Chapter 37 – Prey and Hunter

[Self-Devour Lv.1]


[Skill Type: Active Skill]


[Effect: After activation, All Attributes +5, Health Points +1000, Health Points recovery doubled. This state lasts for one hour. After one hour, All Attributes drop to 5 for 24 hours.]


[Note: Can only be used once per world. Refreshes upon entering a new world.]


[Upgrade Condition: Consume 10 types of gourmet food.]


[Evaluation: Have you ever considered that by consuming a large amount of gourmet food, you might also become a delicacy in the eyes of something else?]



Ye Shuangluo casually closed the skill panel. As expected of a skill rewarded by the Achievement System, it was as powerful as ever.


But it also had a significant drawback. If he couldn't finish the battle within an hour of activating the skill, he would suffer the negative effects. At that point, with his All Attributes reduced, he would be like a lamb to the slaughter.


This skill could only be used in a true life-and-death struggle.


Perhaps… it could come in handy for the battle the day after tomorrow. A dangerous gleam flashed in Ye Shuangluo's eyes.


He wondered who the lucky recipient of this skill would be. He was quite looking forward to it.



Year 186 of Qi Yuan.


It was a new year, and also the emperor's 200th birthday.


The entire capital was bustling with activity. Even though it was already midnight, the streets were still filled with people.


At this moment, Ye Shuangluo was not in the city but outside it with Su Zhan.


As for why it was just the two of them, the reason was simple.


"They're too weak. I'm afraid the aftermath of the battle would harm them. Just the two of us are enough for the palace raid."


Ye Shuangluo agreed. Those guys combined weren't even a match for him alone.


Outside the city gates, Su Zhan walked around, seemingly searching for something. After making a round, he finally found what he was looking for and stomped lightly, revealing a large hole beneath his feet.


"A tunnel?"


Ye Shuangluo clicked his tongue in amazement. He hadn't expected there to be a tunnel outside the city.


Su Zhan jumped in first, and Ye Shuangluo followed without hesitation.


The tunnel wasn't wide or high, so the two had to bend over and move forward one after the other.


"Who dug this tunnel, and where does it lead?"


"His Highness dug it himself. He started when he was six and finished at seventeen. Eleven years of work. It leads directly to the palace."


Ye Shuangluo was both puzzled and shocked.


A six-year-old child digging a tunnel every day for eleven years? Was this normal?


He silently recalled what he was doing at six. It seemed his parents were still alive then…


Forget it, better not to remember.


This tunnel was dug by the king of the Rebels himself. Why would a six-year-old child dig a tunnel to the palace?


Wait, maybe it wasn't to the palace but to outside the city.


Ye Shuangluo suddenly had a guess. Could the king of the Rebels be the old emperor's offspring?


The more he thought about it, the more plausible it seemed. Otherwise, why would Su Zhan keep calling him His Highness?


What was this?


A son forming a rebel army to fight against his father?


What kind of prime-time family drama was this?


As Ye Shuangluo silently ridiculed in his mind, Su Zhan whispered, "We're here."


Su Zhan climbed out first, and Ye Shuangluo followed silently.


As soon as he emerged and saw the light again, Ye Shuangluo realized something was wrong. Several bizarre-looking individuals were staring at them like prey.


Clap, clap, clap!


A young man with deer antlers and snake scales clapped his hands and said, "The Emperor truly foresaw everything. You really used this tunnel to raid the palace."


Ye Shuangluo nudged Su Zhan and said, "Looks like we've walked into a trap."


Su Zhan didn't speak, his face still expressionless, as if he wasn't surprised by this turn of events.


Ye Shuangluo couldn't help but shake his head. They were surrounded, yet he remained so calm. Was that a good thing or a bad thing?


He observed the five bizarre-looking individuals opposite them. They all seemed to be demons, each possessing some animal feature.


A young man with a wolf head and claws, a boy with deer antlers and snake scales, a girl with cat ears, a girl with swan wings, and a man with an elephant trunk.


Wait, an elephant trunk?


Ye Shuangluo was shocked as he looked at the man with the elephant trunk.


He had thought Ye Xiong's father was already invincible, but someone even more formidable had appeared. Whose subordinate was this?


