Chapter 38 – Slay the giant wolf



The red wolf-man let out a howl, drawing the attention of the three monsters and one human engaged in battle nearby.


When the three bizarre-looking girls saw the already dead elephant-trunk man, their faces were filled with disbelief.


How long had it been? The elephant-trunk man was already dead.


But when they saw Ye Shuangluo, who was exuding a killing aura, they began to understand.


Su Zhan was quite surprised. This kid hadn't even used his full strength when fighting him. It seemed he didn't need to worry about him anymore and could focus on dealing with the three troublesome girls.


On the other side of the battle, shortly after the red wolf-man howled, his body began to grow larger. Human features slowly disappeared, replaced by a wolf's tail and fur.


Ye Shuangluo found it fascinating. This red-haired wolf-headed freak, realizing he couldn't beat him, decided to stop being human altogether.


He pulled out Mortal Kill, which he had casually stuck into the ground after beating the elephant-trunk man, and his eyes slowly turned blood-red.


Asura Demon Eye, activate!


Kill Order, activate!


With the activation of the Asura Demon Eye, Ye Shuangluo's already powerful perception was further enhanced.


He silently sensed the giant wolf's aura, which had increased several times compared to before.


But this ability must have some limitations; otherwise, the red wolf-man would have used it earlier.


After his body stopped growing, the giant wolf lost its sanity, but it seemed to remember its target was Ye Shuangluo, and it swiped a massive paw at him.




Under the absolute suppression of strength, Ye Shuangluo was sent flying on the spot.


The giant wolf then extended another paw, ready to crush him.


Ye Shuangluo didn't just wait to die. He converted his spiritual power into wind elements to hover briefly in the air, then used the wind elements to jump again, narrowly avoiding the paw.


The giant wolf roared at Ye Shuangluo above, the terrifying sound waves almost knocking him down.


But he managed to stabilize himself and took the opportunity to jump onto the giant wolf's back.




The giant wolf shook its body frantically, trying to throw Ye Shuangluo off.


But not only did Ye Shuangluo stay on, he took the chance to slash it a few times.


[Your attack dealt: 47 points of slashing damage + 20 points of fire attribute damage + 100 points of true damage (Killing Power) + 58 points of ice (wind) element enchantment damage]


With layers of buffs stacking up, each slash from Ye Shuangluo caused the giant wolf excruciating pain, making it feel like its entire body was on fire.


In fact, this was the additional effect of the Asura Demon Eye, which not only inflicted damage but also continuously tormented the enemy.


In agony, the giant wolf became even more frenzied, charging straight into a palace pillar.


Under the impact of its massive body, the pillar supporting the palace cracked.


The three monsters and one human fighting nearby naturally heard the commotion. The swan girl, who was in the safest position, turned her head and angrily said:


"Damn it, does it want to bury us all alive?"


Just as she finished speaking, she heard her companion's urgent voice.


"Jinghong, watch out!"


"Seven Kills Technique, Fourth Form"




The crimson demon blade pierced through the swan girl, leaving her in disbelief as she looked at Su Zhan, who had suddenly appeared before her.


So fast, she couldn't react at all. Su Zhan had been hiding his strength from the beginning.


It wasn't until her final moments that she realized the truth, but it was too late.


And she was right; Su Zhan had indeed been hiding his strength, waiting for the moment they let their guard down to kill one of them.


So the moment the swan girl turned her head, she was already a dead woman.


"How dare you!"


The cat-eared girl didn't have time to grieve or rage before she heard Su Zhan's demonic voice in her ear.


"Seven Kills Technique, Sixth Form (Su Zhan's Version)"


The terrifying gray blade aura sliced the cat-eared girl in half, leaving only one of the three girls who had been attacking Su Zhan alive.




While Su Zhan was swiftly killing two of the monsters, the giant wolf continued to ram into the pillars.


Ye Shuangluo, supported by the wind elements, hovered in mid-air, relentlessly attacking the giant wolf's back.


"Killing Mark, explode!"


Every time the mark was fully stacked, Ye Shuangluo would unhesitatingly detonate it.


With more and more wounds on its back, the giant wolf's strength waned.




The giant wolf's massive body crashed to the ground, unwilling to stand up again. It hurt so much, really hurt.




It let out a massive wail, its final howl in life, heard by almost half the capital.


The bustling crowd on the streets instantly fell into chaos.


In the palace hall, the old emperor, dressed in a green dragon robe and celebrating his birthday, frowned slightly and said discontentedly:


"Today is my 200th birthday, what are those monsters trying to do? Such a buzzkill!"


A bored young man sitting below yawned. In the entire hall, he was the most conspicuous, being the only one in black armor.


"I told you to let me go. How could those beasts possibly be a match for Su Zhan?"


The old emperor snorted coldly, his tone even more displeased:


"Commander Xiao didn't say that before. If you had agreed to help earlier, I wouldn't have needed to call them."


"That was then, this is now. I had special reasons before.


But who knew it would be so boring here, filled with sycophantic fools. I should've gone to fight Su Zhan instead."


The few people being called fools didn't dare show any dissatisfaction. After all, this young man was the guardian of the entire capital and the Emperor.


The young man stood up nonchalantly and walked step by step to the Emperor, an act of great disrespect that the Emperor seemed accustomed to.


"You should go… That noise sounded like a wail. Those monsters have probably lost."


The Emperor frowned slightly but immediately got up to call the attending merchants and officials to leave.


He trusted the young man's judgment. With him as the guardian, nothing would go wrong.


After the Emperor left, the young man sprawled arrogantly on the Emperor's dragon chair, muttering to himself:


"Su Zhan, you're finally coming. I've waited a long time for this showdown."


In the other side of the palace, Ye Shuangluo deactivated the wind elements and landed steadily on the ground.


"Well done."


Su Zhan nodded, a satisfied smile on his face, "I knew I wasn't wrong about you. You fought well, didn't disappoint me."


Ye Shuangluo looked at the three corpses at Su Zhan's feet and shook his head. Three beautiful girls, all killed just like that.


"Your hair…"


To others, Su Zhan still had long black hair, but to Ye Shuangluo, several strands of white hair had mysteriously appeared.


Su Zhan waved it off nonchalantly, "Just three years of lifespan, no big deal.


He should be waiting for us in the palace hall. Let's go quickly."




Ye Shuangluo touched the Pluto around his neck. The giant wolf had triggered its special effect, indicating that Pluto considered the giant wolf a formidable opponent.


Naturally, he chose to activate the "Captive Souls" special effect, capturing the giant wolf's soul into Pluto.


Additionally, the giant wolf had dropped a green treasure chest, which he stored in his space backpack.


After finishing everything, Ye Shuangluo jogged a few steps to catch up with Su Zhan.




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