Chapter 49 – Brother Black Knife who is being cyberbullied

“How dare you? Aren’t you afraid of offending this pack of mad dogs?”

Ye Shuangluo had just muted the entire Mad Dog Group when the group leader immediately sent him a message.

“A bunch of stinking rats that belong in the sewers. What do I have to fear?”

If it were the old Ye Shuangluo, he might have been cautious, not wanting to get involved with these mad dogs. But for the current him, the so-called Mad Dog Group was nothing more than a notorious pack of rats.

Ding ding ding ding ding!

The group chat kept chiming with the sound of new members joining. His action of muting them seemed to have enraged the Mad Dog Group. They switched to a bunch of alternate accounts and started spamming his information instead of Zhao Moyi’s.

Ye Shuangluo looked at the screen filled with his personal information and yawned out of boredom.

“Is that all?”

Suddenly, two messages caught his attention.

Seven Seconds: “No wonder you’re so uncivilized, muting others while they’re talking. Turns out you’re an orphan with no parents.”

Yi Ran: “Senior Seven Seconds is right. Why didn’t you get hit by a car along with your parents back then?”

Ye Shuangluo: …

He had to admit, they were indeed professional online trolls, hitting him where it hurt and leaving him speechless.

He couldn’t be bothered to argue with these rats and directly muted the group chat notifications.

Ding ding ding!

His computer suddenly chimed again, this time with a message from his little fan, Black Cat.

“Master, you didn’t need to stand up for me.”

“They’re targeting me; it has nothing to do with anyone else.”

“But Master, you just provoked them. Now they’re definitely going to come after you!!”

“Master, I’m sorry. It’s my fault, boohoo.”

Seeing Black Cat’s immediate message, Ye Shuangluo confirmed she wasn’t offline but invisible. She must have been lurking, otherwise, she couldn’t have messaged him so quickly.

“It’s okay, there’s nothing about my information worth exposing. But what did you do to provoke those rats?”

Black Cat was silent for a moment before replying after about two minutes.


“It’s because of him.”

Black Cat sent a photo. Ye Shuangluo opened it and was stunned. The photo showed a young man wearing a fox mask, holding a black long knife in one hand, with several goblin heads at his feet.

“This seems to be my photo. What’s it got to do with me?”

Ye Shuangluo was puzzled and typed his question directly.

“Isn’t this Brother Black Knife? What’s it got to do with him?”

Yes, although netizens didn’t know who Ye Shuangluo was, they had already given him a nickname. Although he found the nickname hard to accept, the netizens had already associated it with him.

“I saw a post on the forum discussing the true identities of these ‘superhumans.’”

“Everyone else was having a rational discussion, but Brother Black Knife was being cursed by a group of people. They said he was too cruel, killing goblins with one strike each. Goblin lives matter too! Some even said his skill with the knife was too practiced, implying he might have honed it by killing people. They also said Brother Black Knife was hiding his face, suggesting he might be an escaped convict. I couldn’t stand it and argued with them.”

“One girl said Brother Black Knife hiding his face meant he was definitely not a good person. She even compared him to that Western elf-transforming Louise, saying women are stronger than men.”

“I argued with her, and when she couldn’t win, she said I was done for.”

“Later, I found out that the girl I was arguing with was a member of the Mad Dog Group.”

So that’s how it was.

After hearing the whole story, Ye Shuangluo understood. He was being cyberbullied, and Black Cat had defended him, offending the Mad Dog Group members, which led to her being targeted.

He opened his browser and searched “true identities of the superhumans.” Sure enough, the first result was that post. Just as Black Cat had said, the identities of others were being rationally discussed, but he was being cursed by a group of people, with over a thousand comments already.

The post even had links to videos from many feminist bloggers, all of which were demeaning him.

Ye Shuangluo closed the browser expressionlessly. He could guess why only he was being insulted. When the world gates opened simultaneously in five places, about 14 players participated in the defense. Others displayed flashy powers like lightning and thunder or summoning beasts. Among them, his performance was the most straightforward, giving the impression that anyone could do it, just by wielding a knife.

People have a tendency to admire strength, but they also harbor dark thoughts. The anonymity of the internet amplifies these dark thoughts. The people insulting him were either jealous, seeking attention, or simply couldn’t stand him.

“Master, it’s my fault. I’m sorry.”

Black Cat sent another apologetic message.

“It’s fine, I don’t care.”

Ye Shuangluo was a magnanimous person. If someone offended him, he wouldn’t mind too much; he’d just tell them to be careful in their next life.

The Mad Dog Group was notorious for cyberbullying, exposing people’s information, and inciting online violence. Their “glorious achievements” even included a few psychologically fragile victims who couldn’t bear the cyberbullying and chose to end their lives. But because most of them were overseas, it was hard to bring them to justice.

Ye Shuangluo tilted his head. He had to admit, he couldn’t out-argue so many people. But he couldn’t be bothered to argue with these rats.

“Seven Seconds…”

Ye Shuangluo’s eyes narrowed slightly. This person named Seven Seconds was the one leading the insults and doxxing him. If he could find this person, he could take down the rest.

Ye Shuangluo scrolled through his contacts and found someone with the username “Ming Wang.”

“Are you there?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Help me locate someone.”

He sent over Seven Seconds’ main and alternate accounts.

“Whoa, Seven Seconds? Isn’t that someone from the Mad Dog Group? If I help you, I might get targeted too.”

“So you’re planning to refuse?”

“No, I mean: it’ll cost extra!”

“Maniacal Laugh.JPG”

Ye Shuangluo nodded. It was the familiar taste. They were old friends, and he knew Ming Wang’s capabilities well, so he directly transferred 2000 yuan to him.

“Whoa! You’ve struck it rich recently, huh? I was ready to haggle, but you just paid up.”

“Cut the crap. Get me Seven Seconds’ information within an hour.”

“Got it, boss. Please wait a moment.”

Half an hour later.

Ye Shuangluo was intently watching battle videos of other players. Judging by their performances, he wasn’t the strongest among the 14 players, but he was definitely not weak either. Among the 14, at least 7 were new players like him. Yet, he was the only one being cyberbullied.

“This Louise is so weak. Why do so many people think she’s stronger than me?”

Elf Goddess Louise, a figure worshipped by countless feminists both domestically and abroad. Before becoming a player, she was already a minor celebrity on foreign social media. She came from a wealthy family and was a bona fide white rich beauty. During the goblin invasion, she transformed into an elf and used her longbow to defeat the invading goblins. Her combat movements were extremely graceful, and she openly revealed her face. Although Ye Shuangluo found her actions flashy, she indeed gained countless fans.

Ding ding ding!

“Boss, I’ve found it. Here’s what you wanted.”

Ming Wang’s efficiency was indeed high. In just half an hour, he had found the information Ye Shuangluo wanted. Looking at the information Ming Wang sent, Ye Shuangluo’s face broke into a kind smile.




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