, bows, and shields, stood.

Ye Shuangluo checked his status bar; his health points were full, but his spiritual power was down to single digits.

But he hadn’t come empty-handed.

[Congratulations! You have earned the achievement: Ghost Story Slayer]

[Achievement Reward: Armor +5]

[Congratulations! You have earned the achievement: Capture the Leader First (Kill the enemy leader with less than 10% of the enemy forces killed when facing over 1000 enemies)]

[Achievement Reward: Wind and Thunder Flash]

[Congratulations! Your achievement: “Life is Battle” progress +1]

[Current progress: 6/10 (Maintain over 95% health after a battle)]

The sound of achievement notifications filled his ears. This battle had earned Ye Shuangluo two new achievements and progressed seven others.

He stretched lazily, wishing he could keep grinding achievements before facing the “Eternal Night” faction players.

As he prepared to leave, applause came from behind.

Ye Shuangluo drew [Mortal Kill], ready for battle.

In his perception, a new, powerful presence appeared.

When the applause stopped, a young man stepped over the corpses.

“Ye Shuangluo of Dawn Group 1, I just heard my colleagues mention you recently.”


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