Category: Supreme Alchemist of the Heavenly Domain

The once revered Alchemy Emperor returns to his fifteenth year. In this lifetime, he not only seeks to rectify all past regrets but also aims to achieve the pinnacle of martial arts!

Compared to cultivation techniques? My lackeys have divine-level technique in hands.

Compared to elixirs? My top-tier elixirs are fit only for feeding dogs.

Talents? Any genius who encounters me will find their fate crushed!

Prosper under my lead, oppose me and meet your demise!

support me and read 20 more chapters

  • Chapter 51 – Open your eyes wide and take a good look

    Terra Su remained unfazed and looked at Manager Min, “Manager Min, I’m offering double the price for the Snake Blood Ginseng. Is Five Treasures Hall still going to refuse me?” Envoy Feng sneered coldly, “Manager Min, dare to sell it to him and see what happens.” Manager Min looked at the two, caught in a…

  • Chapter 50 – The strong ones from the imperial capital come

    “Young Master, I’ll have someone prepare a VIP pass for you right away. May I ask your surname?” The steward asked Terra Su courteously as he led him into the Five Treasures Hall. “My surname is Su,” Terra Su replied calmly. The attitude of the Five Treasures Hall was exactly as he had expected. If…

  • Chapter 49 – VIP pass

    “These days, I’ll make sure Emma doesn’t eat anything from the family. I’ll personally buy all her food from outside,” Sophia Xu quickly calmed down. A woman becomes strong for her child, and now that someone was plotting against her daughter, she wouldn’t let them get away with it. “However, on the day of the…

  • Chapter 48 – Admission spot to Tianyue Academy

    Terra could tell that Sophia had been living quite comfortably recently. Her old injuries no longer flared up, and with the five hundred Minor Origin Elixirs Terra had given her, she had no worries about cultivation resources for the time being. Sophia scrutinized Terra closely, her delicate brows furrowing slightly. She felt that Terra seemed…

  • Chapter 47 – Ten days later, at the southern duel platform

    Terra Su said, “Who said I have an obligation to treat the people of the Wang Family? Even if your brother dies, what does that have to do with me?” “Terra Su!” Olivia Wang screamed, “You’re still trying to shirk responsibility here? If it weren’t for your refusal to save him, how would my brother…

  • Chapter 46 – Condensing Origin Realm

    Although Terra Su had no prior experience in breaking through to the Condensing Origin Realm, the Primal Five Elements Lotus he had just consumed provided immense assistance. The True Qi generated by the Primal Five Elements Lotus was so abundant that his Dantian couldn’t contain it all, causing the True Qi to almost automatically compress…

  • Chapter 45 – Primal Five Elements Lotus

    Fortunately, the elixir found on the young master of the Iron Armor Gate was of decent quality. Terra Su's injuries were healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.   The True Qi in his Dantian was also gradually replenishing under the effect of the elixir.   Terra Su meditated for an entire…

  • Chapter 44 – Kill the half-step Condensing Origin Realm strong

    Terra Su swung the Cang Hai Sword without hesitation, aiming to block the powerful double palm strikes from the man in black. Bang! Bang! Bang! The man in black’s palms continuously struck Terra Su’s long sword, each hit landing heavily on the blade, producing a piercing clashing sound, like two metal blocks colliding. However, what…

  • Chapter 43 – Who is the prey

    Terra Su shrugged his shoulders. "Congratulations, you guessed right. But there's no reward, because all of you are going to die."   For those who wanted to kill him, Terra Su never had any reason to spare them. No matter who they were or what background they had, they had to die!   "Kid, have…

  • Chapter 42 – Young Master of Iron Armor Gate

    One hour later.   A powerful gust of wind suddenly surged around Terra Su, like a small tornado, stirring up dust and debris in all directions.   His eyes snapped open, faint lightning flickering within them, releasing an invisible yet formidable pressure.   "Finally, I've broken through to the tenth layer of the Inducing Qi…

  • Chapter 41 – Jade Fruits

    “One Sword, Seven Waves!” With Terra Su’s ninth layer of the Inducing Qi Realm strength, combined with the Waves Stacking Slash at the Seven Waves level, killing a Monster Beast of the same realm was no problem at all. Let alone four Martial Practitioners at the eighth layer of the Inducing Qi Realm—it was like…

  • Chapter 40 – Dare to provoke our Iron Armor Gate

    In just a short while, three disheveled young men came running out of the forest not far from Terra Su, with a group of fierce Martial Practitioners hot on their heels. “Chase them!” “Snatch the Mystic Jade Fruits from their hands!” “How dare they steal the Mystic Jade Fruits that our Iron Armor Gate had…

  • Chapter 39 – Ninth layer of the Inducing Qi Realm

    “Excellent!” Terra Su’s lips curled into a smile. He knew that the Iron-Tailed Leopard’s tail was the hardest part of its body, and the beast heavily relied on it in battle. Injuring its tail was akin to injuring a human martial practitioner’s arm. Even though Terra Su hadn’t fully executed the “Waves Stacking Slash,” its…

  • Chapter 38 – Rising Sun Mountains

    After returning to the Jiang Family, Terra Su first went to find Sophia Xu and handed her the Hundred-Year Yang Pill. Terra didn’t say much to Sophia, only telling her to take the pill. Trusting Terra completely, Sophia did as he instructed without hesitation. Watching Sophia take the Hundred-Year Yang Pill, Terra finally felt a…

  • Chapter 37 – Merciless rejection

    “Fine, fine!” Master Mo, who had always held an exalted position, had never been so openly contradicted. His old face trembled with anger as he rebuked, “You simply don’t recognize a good heart! Let me tell you right here, what you ask is beyond my capabilities. Only Young Master Su can do it. If you…

  • Chapter 36 – Nightshade Flower poison

    The middle-aged commoner, hearing this, turned ashen and pleaded, “Master Alchemist, could you… could you treat both of them together? Heal the young master and my son at the same time. I… I only have this one son, I don’t want him to die…” “No way!” Olivia Wang immediately interrupted, “How can you focus on…

  • Chapter 35 – Honorary guest elder

    After the elixir is refined, it is classified into star levels based on its quality. If the elixir meets a general standard, it is rated ten stars. Beyond ten stars, there are eleven stars, twelve stars, and so on, but it generally does not exceed twenty stars. If an elixir is rated below nine stars,…

  • Chapter 34 – Twelve Star Elixir

    “Is it you? It really is you!” Master Mo was incredibly excited. Back then, he only knew that the young man who healed his injuries was named Terra Su, but no matter how he investigated, he couldn’t find any family in Clear River City with a boy named Terra Su. He was about to give…

  • Chapter 33 – Completely taken aback

    “Simple, just add three qian of Copper Crystal Sand,” Terra Su said directly, knowing that Master Mo was anxious and didn’t want to beat around the bush. Upon hearing this, Master Mo immediately rushed to a cabinet like a whirlwind. With a dexterity that belied his age, he opened a drawer, grabbed a packet of…

  • Chapter 32 – Can still be salvaged

    Alchemist Qian left the room, leaving Terra Su alone with nothing to do. He sat in the room, sipping tea while waiting for Alchemist Qian to return. Not long after, the door suddenly burst open with a loud “bang.” A person dressed as an alchemy apprentice rushed in hastily and asked urgently, “Where is Lord…