"How is my brother?"


The boy with deer antlers and snake scales suddenly asked, his tone familiar as if he and Su Zhan were old acquaintances.


Ye Shuangluo curiously looked at the boy. Deer antlers and snake scales indicated he was likely born of a dragon and a human.


Could this be the Overturning Sea General's younger brother? Wasn't his mother devoured by him at birth?


Although Su Zhan hadn't known Ye Shuangluo for long, he knew the latter was a curious person. He directly satisfied his curiosity.


"This is that freak's half-sister."




The "boy" with dragon horns not only looked cute but also had a standard young boy's voice, and…


Ye Shuangluo looked at the flat chest of the "boy" with dragon horns and felt it was normal not to realize she was a girl.


"Bug, where are your eyes looking?"


The dragon-horned girl's tone turned icy, clearly offended by Ye Shuangluo's behavior.


She powered up her left leg and charged at Ye Shuangluo, her snake-scaled left hand clenched into a fist, intending to punch the offending bug to death.




Naturally, Su Zhan wouldn't let her harm his teammate in front of him. He drew his sword and slashed.


The dragon-horned girl's fist collided with Su Zhan's Red Flame Demon Blade, and she was sent flying by a tremendous force.


Su Zhan calmly instructed Ye Shuangluo behind him, "The battle is about to begin. I might not be able to look after you. Be careful and hold on as long as you can."


The battle was imminent.


Three girls simultaneously attacked Su Zhan.


The dragon-horned girl and the cat-eared girl engaged in close combat, while the swan-winged girl flew in the air, her feathers shooting at Su Zhan like arrows.


Clang, clang, clang!


Su Zhan's Red Flame Demon Blade moved at incredible speed, deflecting all the feathers.


As for the two in close combat, they were no match for him.


Su Zhan fought three at once, leaving the remaining two to Ye Shuangluo.


The wolf-man and the elephant-trunk man looked at him disdainfully. An unknown nobody dared to oppose them? Truly ignorant.


Ye Shuangluo drew Mortal Kill and activated the Blood Demon Armor's special effect "Blood Frenzy."


A familiar urge for destruction and slaughter surged in his heart. This time, he didn't suppress it because this battle required no restraint.


The elephant-trunk man and the red wolf-man sensed something was wrong. Their beast instincts were screaming warnings.


"Something's off with this kid. Attack together."


The elephant-trunk man and the red wolf-man attacked first. The wolf claws came from the left, and the elephant trunk swung from the right.


Ye Shuangluo gripped his sword with one hand, blocking the red wolf-man's claw and taking the elephant trunk's hit with his body.


The elephant-trunk man realized something was wrong, but it was too late. After taking the hit, Ye Shuangluo grabbed his trunk with lightning speed, pulling him close.


The red wolf-man tried to intervene, but as soon as he touched Mortal Kill, the ice element froze his wolf claw.


He tried to thaw it, but a strong wind element pushed him away. In the few seconds he tried to thaw and approach again, the elephant-trunk man was already pulled in front of Ye Shuangluo.




Ye Shuangluo grabbed the elephant trunk with one hand and repeatedly smashed it with wind and ice elements, breaking the trunk.


The elephant-trunk man felt dizzy and staggered back, collapsing to the ground.




With a swift kick, Ye Shuangluo struck his head, knocking him down. He then mercilessly mounted him, punching him repeatedly.


By the time the red wolf-man arrived, the elephant-trunk man was barely breathing, clearly dead.


The red wolf-man couldn't believe it. Demons had strong vitality, and the elephant-trunk man was among the best.


But this formidable companion had been beaten to death by a human they had looked down upon.


Fear crept over the red wolf-man, more intense than when he had faced a tiger at birth.


He wanted to flee but knew exposing his back to the enemy was foolish.


So he attacked Ye Shuangluo, who was still on the elephant-trunk man, with a wolf claw.


Caught off guard, Ye Shuangluo was sent flying. The red wolf-man didn't relax, keeping his eyes on the human boy he had just struck.


Ye Shuangluo slowly stood up, tilted his head, and asked with a kind smile, "Little red dog, didn't you eat?"




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