Chapter 65 – We are determined to fight to the death; why does Your Majesty surrender first?

When Ye Shuangluo and Huo Ling rushed back, they were greeted by a gruesome and bloody scene.

A man wearing a silver mask was stabbing multiple swords into the body of a young girl lying on the ground.

“Xiao Min! Bai Ge, what the hell are you doing?”

Huo Ling tried to step forward to stop him, but Lu Feiyang held him back.

Confused, Huo Ling turned to Lu Feiyang, who slowly began to explain.

“Xiao Min was a mole. Otherwise, how do you think we got poisoned?”

These words hit Huo Ling like a sledgehammer. He staggered back two steps, staring at Xiao Min on the ground in disbelief.

“Why… why?”

In Huo Ling’s eyes, Xiao Min had always been gentle and quiet, speaking softly.

But now, her voice was sharp, and her face was filled with madness.

“Eternal Night is coming! All you abominations will be devoured by Eternal Night!”

Huo Ling was all too familiar with this look; every member of Eternal Night looked like this when captured.


The young man in the silver mask pulled another sword from the otherworldly space and stabbed it into her body again.

Huo Ling turned his head away, unwilling to witness the scene any longer.

Lu Feiyang sighed and looked at Ye Shuangluo.

“First mission, how did it go?”

“Pretty good, except I ran into a lunatic on the way back who could talk to me using someone else’s body.”

Hearing Ye Shuangluo’s words, Xiao Min, pinned to the ground, screamed hoarsely:

“Lord Mo Luo! I completed the task you gave me, please look at me again, Lord Mo Luo!”


Bai Ge looked at her with disdain, pulled out another sword, and stabbed it into her body.

“It’s late at night, don’t go crazy here.”

Ye Shuangluo looked at the girl who had been turned into a pincushion and asked:

“Is she dead yet?”

Lu Feiyang waved his hand dismissively.

“Don’t worry, Bai Ge knows what he’s doing.”

“You encountered Mo Luo, and given what Xiao Min just said, it seems this mission was orchestrated by Mo Luo. What is he planning?”

He was puzzled. After hiding for so long, why expose themselves so suddenly? It seemed intentional.


Bai Ge pulled out another sword and stabbed it into the girl, then shouted to Lu Feiyang:

“Old Lu, she’s barely alive. It’s your turn.”

Lu Feiyang looked back at the girl, sighed again, walked over, and squatted beside her.

“Xiao Min, we’ve known each other for three years and five months. We’ve been through so much together. Why are you a mole?”


The girl spat a mouthful of blood onto Lu Feiyang’s face. Even on the brink of death, the fanaticism in her eyes did not wane.

Despite being spat on, Lu Feiyang showed no anger, only endless sorrow.

He slowly placed his hand on her head and coldly uttered two words:


In the next second, the girl’s skin began to disappear, followed by her flesh, and finally her bones.

In less than a minute, all that was left on the ground was a tattered pink dress.

Ye Shuangluo witnessed this miraculous scene and, recalling Lu Feiyang’s words “devour,” began to form some guesses.

After the girl completely disappeared, Huo Ling rushed to Lu Feiyang and helped him up, asking with concern:

“Old Lu, are you okay?”

Lu Feiyang rubbed his temples, his eyes bloodshot, and his voice hoarse.

“I’m fine, just need some rest.”

“Good, let me help you home to rest.”

Huo Ling opened the RV door and was about to help Lu Feiyang inside when a mechanical, synthesized voice came from behind.

“Team One, Lu Feiyang, we need your ability.”

Everyone turned to the source of the voice, where a glowing door appeared, and several men in white robes stepped out.

Ye Shuangluo keenly noticed that after these men appeared, everyone around him visibly tensed up, even showing hostility.

As the highest-ranking and most senior member of Dawn’s Team One present, Lu Feiyang asked:

“Honorable Executors, what do you need from me?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the white-robed men dragged out a man with a sack over his head and tossed him over like garbage.

“This guy’s ability is crucial, Lu Feiyang, devour him.”

The voices of the white-robed men were cold and emotionless, like mechanical synthesis.

Ye Shuangluo looked at them, puzzled.

They spoke in unison, with identical voices, tones, and even pauses.

Most importantly, their life auras were identical, as if they were the same person.

Huo Ling immediately objected to their demand.

“No way! Old Lu just devoured Xiao Min, he can’t use his ability again.”

