Chapter 44 – Assassinate the King


Under the bombardment of countless heavenly thunders, the emperor deftly dodged them all with his agile movements.

The Taoists nearby, in order to maintain their spells, could only stand there foolishly.

Fortunately, the thunder was dense, and the emperor could only dodge for now, unable to spare a hand to deal with them.

But the emperor was, after all, just a mortal with a flesh and blood body, and everyone makes mistakes.

He stumbled over a stone, and a bolt of lightning was already less than a meter away from him.

All the Taoists present held their breath. Was the moment they had been longing for finally about to happen?


An ice shield silently appeared above the emperor’s head, completely blocking the lightning.

The emperor, who had been calm all along, curiously looked at the ice shield above his head. Who had stepped in to protect him?

The Taoists, whose hopes were dashed, looked in disbelief at the suddenly appearing ice shield. Who was it? Who was protecting the emperor?

Crack, crack, crack!

Countless ice shields suddenly appeared in mid-air, blocking the descending lightning one by one.

Accompanying the appearance of the ice shields was a boy dressed in strange attire.

The Taoists watched the boy walking towards them step by step, tense and wary.

“Who goes there!”

They were very nervous; the boy had just appeared and summoned countless ice shields to block the lightning.

Such power was definitely not simple.

Moreover, the boy had just protected the emperor, so he was likely an enemy rather than a friend.

They felt a bit desperate. They had finally found a chance when Xiao Shan was not by the emperor’s side to protect him. Was this hard-won opportunity going to be wasted again?

“Don’t be nervous, I’m with the Rebels.”

Hearing Ye Shuangluo’s words, the Taoists looked at him as if he were joking.

The Rebels and the court were mortal enemies. How could someone from the Rebels save the emperor?

Ye Shuangluo shrugged. Of course, he acted because he wanted to kill the emperor with his own hands.

That was his achievement goal. He had stayed here just to hunt the emperor.

But why did they call themselves the Thieves’ Guild instead of the Taoist Alliance when they were clearly a group of Taoists?

Ye Shuangluo didn’t understand their organization’s naming, but he didn’t bother to say more.

He took out Mortal Kill from his space backpack, and the Wind Element instantly covered the blade as he slashed towards the old emperor.

The swift strike, like a gust of wind, was dodged by the old emperor.

Although he was surprised that the old emperor could dodge the strike, he immediately swung a few more times at the emperor.

But for some reason, the old emperor always managed to avoid the fatal blows.

So, it became a scene of him slashing and the emperor dodging, leaving the Taoists who were struggling to maintain their spells dumbfounded.

What was going on? He had just saved the emperor, and now he was trying to kill him.

A young Taoist, watching Ye Shuangluo’s actions, suddenly started to imagine:

“Could it be that he, like us, has a deep-seated hatred for this emperor and wants to kill him personally?”

Everyone suddenly understood. That made sense.

No wonder he saved the emperor earlier and now was trying to kill him.


The old emperor tried to dodge again, but Ye Shuangluo had already frozen his feet with the Ice Element.

So, the old emperor could only stand there, waiting for the death blow.


His head was directly chopped off.

But there was no joy on Ye Shuangluo’s face because his talent didn’t prompt him, which meant he hadn’t killed the emperor.

He directly plunged the blade into the emperor’s headless body, shredding the heart.

This scene made others feel nauseous. The emperor was already dead, and yet he was still desecrating the body.

It must be a deep-seated hatred.

Although they lost the chance to kill the emperor themselves, they didn’t really mind that much.

Ye Shuangluo shredded the emperor’s heart into pieces, but his mood was heavy.

Still no prompt, the achievement of Assassinate the King was still not completed.

He had chopped off the head and shredded the heart.

The emperor should be dead by now, so why wasn’t it completed?

He felt a vague unease, as if something bad was about to happen.

Just as Ye Shuangluo was both puzzled and uneasy, the entire capital suddenly shook violently.

“An earthquake? And now of all times!”

The Taoists stopped maintaining their spells, and the dark clouds in the sky instantly dispersed, and they scattered as well.

Ye Shuangluo plunged his blade into the ground, gripping the hilt tightly to maintain his balance.

The ground cracked open, and a milky white, eyeless, mouth-only worm suddenly burst out from the ground.

As the worm emerged, Ye Shuangluo saw the “scenery” beneath the capital.

Bones, countless bones, piled into mountains of bones.

