Chapter 36 – Freeload successful

The previous Fate Master of Breaker Star was personally killed by an Immortal.

This news hit Ye Shuangluo like a bomb, leaving him stunned.

“Why did that Immortal kill the previous Fate Master of Breaker Star?”

Su Zhan didn’t answer the question. He simply returned to his desk and continued practicing calligraphy, stroke by stroke.

After a while, he finally spoke without lifting his head:

“If you want to restore Breaker Star to its former glory… it’s quite difficult. But if you just want it to be less dim, then you only need to keep fighting and winning.”

Su Zhan initially wanted to say it was impossible, but he chose a more tactful approach in the end.

Ye Shuangluo tilted his head. Was this an evasive answer?

But it didn’t really matter. After all, he came here to find out why Breaker Star had become so dim.

Now he not only knew the reason but also how to help Breaker Star. That was enough.

Besides, how the previous Fate Master died wasn’t that important to him.

So Ye Shuangluo bid farewell to Su Zhan and left.

After he left, Su Zhan sighed.

Why did the Immortal kill the previous Fate Master of Breaker Star? Of course, he knew the answer.

But how could he tell Ye Shuangluo that the Immortal did it to turn that person into the commander of the Ghost Legion?

With a great battle looming, he couldn’t let anyone under his command know about this, to avoid demoralizing them before the fight even began.


Su Zhan looked up at the dim Breaker Star and sighed deeply. As the Fate Master of Seven Kills Star, Breaker Star’s current state also affected him significantly.

After all, “Seven Kills, Greedy Wolf, Breaker Star” always shared the same fate.

Thinking of the method His Highness had told him before leaving, he couldn’t help but shake his head.

To restore Breaker Star’s former glory, the current Fate Master would need to kill the previous one in a one-on-one duel.

But this was too difficult. Even Su Zhan couldn’t gain any advantage in a duel with that person, let alone Ye Shuangluo.

So Su Zhan didn’t plan to tell Ye Shuangluo. He feared the young man might do something reckless.

After leaving the Rebels’ base in the capital, Ye Shuangluo began searching for combat targets in the city.

Su Zhan had already told him that continuous fighting and winning could improve Breaker Star’s condition.

Since that was the case, he would find someone to fight.

He glanced at the achievement interface. If possible, he also wanted to complete this achievement.

[Demon Slayer]

[Progress: 1/5]

Since arriving in this world, he had only encountered three demons: the twins and Ye Xiong.

Thinking of this, Ye Shuangluo suddenly remembered the twins. They were no longer his quest objective and could be dealt with.

So he quietly approached the city gate, only to find that the birthday gifts had already been taken away.

This disappointed him, but he quickly regained his spirits.

Since he couldn’t increase the progress of the Demon Slayer achievement, he might as well try to complete another one.

[Gourmet Hunter (Eat five kinds of special delicacies)]

[Progress: 3/5]

Regarding this achievement, Ye Shuangluo didn’t think it was very difficult. This was the capital, the place with the most dignitaries and nobles.

The meat of magical creatures was so delicious that he didn’t believe the nobles of this world could resist such culinary temptations.

Although he couldn’t find those magical creatures, he could find people who ate their meat.

Ren Tianxing was a well-known wealthy merchant in the capital, with many high-ranking officials as his drinking buddies.

Even in front of the emperor, he was not an unknown figure.

But now, this wealthy merchant was sitting at his dining table as if on pins and needles.

Because there was a knife on the table, and beside it sat a young man in blood-red armor.

“Uncle, don’t be nervous. I’m just here for a meal. I’ll leave after I eat.”

Ren Tianxing didn’t speak, silently vowing to strengthen his household’s defenses in the future.

Just a moment ago, he was eating and drinking with a girl, planning to kiss her and have a drink.

With a crash, the bodyguard he had hired at great expense was sent flying, smashing the table.

Then this young man walked in, swaggered over, and sat beside him, demanding rare ingredients for a meal.

Although Ren Tianxing looked kind and gentle, he had been a ruthless character in his early years and naturally wouldn’t comply easily.

Moreover, he had faced the emperor before and wasn’t easily flustered.

So he slammed the table, intending to call for someone to deal with the intruding young man.

But the young man merely glanced at him and said something that froze him in place.

“Don’t bother. I’ve taken down all your guards and bodyguards. Even if you smash the table, no one will come to save you.”

Hearing this, Ren Tianxing threw the woman in his arms aside and stumbled out.

Then he saw the guards and servants piled up like a small hill in the garden.

So the wealthy merchant returned to the living room with a gloomy face, choosing to comply with Ye Shuangluo’s demands.

Since his chef was also among the pile of people, he decided to cook himself.

Picking up the pots and pans he hadn’t touched in 20 years, he took out the rare ingredients delivered just yesterday and prepared a feast for the young man, personally serving it at the table.

“This is a black mountain goat that lived for 150 years. It has been running since birth, so its legs are particularly strong, the best meat on its body.

This dish is an ink spirit chicken that lived for 18 years and 88 days. According to numerous tests, it tastes the best when slaughtered on this day.


Ren Tianxing carefully introduced all the dishes on the table, constantly observing the young man’s expression.

Fortunately, the young man seemed very satisfied. Ignoring the introductions, he started eating right away.

“Mm… not bad. I didn’t expect someone so wealthy to cook so well.”

Ye Shuangluo chewed the black mountain goat’s leg meat slowly. The meat was tender and had a grassy aroma despite being meat.

He enjoyed both the taste of meat and the freshness of vegetables. Not bad at all.

[Congratulations on eating a special delicacy]

[Progress +1 (4/5)]

After finishing the black mountain goat’s leg, Ye Shuangluo picked up the ink spirit chicken and started gnawing on it.

The chicken meat melted in his mouth, and the bones were so soft they almost dissolved with a single suck.

In just 20 breaths, he had devoured the entire chicken.

Ren Tianxing was dumbfounded. This guy ate too fast, like a starving ghost reincarnated.

[Congratulations on eating a special delicacy, progress +1]

[Congratulations on achieving: “Gourmet Hunter”]

[Would you like to claim your achievement reward?]

Ye Shuangluo chose “No” for now. Claiming the reward here was too risky. If he suddenly passed out after claiming it, he’d be in big trouble.

Standing up and stretching, Ye Shuangluo smiled and said:

“Thanks for the meal. If I get the chance, I’ll definitely repay you.”

Ren Tianxing shook his head, indicating it wasn’t necessary.

“If you really want to repay me, then just never appear in front of me again.”

Of course, he only dared to say this in his heart. Besides, he felt that as a wealthy man, he would never need the young man’s repayment.

Ye Shuangluo smiled, guessing what Ren Tianxing was thinking, but he didn’t care. He had achieved his goal.

As for why he chose Ren Tianxing’s house?

There was no special reason. He didn’t know the man; he just wanted to freeload a meal.

Ren Tianxing’s mansion was the closest to his inn and looked extremely luxurious, indicating that its residents were either rich or noble.

Returning to the inn, Ye Shuangluo eagerly opened the achievement interface and chose to claim his reward.

[Congratulations on receiving the reward: Self-Devour (Skill)]




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