Chapter 41 – Pluto Ascension


【Congratulations to the player for completing the side quest: One Glowing Thing is Enough】

【Congratulations to the player for completing the main quest: Soul Extinction Plan】

I have to say, Xiao Shan is the most rewarding enemy Ye Shuangluo has encountered so far.

Not only could he capture souls, but killing him also allowed Ye Shuangluo to complete both the main quest and the side quest.

He even dropped a gray treasure chest, something Ye Shuangluo had never seen before.

【Cursed Treasure Chest】

【Description: There is a 1% chance of obtaining a cursed treasure chest each time you get a treasure chest.

This type of chest can only be opened by the player who killed the enemy.

To open it, certain conditions must be met.】

【Opening Condition: Immortal Descends to the Mortal Realm

(In a past battle, Xiao Shan was toyed with by an Immortal. He gave it his all but couldn’t even touch a single hair of the Immortal. This was his life’s regret.

To open this chest, you must harm an “Immortal” in any way.)】

A cursed treasure chest, huh? Interesting.

Regarding the opening condition, Ye Shuangluo rarely showed a contemplative look. Any way, huh? He had some ideas.

But the most important thing right now was to claim the rewards for the side quest and the main quest.

【Power of the Breaker Star Lv.max】

【Skill Type: Special Passive】

【Effect: Each attack ignores 15% of the enemy’s defense】

【Evaluation: This is the blessing given by the Breaker Star to its most outstanding Fate Master. May you carry this blessing into battle and achieve victory after victory.】

Ye Shuangluo looked up at the Breaker Star. It had changed, becoming so dazzling.

This light was different from before; the previous light was more like a last burst of brilliance.

The most unbelievable thing was that he could actually feel emotions of joy and excitement from it.

At the same time, on a street in the capital, a figure carrying a bamboo basket suddenly looked towards the palace.

“Huh, Xiao Shan is dead… Who could have done it? Could it be that the king of the Rebels has arrived in the capital?

Oh dear, I guess I have to go take a look.”

After killing Xiao Shan, Pluto had met the conditions for advancement, and Ye Shuangluo naturally chose to advance it immediately.

With a flash of ghostly light, the Pluto pendant around his neck had completed its advancement.


【Quality: Green】

【Type: Growth Equipment (Accessory)】

【Special Effect: Captive Souls

After killing a powerful enemy, you can choose to imprison their soul in Pluto. These powerful souls will provide you with various benefits.】

【Current Captive Soul Capacity: 1/2

Soul of Mandrillus sphinx “Big Jin”】

【Special Effect 2: Soul Prison

Can store souls that Pluto has captured but you do not wish to imprison temporarily, and can replace imprisoned souls.

Current Capacity: 1/10】

【Advancement Method:

Basic Condition: Wear Pluto and personally kill 2000 ordinary enemies, 20 elite enemies, and 3 boss enemies in battle.

Current Progress: 0/2000, 0/20, 0/3

Special Condition: Viewable after meeting the basic condition】

【Evaluation: The name of Pluto is forged from the bones of endless beings. You have only taken the first step.】

Pluto had advanced, increasing the maximum number of souls it could imprison by one.

It also gained a new special effect, allowing him to store souls he did not wish to imprison and to replace them.

This greatly expanded his operational space.

As expected of growth equipment, it was indeed powerful.

Ye Shuangluo was very happy, but he did not ignore the conditions for Pluto’s next advancement.

The basic conditions were twice as many as before, which was not a big deal for now.

There was also a special condition, although he couldn’t see what it was for now, it was definitely going to be difficult.

He didn’t worry too much about the advancement conditions for now. Future problems could be dealt with in the future.

What he needed to do now was to check the effects of Xiao Shan’s soul, which he had just defeated.

After silently praying in his heart, he opened the information panel for Xiao Shan’s soul.

【Soul of Breaker Star Fate Master/Ghost Legion Captain Xiao Shan】

【Effect: Starlight Illumination, Evil Repulsion, automatically removes one debuff (negative status) from the status bar each month】

【Effect: Each attack has a chance to summon a number of Ghost Legion soldiers equal to your Intelligence Attribute, with a small chance to summon seven vice-captains of the Ghost Legion, and a very small chance to summon Ghost Legion Captain Xiao Shan to join the battle.

Note: The Ghost Legion has a total of members, which is also the maximum number of Ghost Legion soldiers you can summon.