There were children’s, young people’s, men’s, and women’s bones.

These bones seemed incomplete, some only heads, some only arms.

Ye Shuangluo suddenly understood where those who served in labor went. The children in Dongfeng Village might never see their parents again.

Unlike Ye Shuangluo, who focused on the bones, everyone else focused on the giant worm.

“What a huge worm.”

At this moment, whether they were rebels, Taoists, or residents of the capital, they were all dumbfounded.

The worm, after emerging from the ground, blocked the sun above them, making the entire capital feel like night had fallen.

“You have successfully angered me!”

The worm could talk?

Wait, the Taoists realized, the worm referred to itself as “me.”

They looked at each other, clearly thinking of the legendary story that even three-year-olds knew in this world.

An Immortal bestowed a divine stone, forging an immortal body for the emperor.

This eyeless, mouth-only worm, could it be the legendary immortal body?

Ye Shuangluo looked at the emperor’s enormous “immortal body” and understood why the achievement hadn’t shown as completed.

It seemed that killing the emperor in this form was the key to completing the achievement.

At this moment, Ye Shuangluo knew he had to fight with his back against the wall.

This was his final battle in this world, a test of his growth here.

His black eyes slowly turned blood-red, and the battle intent in his gaze could no longer be restrained.

Asura Demon Eye, activate!

Kill Order, mark!

After doing all this, he charged towards the emperor with his blade.

The Taoists were amazed at this scene.

Was this rebel boy really that brave?

He had just chopped off the emperor’s head in human form, and now he was the first to charge again. He must have a deep-seated hatred for the emperor.

“You lowly worm, how dare you come forward to die!”

A worm calling someone else a worm, how ironic.

The emperor let out an angry roar, a deafening sound that echoed throughout the capital.

No eyes, yet he could still see?

Ye Shuangluo quickly observed his surroundings and decided to use the nearby buildings to approach the emperor.

It turned out that the emperor’s body, though intimidating, had little combat power.

Ye Shuangluo leaped from building to building, easily landing on the emperor’s body.

“Lowly worm, how dare you touch my great and supreme ‘immortal body.’ I will eat you, crush your bones bit by bit.”

Now that he was on the emperor’s body, he didn’t waste any time and directly stabbed down with his blade.


The blade easily pierced the emperor’s skin. Though it was a trivial wound to him, he let out a wail.

It hurt so much. He hadn’t felt pain in many years.

But Ye Shuangluo frowned. The damage was too low. The emperor’s enormous body limited the damage he could inflict.

He had to find a way to increase the damage.

He simply left Mortal Kill embedded in the emperor’s body, then gripped it tightly and started running across the emperor’s body.

As he ran, the blade quickly slashed across the emperor’s body.


The wound rapidly expanded, and the emperor began to madly crash around the capital in pain.

His human form had been decapitated, but that body was just a decoy to mislead others.

Even if it were dismembered, he wouldn’t feel anything.

But now it was different. Now his “immortal body” was being harmed.

Everyone in the capital could see this scene, a moment they would never forget.

A boy in strange attire, standing on a giant worm.

The boy was as small as an ant, yet he caused the worm immense pain.

As the wounds on the emperor’s body grew larger, blood gushed out continuously.

It started raining in the capital, a green, corrosive rain.

The old emperor kept wailing, rolling around trying to shake Ye Shuangluo off.

But he failed. Instead, Ye Shuangluo took the opportunity to further enlarge the wounds.

As the wounds grew larger, Ye Shuangluo suddenly noticed a glowing spot on the emperor’s body.

Since the emperor’s entire body was milky white, it was impossible to see the glowing spot without climbing onto him and looking closely.

Ye Shuangluo quickly ran to the glowing spot and used his blade to dig down rapidly. Soon, he saw what was glowing.

It was a heart, a crystalline heart.

Ye Shuangluo had a hunch that destroying this heart would kill the old emperor.

The old emperor also sensed his heart was exposed to the air, and he panicked, starting to beg for mercy.

“No, don’t kill me. I can give you many treasures. I’ll make you a high official, a prince!”

“Old emperor… you look so pathetic right now.”


Ye Shuangluo shattered the crystalline heart with a single slash.

As the heart shattered with a crack, the emperor’s enormous “immortal body” slowly ceased to move.

[Congratulations, you have achieved: Assassinate the King]

Clap, clap, clap!

“Wonderful, absolutely wonderful.”




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