Chapter 51 – First Blood


[Your skill “Ice Obedience” has leveled up, effect enhanced]

[Current effect: Ice Element Resistance +25 (+10)]

“Is that all of them?”

Ye Shuangluo sat on the sofa, his gaze sweeping over the corpses on the ground.

Under his merciless slaughter, these rats were exterminated in less than five minutes.

“Are there still more than ten people in other cities, or are they just unable to come?”

Ye Shuangluo scrolled through the replies from those who hadn’t shown up using Chen Dagou’s phone.

He had always believed in eradicating evil completely, leaving no roots behind.

So he didn’t plan to spare those who hadn’t come. If they wouldn’t come to him, he would go to them.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Three arrows flew towards Ye Shuangluo sitting on the sofa at an incredible speed.


A one-meter-tall ice shield appeared in front of him.

“Is this… Wind Element?”

Ye Shuangluo looked in surprise at the three arrows that collided with the ice shield and dissipated into a breeze.

The three arrows that had just attacked him were actually formed from Wind Element.

“What did you do to them!”

An angry man’s voice echoed.

Ye Shuangluo looked towards the source of the voice, seeing a young man in a suit glaring at him furiously.

“Jiu Sheng? Hu Tu? Gale? Which one are you?”

Ye Shuangluo tilted his head, looking curiously at the young man who had walked in.

There were less than 100 players worldwide, and he hadn’t expected to encounter one while dealing with a few sewer rats.

The young man slowly walked into the living room, having mentally prepared himself before entering.

But when he saw the numerous corpses on the ground, his expression became incredibly complex. When he saw his lover’s corpse, he could no longer control his killing intent.

The young man pointed at Ye Shuangluo, chanting:

“Great God of the Gale, I praise your might, please help me slay the enemy before me.”

Whoosh, whoosh!

Two arrows collided in mid-air and neutralized each other.

“What a coincidence, I also play with Wind Element.”

Although he didn’t feel any danger from the Wind Element arrows, he didn’t want to take a hit for no reason.

So he also created a Wind Element arrow to collide and neutralize the opponent’s arrow.

“I didn’t expect you to be a player too.”

The young man recognized Ye Shuangluo as soon as he saw him.

This made him marvel, truly worthy of being a player, unlike those useless ones, he recognized him at a glance.

The young man was now in a dilemma. Although the exchange seemed even, he had used a skill while the opponent had used a basic attack.

He needed to use a skill to block the opponent’s basic attack, making the difference between them clear.

Thinking of this, he looked at Ye Shuangluo with apprehension.

“Is it too late for me to leave now?”

Although he knew the other had already started a killing spree and wouldn’t let him go, he still wanted to avoid this fight.

As expected, Ye Shuangluo didn’t answer the question. Wind Element attached to his legs, he directly charged with his blade.

Seeing Ye Shuangluo approaching rapidly, the young man naturally couldn’t sit idly by.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Countless wind arrows flew towards Ye Shuangluo from all directions.

He could have dodged them all, but suddenly thought of something and chose to take a few wind arrows head-on.

[You received 48 points of Wind Attribute damage, detected Wind Element Resistance, nullified 48 points of Wind Attribute damage, you received 0 points of damage]

There really was no threat at all.

Ye Shuangluo tested his elemental resistance slightly, and the result was very satisfying.

But the young man was now in disbelief. His attacks had all hit, but the opponent’s health bar hadn’t moved.

As the distance between them closed, he could feel the terrifying Killing Aura emanating from the young man.

That was a terrifying Killing Aura accumulated from slaughtering countless lives.

“Great God of Space, Marcius, I am your most faithful apostle, please respond to my call, Space Jump.”


Ye Shuangluo’s slash hit nothing but air.

Just as the young man finished chanting, his body began to blur and then reappeared 50 meters behind Ye Shuangluo.

Of course, using this move forcibly wasn’t without cost.

His left arm was shredded by the chaotic spatial currents during the Space Jump.

The young man had just taken a breath when he felt a strong wind behind him, pushing him uncontrollably forward.

And right in front of him was a small ice blade waiting for him.

He struggled desperately, continuously calling and manipulating his Wind Element to counteract the strong wind, but to no avail.


The ice blade pierced through his head, killing him instantly.

His final expression was filled with fear and regret.

If he had another chance, he would never insult others online so casually, nor provoke someone he shouldn’t have.

Unfortunately, there was no medicine for regret in this world.

Ye Shuangluo stood there, yawning out of boredom.

He looked at the young man as if he were a clown.

The opponent had vividly demonstrated what it meant to make a fierce move but end up with a 0-5 record.

After all that fighting, he had caused zero damage.

This was too weak.

It was his first PVP, and he ended up with such a weak opponent. Was that really okay?

[Congratulations, you have earned the achievement: “First Blood” (Kill a player)]

[Reward: Armor +5]

Another new achievement, and this time the reward was armor. Not bad, not bad.

Ye Shuangluo stretched lazily and walked out of the villa. As he left, the villa suddenly caught fire.

He didn’t look back, just waved his hand, summoning Wind Element to fan the flames.

“Next, it’s time to deal with those who didn’t come. Some are abroad, some are in other cities. This won’t be easy.”

(“If you want to deal with them, I can help you.”)

A voice suddenly entered his ears, a voice both unfamiliar and familiar.

Ye Shuangluo froze in place. Even though he hadn’t heard this voice for nearly ten years, he hadn’t forgotten it.

Because the owner of this voice was his mother!

(“Don’t you like me using your mother’s voice? How about this one?”)

The voice in his ears became rough and magnetic.

Ye Shuangluo fell silent. This was his father’s voice.


(“It’s me, you seem to need my help.”)

Ye Shuangluo listened to the long-missed voice of his father, falling into a long silence.

“Can you not use my parents’ voices?”

(“I thought using your parents’ voices would bring us closer, alright, I’ll change it.”)

Ye Shuangluo heard his father’s voice change to his own, and he smirked, ultimately not asking Gaia to change it again.

“You know what I want to do?”

(“Of course I know. For me, it’s not difficult, just dealing with a few germs.”)

“Then help me deal with them.”

(“Of course, my warrior. I’ve helped you with a small favor, can you help me with a small favor?”)

“What favor?”

Ye Shuangluo asked cautiously. A favor for the World Consciousness wasn’t easy to fulfill.

(“Don’t worry, it’s not difficult for you. You are about to start your third trial, which is your final trial as a Reserve Player.

In this trial, you will encounter players from other worlds. I hope you can kill a few enemy players from other worlds and plunder their world’s essence.”)

The voice in his mind was calm but filled with a sense of killing intent.

Ye Shuangluo thought for a moment. It seemed like players would be divided into different factions in the third trial. In that case, he could help with this favor.

“Alright, I agree.”





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