When this soul is imprisoned, each time you kill an enemy, there is a chance to convert the enemy into a Ghost Legion soldier.】

【Note: This soul is a special dual soul, with a cooldown time of one hour for each switch】

【Imprison? Yes/No】


A special dual soul, and both buffs provided by the two souls were very powerful.

One could help him remove negative statuses, although the cooldown time was a bit long.

The other could summon helpers during battle and seemed to have growth potential.

Ye Shuangluo immediately chose to imprison it.

After the imprisonment was completed, his body, weakened by Self-Devour, was instantly enveloped by a warm current, and the weakness was swept away.

Ye Shuangluo, fully restored!

【Esteemed Reserve Player, it has been detected that you have completed all main quests in this world. You can choose to return immediately, or stay in this world for up to 12 more hours before being forcibly returned.】

【Return immediately? Yes/No】

Ye Shuangluo chose no, he still had one last thing to do. It wouldn’t be too late to return after finishing that.


A beastly roar, like thunder, suddenly reached Ye Shuangluo’s ears.

It was a sound he had never heard before, carrying an invisible pressure.

The White Tiger was so frightened that it lay on the ground, trembling, covering its ears with its paws as if trying to block out the sound.

The Rebels nearby looked in disbelief in the direction of the sound.

“How could it be… Has General Fu Hai really betrayed us?”

As members of the Rebels, they were naturally very familiar with General Fu Hai’s roar.

They had also heard Su Zhan and Xiao Shan’s conversation just now, but they thought it was just a lie Xiao Shan told to crush Su Zhan’s fighting spirit.

But it turned out to be true. One of the six generals of the Rebels, hailed as the strongest man among the Rebels, General Fu Hai, had actually betrayed them.

For a moment, they were at a loss. Was their rebellion really meaningless?

Ye Shuangluo, on the other hand, was not as confused as they were. He merely glanced in the direction of the sound.

Then he ran to the trembling White Tiger, climbed onto its back, and whispered in its ear:

“Big Cat, take me over there.”

Upon hearing the familiar voice of the harbinger of doom, the White Tiger, for some reason, was no longer afraid.

That roar did indeed carry an innate pressure, but compared to the harbinger of doom, it was nothing.


The White Tiger let out a thunderous roar and carried Ye Shuangluo towards the direction of the sound.

Su Zhan stood on the ground, his white clothes almost completely stained with blood.

Even though he was covered in wounds, he still calmly looked at the figure in the sky.

In the sky, a Flood Dragon with deer antlers and snake scales spoke in a mocking tone.

“Su Zhan, give up. Without the Seven Kills Demon Blade, what do you have to fight me with?”

Su Zhan knew better than anyone that he couldn’t win, but he still raised the Red Flame Demon Blade in his hand, pointing it at the Flood Dragon in the sky.

“Fu Hai, although I always called you a freak, I always thought we were comrades, comrades who could entrust our lives to each other.

Why did you betray us?”

“Hahaha.” The Flood Dragon laughed uncontrollably, as if he had heard something incredibly funny.

“Because I’m not satisfied. Why should I fight so hard, only to let that Xiao guy sit on the supreme throne? He doesn’t deserve it!”

“How dare you!”

Su Zhan shouted angrily. Even though he was covered in wounds, even though his comrade had betrayed him, he had shown no extra emotion, but now he was furious to the extreme.

“His Highness is more suited to sit on the supreme throne than anyone else in this world. You beast have no right to insult him!”

The Flood Dragon looked at Su Zhan’s extremely angry expression and couldn’t help but laugh again.

“Hahaha, Su Zhan, you really are his most obedient, most loyal dog.

Don’t worry, after I kill you, I’ll send him down soon, so you can reunite in the underworld.”

The Flood Dragon opened its mouth wide, gathering a large amount of lightning in its mouth, ready to blast Su Zhan.

“The capital is really a great place, it even has such a big long worm.”

A young man’s voice suddenly came from behind the Flood Dragon, followed by a domineering tiger roar.


A sharp pain came from the Flood Dragon’s tail, and then its entire body was forcibly pulled down from the sky by a huge force.


Its massive body crashed heavily to the ground, and the culprit shouted to the severely injured Su Zhan:

“Hey, you over there, almost dead, I hope I’m not too late.”

Su Zhan looked at the familiar figure, a slight smile appearing on his lips.

“Too bad, if you had come a little later, I would have already killed this long worm.”





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