The white-robed men ignored him, their eyes fixed on Lu Feiyang.

“Team One, Lu Feiyang, this is a committee order. You cannot refuse.”

“I just used my ability. Can I rest for a few days?”

They shook their heads simultaneously, rejecting Lu Feiyang’s request.

“This is an order. You cannot refuse because you have no right to refuse.”

These heartless words made Bai Ge unhappy. He pulled out several swords from the otherworldly space and pointed them at the white-robed men in anger.

“Motherfucker, just because Zhou Boyu isn’t in the country, you think you can bully our team?”

The white-robed men spoke in unison again:

“This is for the greater good. Even if Zhou Boyu were here, he would agree.”

“Fuck you!”

Swish, swish, swish.

Several flying swords shot out, aiming for the white-robed men’s heads.

But the leading white-robed man just raised his hand, and the swords fell to the ground.

“Team One, Bai Ge, your ability is suited for torture and interrogation, not combat. You can attack all you want, but—”


Before they could finish, the head of the leading white-robed man flew high into the air.

“His ability isn’t for combat, but what about mine?”

Ye Shuangluo, with a kind smile on his face and a blood-dripping demonic blade in his hand, charged at the white-robed men.

He moved so quickly that the others didn’t have time to react.

By the time they did, most of the white-robed men were already dead.

They also noticed that several soldiers in black armor had appeared around Ye Shuangluo.


The Mortal Kill blade, covered in Wind Element, stabbed at the last white-robed man.


The blade halted at the man’s forehead, just half an inch from piercing his skull.

It wasn’t that Ye Shuangluo didn’t want to kill him; there was an invisible force stopping the blade.

Ye Shuangluo turned to look at Lu Feiyang, whose face was even paler.

Without saying a word, Ye Shuangluo sheathed his blade and walked back.

The summoned Ghost Legion soldiers followed closely behind him. When he reached the RV, they knelt before him.

Bai Ge quietly gave him a thumbs-up.

Lu Feiyang looked at him, as if wanting to say something but holding back.

As for Huo Ling, he was stunned. How could someone be so brave?

Acting without hesitation or caution, was there no such word in his dictionary?

Ye Shuangluo, who had just been on a killing spree, was now quietly stroking the necklace around his neck.

The detailed information about “Pluto” appeared before him.

Even after killing a dozen white-robed men, Pluto’s growth progress hadn’t increased.

(What the hell are these things? Clones? Robots?)

As he pondered, dozens more white-robed men emerged from the glowing door.

They were identical to the ones Ye Shuangluo had just killed.

“Team One, Bai Ge, Team One, Ye Shuangluo, you two attacked Executors, a grave crime. Surrender now, or face execution on the spot.”

Bai Ge was furious, summoning several flying swords and cursing:

“Fuck, who the hell do you think you are? Trying to arrest me?”

Ye Shuangluo unsheathed Mortal Kill again, and the Ghost Legion soldiers stood up, ready for battle.

At that moment, a familiar voice sounded beside them.


Ye Shuangluo looked at Lu Feiyang in disbelief. He was devouring the man with the sack over his head.

What are you doing?

We are ready to fight to the death, why surrender first, Emperor?

At that moment, Ye Shuangluo recalled the fear of being controlled by incompetent teammates.

In no time, another set of clothes lay on the ground.

“Is that enough?”

Lu Feiyang’s voice was even more hoarse and weak, as if he could collapse at any moment.

The white-robed men nodded simultaneously; this was their main objective.

With their goal achieved, they prepared to return to headquarters through the space door.

Before leaving, they issued a warning to Ye Shuangluo.

“Team One, Ye Shuangluo, we will report your actions to the committee. Expect—”

Before they could finish, a sky full of cyan ice spikes surrounded them.

The young man they had just warned wore a kind smile, but his body exuded a terrifying killing aura.

The aura wasn’t directed at anyone in particular, but everyone present, except Lu Feiyang, couldn’t help but tremble.

Even the expressionless, robot-like white-robed men began to shake uncontrollably.

At that moment, everyone had only one thought.

Is he really human? Such a terrifying killing aura, even Ghost Stories doesn’t have many like this.

“Since you said you’d report me, do you think I’ll let you live to do that?”

Crack, crack, crack.

The ice spikes fell, sending all the white-robed men to hell.

[Your achievement: “Notorious” progress +1] *n


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