Chapter 42 – Dragon Slayer

Ye Shuangluo arrived riding the White Tiger just as the Flood Dragon in the sky was gathering strength for a final blow to finish off Su Zhan.

In a split second, he infused the Wind Element into the White Tiger and commanded it to leap up and drag the Flood Dragon down.

The White Tiger was initially reluctant. Though it was the king of beasts, the Flood Dragon in the sky was a terrifying opponent.

The overwhelming Dragon Might made it almost impossible for him to move.

But with the menacing star riding on his back, brandishing a blade, he had to choose: die now or pull the Flood Dragon down.

So, the White Tiger reluctantly leaped up and forcibly dragged the Flood Dragon down from the sky.

“Chomp chomp.”

Snowflake chewed on the meat he had just torn from the Flood Dragon.

He had to admit, it was the toughest meat he had ever eaten, especially with the scales that made chewing even harder.

But he kept chewing desperately, knowing this might be his only chance to taste dragon meat in his lifetime.

And… it was incredibly delicious.

He completely understood why the menacing star loved meat so much—it was just too good.

The Flood Dragon, now in human form, looked very similar to his half-sister, both having antlers on their heads.

The difference was that his sister only had snake scales covering half her body, while he was entirely covered in them.

He glared at the White Tiger, who was still chewing, his face twisted in anger.

With a thought, he gathered a massive amount of lightning in his palm and struck out with a bolt of lightning.


The lightning bolt was intercepted halfway by an ice shield.

Naturally, it was Ye Shuangluo who intervened. Tilting his head, he looked at the Overturning Sea General and said seriously:

“Freak, it’s not your fault you’re ugly, but it’s your fault for coming out to scare people.”


Su Zhan, standing to the side, couldn’t help but laugh. He never expected Ye Shuangluo to have such a sharp tongue.

The key was his deadpan expression, which made the insult even more lethal.

“You want to die!”

The Overturning Sea General couldn’t remember the last time he had been called a “freak.”

Even Su Zhan, who had always disliked him, only called him that behind his back.

The last time he heard it was in his childhood, from ignorant villagers who knew nothing but still called him a freak.

He had later repaid those villagers by turning them all into charred corpses with his lightning.

In a fit of rage, he transformed back into a Flood Dragon and soared into the sky.

This time, he flew even higher, beyond the reach of the White Tiger.


Countless bolts of lightning rained down on Ye Shuangluo, who stood calmly in place.

The Overturning Sea General eagerly watched from above, hoping to see the mouthy brat turned into charcoal, but he was disappointed.

Ye Shuangluo merely raised his hand slightly, and countless ice shields formed in mid-air, blocking each bolt of lightning.

The Overturning Sea General couldn’t believe his eyes. His signature move, the Rain of Thunder, was being blocked so easily.

“Is that all you’ve got, you overgrown lizard?”

Ye Shuangluo taunted again, his disdainful tone and smiling face making the Overturning Sea General furious.

“Think you’re good at blocking? Let’s see you block this!”

The special scales on the Overturning Sea General’s forehead glowed blood-red, and several scales on his waist and abdomen vanished instantly.

The Rain of Thunder continued to fall relentlessly, with the ice shields blocking each bolt.

Unnoticed, a purple-red bolt of lightning mixed in with the blue thunderbolts.

The Overturning Sea General thought he could catch Ye Shuangluo off guard, but Ye Shuangluo’s Perception had already warned him.

His Perception told him that if he took this hit, he might be seriously injured or even killed.

Naturally, he wasn’t foolish enough to take it head-on. He covered his legs with Wind Element and ran.

Unfortunately, even though he chose to dodge, the purple-red lightning seemed to have tracking abilities and followed him.

Ye Shuangluo frowned slightly but stopped running. He used his Spiritual Power to create multiple ice shields in front of him.

Crack crack crack!

The purple-red lightning shattered each ice shield with destructive force.

Just as the lightning was about to break through all the ice shields and strike Ye Shuangluo, he did something unexpected.

He converted all his Spiritual Power into Wind Element and shot into the sky, heading straight for the Overturning Sea General.

The Overturning Sea General didn’t know what Ye Shuangluo intended, but seeing him approach, he instinctively tried to move away.

But how could his speed compare to Ye Shuangluo’s with the Wind Element?

Ye Shuangluo reached his head and grabbed onto his antlers, refusing to let go.

The purple-red lightning, still tracking Ye Shuangluo, followed him into the sky.

The Overturning Sea General realized what Ye Shuangluo was doing but it was too late.

The purple-red lightning was already above him.


In a desperate move, he opened his mouth and swallowed the lightning. As he did, Ye Shuangluo took the opportunity to jump off him.

Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a terrifying blade aura slashed through his midsection.

“Seven Kills Technique: Final Form”


He let out a painful howl. Though he wasn’t cut in half, a massive wound opened in his body.

Blood sprayed from the wound like rain.


His body crashed to the ground, creating a large crater.

After delivering the slash, Su Zhan’s deep black hair turned half white at a visible speed.

But his face showed no regret, only disappointment that he hadn’t killed the freak with one strike.

Ten minutes earlier, after Ye Shuangluo arrived, he suddenly heard Su Zhan’s voice in his mind.

“You’re probably not good at dealing with large enemies. I have a move specifically for him, but it requires some time to charge. Distract him, and I’ll find a chance to deliver a fatal blow.”

Ye Shuangluo didn’t know how Su Zhan was communicating with him, but he chose to trust him.

So he taunted the Flood Dragon, drawing all its attention to himself.

As a result, the Flood Dragon ignored Su Zhan, who was charging up for a big move.

The result was a single slash that severely injured the Flood Dragon.

The Flood Dragon reverted to human form, staggering as he tried to stand.


A lightning-fast blade severed his hands.

The Overturning Sea General looked at his severed hands on the ground, blood spraying from his wrists like a fountain, still in shock.

Finally, the intense pain hit him, and he knelt, howling in agony.

“Hiss! Ugh! Ah! My hands!”

The lightning-fast slash was Ye Shuangluo’s doing, testing his new skill, “Breaker Star’s Power.”

The result was satisfactory. With the power of Breaker Star, he had severed the top-tier demon’s hands with one strike.

Since the test was complete, there was no reason to keep him alive.

If not for the test, he would have decapitated him or stabbed him through the heart long ago, not just cut off his hands.

Sensing Ye Shuangluo’s killing intent, the Overturning Sea General desperately called out to Su Zhan.

“Su Zhan, save me! Don’t let him kill me. We’re comrades, fighting side by side!”

Su Zhan looked at the pleading Overturning Sea General, recalling their past experiences together, and sighed.

“…I can’t bear to watch you die.”

The Overturning Sea General felt a glimmer of hope, only to see Su Zhan silently close his eyes.


The blade cut through flesh, severing his head.




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