Chapter 43 – May you have great martial fortune


【Congratulations on achieving: Dragon Slayer】

【Reward: +100 Lightning Element Resistance】


After beheading the Overturning Sea General, a system notification immediately rang in Ye Shuangluo’s mind.

He had earned another achievement, and this time, it directly rewarded him with 100 points of Lightning Element Resistance.

Unfortunately, there were no enemies using lightning elements around; otherwise, he would have loved to test the extent of this 100-point resistance.

Casually storing the green treasure chest that had dropped into his space backpack, Ye Shuangluo was about to step towards Su Zhan when the White Tiger suddenly pounced towards him.

“Nom nom nom”

He watched in shock as the White Tiger, like a Peke, lay on the ground, continuously licking the blood flowing from the Overturning Sea General.

He called out twice, but the White Tiger seemed addicted, focusing solely on licking the blood on the ground.

Ye Shuangluo couldn’t be bothered with it anymore and quickly walked over to Su Zhan.

But when he reached Su Zhan, he hesitated to speak.

“Your hair…”

Recalling their first meeting, Su Zhan was a handsome young man in his prime with a head of black hair.

Now, half of that black hair had turned white, though he still exuded extraordinary charisma.

But he no longer looked like a young man in his twenties, more like an old man nearing the end of his life.

Su Zhan smiled nonchalantly and said the most outrageous thing in the calmest tone.

“Just twenty years of lifespan… I never thought you could defeat Xiao Shan.”

Ye Shuangluo twitched his mouth. How could he speak so lightly?

He didn’t sympathize with Su Zhan because he knew Su Zhan didn’t need sympathy. Su Zhan must have thought deeply before making that decisive strike.

“Just a lucky win. Where’s the old emperor?”

Ye Shuangluo didn’t waste words and directly asked about what he was most concerned with.

Su Zhan shook his head, indicating he didn’t know either.

“When I arrived, only that freak was here.”

His gaze fell on the headless corpse, and for once, his tone carried a rare hint of frustration.

“If I had known I would face him in the capital, I should have brought Seven Kills.”

Su Zhan knew very well that if Ye Shuangluo hadn’t arrived in time, he would have died at the hands of the traitor Overturning Sea General.

He was very grateful to Ye Shuangluo, but also very angry.

Angry at his own incompetence, he couldn’t imagine the complete failure of the mission without Ye Shuangluo.

He couldn’t tolerate his incompetence causing His Highness’s plans to fail.


Both of them looked towards the direction of the thunder.

“That direction… it must be the Thieves’ Guild making a move, and the dog emperor should be there too.

That’s a bustling area, and they’re using such large-scale magic. Are they crazy?”

Honestly, although the dog emperor was there, Su Zhan didn’t plan to go over. His mission in the capital was already complete.

Xiao Shan was dead, and the Ghost Legion had been freed with his death.

He didn’t plan to get involved in the mess between the Thieves’ Guild and the dog emperor.

But just because he didn’t plan to get involved didn’t mean the other person present wouldn’t.

Ye Shuangluo looked towards the bustling area, intending to see if he could achieve his final accomplishment in this world before returning.

“Su Zhan, I’m going to assassinate the old emperor. Let’s part ways here.”

Hearing Ye Shuangluo’s words, Su Zhan was stunned. He didn’t expect Ye Shuangluo to say that.

“The dog emperor is indeed hateful, but there’s no need to rush. You can come back to Lingzhou with me, and we can plan carefully.”

Su Zhan didn’t want Ye Shuangluo to throw his life away because he knew that person was also in the capital.

Moreover, he didn’t understand why Ye Shuangluo was in such a hurry, as if he was running out of time.

Ye Shuangluo couldn’t explain anything to him. They were comrades, but now, their paths had reached an end, and it was time to part.

So Ye Shuangluo turned and waved, then kicked the White Tiger, who was still licking blood, in the butt.

“Big cat, stop licking. Do me one last favor and take me over there.”

After saying that, he skillfully mounted the White Tiger.

The White Tiger was startled awake by the kick, utterly confused. What had he just done? Why was he suddenly licking blood?

Wait, did this menacing star just say to do him one last favor? Was he about to be free?

Thinking of this, he let out a joyful roar and ran with all his might in the direction Ye Shuangluo pointed.

Su Zhan watched the figure riding the White Tiger grow distant, his mind filled with words to persuade him to stay. But in the end, he only said:

“May you have great martial fortune.”



Above the sky, dark clouds gathered, and bolts of lightning struck down.

Each bolt of lightning struck a protective shield on the ground.

Inside the shield were the calm old emperor, the trembling ministers, and the wealthy merchants he had invited to the banquet.

The old emperor watched the lightning strike the shield with indifference.

Even though the shield was riddled with holes and about to shatter, he remained calm, as if he didn’t care at all.

Outside the shield stood a dozen Taoists, dressed in robes, old and young, male and female.

Each of them held a special hand gesture.

Occasionally, one would change their gesture.

The dark clouds in the sky were summoned by them, and the bolts of lightning were guided down by them.

The leading Taoist shouted in a deep voice:

“Xiao Haoming, today is your death day. The nineteen of us from the Taoist Alliance will perish with you.”

The Taoist had a look of determined sacrifice, and the others shared the same expression.

Inside the shield, chaos had erupted among the others, but the old emperor remained calm, even reminiscing about the past.

“Xiao Haoming is indeed my real name. It’s been so many years since anyone called me that. How nostalgic.”


Just as the old emperor finished speaking, the shield was shattered by the lightning.


The ministers and wealthy merchants scattered in all directions, but the dark clouds in the sky did not dissipate.

Countless bolts of lightning struck down mercilessly, killing the fleeing ministers and merchants one by one.

Ren Tianxing was also one of the guests invited by the emperor. After the shield shattered, he chose to flee south.

But as his companions were struck down by lightning one by one, he closed his eyes, giving up the struggle, ready to embrace death.

But after a while, he didn’t feel the pain of being struck by lightning. He couldn’t help but open his eyes.

He found a massive ice shield above his head, and at the same time, a somewhat familiar voice came from beside him.

“See, I told you I would repay you.”

Ren Tianxing looked at the voice’s owner, a young man riding a White Tiger, looking at him with a half-smile.

Seeing the face he never wanted to see again in his life, Ren Tianxing’s emotions were extremely complicated.

“Why is it you? How… how are you here?”

Ye Shuangluo didn’t answer him, continuing to ride the White Tiger forward, leaving him with one last sentence.

“Leave quickly. This is no place for a merchant like you.”

Ren Tianxing wasn’t one to hesitate. He took a deep look at the young man riding the White Tiger, vowing to repay him someday.

Ye Shuangluo used the ice shield to block all the lightning aimed at Ren Tianxing. Only when the latter was completely out of his perception range did he feel at ease.

Then he jumped off the White Tiger and patted its head.

“Big cat, you’re free now. Leave quickly; it’s too dangerous here.”


In fact, the White Tiger didn’t need to be told. He knew very well how dangerous it was here, with lightning everywhere, ready to strike him at any moment.

So, after Ye Shuangluo spoke, he immediately ran towards the city gates.





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