Vol.1 – Chapter 34 – Sea Covering Realm’s great demon does not have Dick!

The Golden Throne Hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Seven young supremes cast their scrutinizing gazes, carefully observing the young man with his eyes covered by a black silk cloth.

“A mortal,” Duan Wuchou said indifferently.

Jian Wentian shook his head, “Not even worth drawing my sword for. So weak that a breath could turn him to dust.”

Only Wang Teng maintained his composure, smiling as he said, “Minister Meng Qin is indeed handsome. No wonder the Empress favors him so.”

As he spoke, a deep-seated killing intent flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes.

Ever since he saw the Empress’s peerless beauty, Wang Teng had been completely captivated. Even if it wasn’t for the Great Qian Dynasty, he would still be willing to give everything to pursue her.

“Such sarcasm. Are you the Minister of War for the Great Qian Dynasty or the Chief Eunuch?” Sun Baisheng sneered.

The court officials of Great Jin were equally astonished, exchanging glances and whispering among themselves:

“Meng Qin is so unlucky. He probably doesn’t even know that the envoys from the Big Column Kingdom and other nations are targeting him.”

“I’ve always said that a third-rank official without any foundation will eventually lose his head.”

“Meng Qin has lived enough. To enjoy the Empress’s favor, he can die without regret.”

Everyone thought Meng Qingzhou was doomed and clueless about the situation.

Most were gloating over his misfortune.

Relying on looks to win the Emperor’s favor would inevitably become a hidden danger and should be eliminated as soon as possible for the benefit of the Great Jin Dynasty.

Qin Fenghuo secretly cursed, scolding in a low voice, “Everyone, shut up!!”

It’s over!

Meng Qin is actually Meng Qingzhou! Damn it, this is a disaster!

“Old fool, why didn’t you remind me!” Qin Fenghuo glared, sending a message to Jiang Canghai.

Jiang Canghai rolled his eyes, “You didn’t tell me you’d pull this stunt. Who could have guessed?”

Qin Fenghuo patted his forehead, recalling the expressions of the officials on Cool Breeze Mountain, who wanted to laugh but didn’t dare. Everything made sense now.

“You bunch of idiots! Stop kneeling and get up!” Qin Fenghuo looked at the group of military officers kneeling on the ground, angrily scolding them.

The military officers were baffled, not understanding why Qin Fenghuo was so furious, but they obediently stood up.

“At ease,” Dongfang Liuli said, quite surprised. She hadn’t expected Meng Qingzhou to come, and under the guise of Meng Qin no less.

For some reason, seeing Meng Qingzhou made the killing intent in the Empress’s heart gradually cool down.

Dongfang Liuli glanced at Huang Hao, the third leader of the Five Spirit Clan, and then gave Jiang Canghai a meaningful look.

Jiang Canghai nodded, his eyes cold.

The Empress’s birthday banquet was a day of national celebration, not suitable for bloodshed. Afterward, they could settle accounts.

Anyone who dared to insult the Emperor of Great Jin, no matter who they were, had to die.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Meng Qingzhou, leaning on his blind cane, leisurely walked towards the line of civil officials, feeling rather melancholic.

Reflecting on his time since traveling to this world, he had tried his best to develop stealthily, avoiding getting involved in the main storyline as much as possible.

Unexpectedly, he couldn’t escape in the end.

Half an hour ago, Meng Qingzhou had used a rarely employed eavesdropping divine power and learned that he had unknowingly landed on General Qin Fenghuo’s blacklist.

He was also slandered by the court officials and common people for having an affair with the Empress…

“Don’t let me find out who’s spreading these rumors, or I’ll tear them to pieces,” Meng Qingzhou ground his teeth in frustration.

Having an affair with the Empress? What nonsense!

Who knows if the Empress had a screw loose, traveling all the way to Present Village, dragging him back to the capital, and then hurriedly giving him a third-rank official title.

And these young supremes, thinking the Empress was a pushover, letting them bully her?


The Empress of Great Jin was the biggest villain in the early to mid-stages of the novel. Even if you side characters and extras banded together, you wouldn’t be enough for her to kill.

Knowing he couldn’t avoid it, Meng Qingzhou reluctantly left the Qin residence and came to the palace.

“You must be Meng Qin?” Huang Hao crossed his arms, looking down at him with disdain, sneering, “So you’re a blind man, with no spiritual power at all. Just a mortal. It’s no wonder the Great Jin Dynasty is in decline for employing someone like you.”

Meng Qingzhou turned back, smiling politely, “And you are?”

Huang Hao raised his chin arrogantly, “I am Huang Hao, the third leader of the Five Spirit Clan. Knowing my name is the greatest honor of your life.”

“So it’s you!” Meng Qingzhou exclaimed in realization.

“I once traveled far and wide and heard a rumor about a big shot in the Five Spirit Clan, greedy and lustful, with a penchant for other men’s wives, especially those of his friends and relatives.”

“He was hunted by his clan for decades, and even his second brother’s arm was cut off by a defective immortal-grade spiritual treasure, which couldn’t be healed by any heavenly medicine.”

Meng Qingzhou sighed, “That big shot turned his grief into strength, severed all emotions and desires, focused on cultivation, and rose to power, earning back the respect of his clan. Coincidentally, his name was also Huang Hao.”

“Cutting off his brother’s arm to prove his resolve, truly a hero. I admire him.”

As he spoke, Meng Qingzhou gave a thumbs up, his face full of mockery, raising his eyebrows at Huang Hao.

Kid, you had countless ways to confront me, yet you chose the hardest one.

When it comes to verbal sparring, I’ve always been undefeated.

“Youngster, what nonsense are you spouting? Huang Daoyou is not…” Duan Wuchou frowned, starting to reprimand but suddenly noticed Huang Hao’s ugly expression, swallowing his words.

Duan Wuchou coughed, looking at Huang Hao, tentatively asking, “Could it be…”

“Rubbish! Utter nonsense!” Huang Hao interrupted angrily, “You dare slander me? Do you think I won’t kill you?”

Duan Wuchou breathed a sigh of relief, smiling, “Huang Daoyou is a hero, with unfathomable cultivation. How could he be a despicable person?”

Sun Baisheng, with his sharp tongue, mocked, “Is the Great Jin Dynasty so desperate? They dare entrust such a brat with important duties?”

The other young supremes remained silent, their eyes full of disdain.

In the vast Great Jin Dynasty, the only one they truly respected was the Empress, Dongfang Liuli.

A civil official of Great Jin felt humiliated and couldn’t help but speak up, “Minister Meng, know your place! Spouting nonsense can easily cause conflict.”

Meng Qingzhou smiled, about to speak.


A figure as fast as lightning appeared before Huang Hao. The person bent down, grabbing Huang Hao’s crotch with a dragon claw hand.

Then, a thunderous laugh erupted:


“A mighty Sea Covering Realm demon, the third leader of the Five Spirit Clan, has no balls! And you call yourself a hero? I spit on you!”

Everyone was dumbfounded, the seven young supremes gaping in shock.

Even the Empress’s mouth twitched, struggling to maintain her composure and not laugh.

Huang Hao looked down in shock, seeing a large hand gripping his empty crotch. Standing before him was the towering figure of General Qin Fenghuo.


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