Category: Supreme Alchemist of the Heavenly Domain

The once revered Alchemy Emperor returns to his fifteenth year. In this lifetime, he not only seeks to rectify all past regrets but also aims to achieve the pinnacle of martial arts!

Compared to cultivation techniques? My lackeys have divine-level technique in hands.

Compared to elixirs? My top-tier elixirs are fit only for feeding dogs.

Talents? Any genius who encounters me will find their fate crushed!

Prosper under my lead, oppose me and meet your demise!

support me and read 20 more chapters

  • Chapter 32 – Can still be salvaged

    Alchemist Qian left the room, leaving Terra Su alone with nothing to do. He sat in the room, sipping tea while waiting for Alchemist Qian to return. Not long after, the door suddenly burst open with a loud “bang.” A person dressed as an alchemy apprentice rushed in hastily and asked urgently, “Where is Lord…

  • Chapter 31 – Alchemy Guild

    Actually, it wasn’t that Alchemist Qian was too foolish, but rather that alchemists would habitually choose mature Blue Stools, never considering the immature ones. In reality, the medicinal properties of mature and immature Blue Stools are almost identical. The only difference is that mature Blue Stools contain a special substance that conflicts with Little Jade…

  • Chapter 30 – The wise learn from the teachings

    “Has Terra Su gone mad? Or is he drunk and spouting nonsense?” “It’s fine if he offends the Alchemist himself, but he better not drag our Jiang Family into this!” Robert Jiang’s face turned ashen. He never imagined that Terra Su would say something like this. With a dark expression, he looked towards Terra Su…

  • Chapter 29 – Why are you shaking your head?

    “Yes,” Alchemist Qian nodded, “First question: why is preheating the alchemy furnace necessary before starting the alchemy process?” “Preheating the furnace before alchemy ensures that the alchemy furnace is ready, preventing difficulties in material fusion during the actual alchemy process,” Timothy Jiang quickly answered. Alchemist Qian nodded in satisfaction, “Second question: why is fire attribute…

  • Chapter 28 – Alchemist Qian’s problem

    Sophia Xu saw his determination and could only suppress her worries as the three of them headed towards the Jiang Family banquet hall. On the way, Terra Su heard Sophia Xu cough several times and asked, “Aunt, is your old injury acting up again?” Sophia Xu covered her mouth and coughed again, shaking her head,…

  • Chapter 27 – Apprenticeship banquet

    As an elixir used to aid cultivation, the Minor Origin Elixir contains denser Spiritual Qi than the outside world. Consuming it can increase cultivation speed, making it a highly coveted elixir among all martial practitioners. In Clear River City, there are hundreds of thousands of ordinary martial practitioners who find it extremely difficult to obtain…

  • Chapter 26 – Past events

    Emma Jiang thought for a moment, “I don’t know. When you first arrived in Clear River City, I thought you were far inferior to Miles Ye.” “Miles Ye?” Terra Su chuckled, “And now?” Emma Jiang shook her head, “I don’t know. But I’m really disappointed in Miles Ye. I used to think he was a…

  • Chapter 25 – Thank you, Terra Su

    “That place is a cave twenty li northwest of Clear River City…” Terra Su indeed provided a location and even thoughtfully drew a map, fearing Otto Jiang and the others might not find it. “However, I visited that cave a year ago. It seems to have collapsed now. The Patriarch’s Seal is hidden in the…

  • Chapter 24 – The Secret of the Great Seal

    Swish! Robert Jiang had already taken several steps forward, but upon hearing those words, his footsteps came to an abrupt halt. Further away, Otto Jiang’s gaze shot over like a sharp arrow! “The Patriarch’s Seal?” Otto strode over, his eyes fixed intently on Terra Su, as if trying to bore holes into Terra’s face. “You…

  • Chapter 23 – Patriarch’s Seal

    “Wang Sheng from the Wang Family?” Sophia Xu stepped back in disbelief, as if struck by a bolt from the blue, “Have you lost your minds?” “What kind of person is Wang Sheng?” Sophia’s entire body trembled with rage, “He’s a despicable brute born with deformities and a dark, violent nature! And you want to…

  • Chapter 22 – Engagement

    Stewart Jiang’s face was a picture of shock, disbelief etched into his features as he looked down at the broken half of his sword in his hand, murmuring, “I lost? How is that possible?” No wonder he was so astonished. Terra Su’s sword technique, the Seven Waves, had contained seven layers of force, each more…

  • Chapter 21 – Shocking the audience

    “What kind of martial technique is this? How can it be so domineering?” Timothy Jiang was shocked to his core. The sword technique Terra Su was using was so powerful that it didn’t seem like a Normal Grade low-tier sword technique at all! Could it be a Normal Grade mid-tier sword technique? But Timothy Jiang…

  • Chapter 20 – The power of Waves Stacking Slash

    As Terra Su’s words fell, a chill swept through the crowd. It was well known that the first and third branches together received forty Minor Origin Elixirs each month, totaling four hundred and eighty in a year. Not to mention over three or five years… The wager Terra Su proposed was ruthlessly steep, aiming to…

  • Chapter 19 – Huge bet

    At this moment, the martial contest between Stewart Jiang and Emma Jiang commenced on the field. Both competitors burst forth with the full might of the ninth level of the Inducing Qi Realm, engaging in fierce combat. Stewart wielded a Normal Grade low-tier boxing technique, while Emma countered with a Normal Grade low-tier finger technique.…

  • Chapter 18 – Competition determines resources

    “Hehe,” Otto Jiang chuckled upon hearing these words, unfazed. He simply smiled, flicked open his folding fan, and spoke with deliberate slowness, “Second sister-in-law, there’s no need to rush. We have our reasons for making such a decision.” “Firstly, as a woman, you shouldn’t be as exposed as us men, fighting for the Jiang Family’s…

  • Chapter 17 – Have some shame!

    “I always said that Terra Su attending our Jiang Family clan meeting is just asking for humiliation…” “Allowing an outsider to enter the meeting was already generous enough, and yet he’s picky. In my opinion, that miscellaneous table should have been prepared for him, haha…” Listening to the side branch family members’ discussions rising and…

  • Chapter 16 – Publicly humiliate

    Listening to their words, Sophia Xu’s expression changed repeatedly, and had it not been for her haste to attend the clan meeting at the council hall, she would have ordered these fools to be tied up and whipped on the spot. It was Terra Su who spoke softly, “Auntie, why bother with the ignorant? Don’t…

  • Chapter 15 – Waves Stacking Slash

    Sophia Xu left, and Terra Su began his cultivation. With three days left until the Jiang Family clan meeting, Terra Su planned to use this time to cultivate a martial technique. During his time at the Orthodox One Sect, he had cultivated several martial techniques. However, those techniques now seemed too weak and had limited…

  • Chapter 14 – Jiang Family Gathering

    “Young Master Su, this way please!” Qin Shopkeeper, with utmost respect, led Terra Su to the entrance of the VIP room. Terra Su glanced thoughtfully at Qin Shopkeeper before stepping into the VIP room. The VIP room was much more spacious than the Guest room, luxuriously decorated with a touch of elegance. A gentle breeze…

  • Chapter 13 – Attitude change greatly

    “Who’s causing trouble?” Qin Shopkeeper asked his attendant on the way to the Guest room. “Reporting to Shopkeeper Qin, it’s Miss Olivia Wang from the Wang Family hosting Young Master Miles Ye, and they’ve invited some other young masters and misses from various families. It seems the trouble started because an unknown nobody offended them.”…